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The Void Project




If you don’t read anything else of this, here’s what you need to know: We have changed some of the function of the void, including the details of voidal connection, tells, and casting. These changes are somewhat listed below, but primarily in their lore post, Voidal Connection, which can be found at the bottom. Starting tomorrow, there will be a one week grace period before these things are implemented. That means the day when these things will begin being enforced compared to the old lore is the 22nd of February. Mark it, and make sure you read the lore.  Ignorance is not a viable reason to RP the lore incorrectly. Edit: Please note that we will be making adjustments to the lore based on feedback that has been given so far. Thank you to those that have raised concerns in a constructive manner, we are writing up a list of the issues and are coming up with ideas on how to address them.



Hello everyone. I’d like to announce, and formally introduce, the Void Project. Or, rather, more aptly, the Voidal Overhaul. About two months ago, I became the lead on the Void project when Zarsies left the team. To the best of my ability, I carried out the foundation of what was there when the project fell into my lap. I suggest everyone read over those relevant documents, which can now be found in the lore forums. However, I’ll give a summary of what we covered, changed, and added.


Several new, interactive concepts have been added. This comes in the form of Heaths and Reagents. Heaths are new, interactive environments, land corrupted and influenced by the void. We created several concepts, all fully fleshed out, we'll be testing them by implementing just one, for now: the Shifting Dunes. The exact details of the Heath, and all others, can be found on the relevant post. These Heaths are locations for the gathering of specific Reagents. Reagents, as a concept, are interactive and harvestable, voidally manipulated natural resources. More information on them, and the specifics, can be found on the relevant post.


New details, adjustments, red lines, and other things have been brought to voidal magic and voidal connection. The exact specifics of that can be found on the new Voidal Connection post, but the changes are enough that I recommend every player involved with voidal lore take a look. Ignorance of these new changes is not an excuse for powergaming or otherwise, though not much has really changed beyond some balancing and a few aesthetic changes. Please take a look.


Additionally, a lore post describing exactly why these changes have taken place and the state of the realm has been posted as well. I recommend giving that a read, if world lore is of interest to you. However, I would like to remind everyone that metagaming this sort of knowledge, or anything else from the above lore, is in bad taste and against the spirit of things.


I hope these changes and additions are favorable to the majority of you. We’ve done our best over the two months to write quality, balanced, and interactive lore, most of which any player can become involved with. My DMs are open for questions, for those of you who have them.


Additionally, I’d like to thank those who have been on this adventure with me. Mystery, Dardonas, Mordu, Sorcerio, Toxcat, and Ulmo, have all played important roles in the writing process, each writing and working on a different part of this large project. Wouldn’t have been able to do it without y’all. In particular, I’d like to thank Zarsies, for their vision that helped lay out everything we had to get done with the project. Almost everything below that we have created can be traced back to Zarsies’ leadership.


Happy roleplaying.


- Archipelego



Background Lore



Heath Lore



Reagent Lore



Voidal Connection Lore



Voidal Monoliths


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Thanks Tox. Make the Void great again.

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Bleh, just read the whole 

 post. It’s almost like you wish to kill off magic altogether. Cripple mages greatly, and not have anything decent to make up for it.

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Very cool rewrite, thanks for posting it this quick!

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The get around to taking a year to judge lore? Just force in lore. 


Always getting better. 

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Okay awesome fantastic wonderful splendid. 

So now voidal mages have to basically flail their arms in the air, glow as a rule, and might as well be shouting “I’M CASTING FIRE MAGIC AT YOU GET READY!”


While also being weak as noodles 


While also being unable to hold a weapon while connected!? 

In a server where I’m pretty sure people insist the rule is it takes a whole ass emote to draw a sword, but also takes a single emote to run 10 ******* blocks in an environment where fights are generally 20 blocks distance if the mage is lucky? 


I’m not throwing shade at tox I doubt he wrote the whole thing here or at least probably had to follow Flam’s “instructions”, but it seems to me that voidal magic was just nerfed to be even more useless than it already is in any given combat situation.


Added note. While connected you can only walk. Well what does that mean? I’ve heard people say you can move 10 blocks in one emote, or 5 blocks, and anything in between. Never really specified what walking speed vs running speed is or anything. 

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whenever I bothered using magic I used it with the support of other people, and tbh I kind of already used “both hands” to like, mime drawing back a bow to shoot arcanism at people regardless, so these changes don’t necessarily affect me too much, but also like.


i get u dont want sword mages but like its enough to say that an attempt to wield a weapon immediately shatters concentration u dont have to say “well now u cant even have a casting implement weapon”. but its also kinda whatever to me i guess.


can i have a path to rply stop being a voidal mage too btw in case in the future i actually play this game again and want to like actually rp out relinquishing my magic or something


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Truly this is a good day for non-void mages. 

Edited by Mavromino
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