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Hope you have fun as a regular player now, otherwise take a well deserved break!

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Man! We gun miss you! Take care and you deserve all the rest

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I have a bad feeling that we’re gonna flop again and need Korvic to save the day. Hopefully he comes back with a list of demands.

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I’ll never forget the first time we met – in the Renelia tournament, you were super chill to me, and I really respected that, talking to you from time to time about weird things, even yesterday at the survival server, you had me pop one or two chuckles; you’re different from other people that have been in your position, you’re like us, the players, you’re human and you take the time to talk with those around you – I’m deeply thankful for what you provided us with, I know it was a hell, narrowing down the causes of the lag, and fixing issue after issue that would come up, you leave the whole community satisfied and I believe you should be as proud as ever of your service, we need people like you. We need heroes!

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I’d rather have you over the monkey they chose to prioritize. A terrible mistake. Enjoy your escape, Korvic. 

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2 hours ago, Korvic said:

Hey everyone! I know most people already know, but just wanted to post that the box transfer is complete and functional. It’s not perfect, but it’s definitely an improvement as a whole. We’ve currently got one lobby and the war server running alongside the main server, so there shouldn’t be any noticeable change to your day-to-day experience. In regards to 1.15, the data is all there and ready to go. The old box just needs to be flushed so the extra servers (Dev, Build, Lobbies, etc) can be installed there, then 1.15 should be clear for take-off!


I, however, will not be pushing it myself. I’ve put my best foot forward for all of this to be met with despondence and little to no communication for months on end when we needed it most. Everything has been rushed- including me being thrown a red tag simply for being the last man standing. I’ve made it abundantly clear that I did not want to be the only dev, and that I do not support the current server lead, nor the direction being pushed. Spending volunteer time for someone I do not support does not make sense.


The server is in a stable state, and that’s the job I wanted to finish for the community. The 1.15 update is present and ready to go for LotC, no questions asked, but I will not push an update that I’m not going to maintain. That wouldn’t be fair to all of you if it ended up having issues and no one to fix them. It is time for me to rest after spending the entire 1.14 version putting out fires while trying to improve the experience for the players. GGs, everyone.




Impeachment GIF


Welcome back the Community @Korvic and to the ex-red tags.

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2 hours ago, Tha_Mystery_Man said:

If only people knew the truth of why Korvic was leaving.


Godspeed my friend. Perhaps the masses will know one day...


And if they do. Mass hysteria will overtake the entirety of the forums, and ill consider hanging up my hat as well.

At this point, Korvic has been more useful to the community than Telanir has. You know the server is having its decline when the lone Dev that brought the server back resigned after doing what he had to, that’s what heroes do. I’m interested to hear about the truth though.

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Thank you for your service Korvic.

You kept the server together and everyones spirits aswell.

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The hero left us a gift before leaving. Thank you for helping the server man

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Telanir once again driving away his only desire, when is he going to reaogn

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Down with tyrant Gods, WE NEED THE MAN OF THE PEOPLE BACK.

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      How do we get there? How did you get here, by the way?' [Will asked].
      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
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