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The Techlock Project


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i can’t believe archipelego of all people is the one to give me the ability to blow my brains out
holy shid

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16 hours ago, seannie said:

i like guns

i like you

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Guns will make CRP *aims and shoots* /roll.  This benefits no-one besides cowards who don’t want to learn how to actually break someone’s knee with a kneebar, or reposte a sword from someone’s sword

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Image result for orc gunslinger



on the real tho, the same ideas behind archery would apply to orcs for firearms. we’d shoot bigger and more powerfully because we could carry bigger weapons and munitions. 


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23 hours ago, PrinceJose270 said:

I feel like things are about to turn from Lord of the craft to War(hammer)craft. if they impliment guns, interesting


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3 hours ago, TheNanMan2000 said:

Guns will make CRP *aims and shoots* /roll.  This benefits no-one besides cowards who don’t want to learn how to actually break someone’s knee with a kneebar, or reposte a sword from someone’s sword




it’s text dude you’re not learning how to fight ****

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Can’t wait to have an AK-47 and airplanes



If techlock is actually removed, I think it’d be nicer if things were more gradual and at the same time not specifically follow the same progression of IRL, for example guns coming in before electricity. I think that some sort of high fantasy like flying ships to sail on floating islands could be cool too?

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3 hours ago, Man of Respect said:

Can’t wait to have an AK-47 and airplanes



If techlock is actually removed, I think it’d be nicer if things were more gradual and at the same time not specifically follow the same progression of IRL, for example guns coming in before electricity. I think that some sort of high fantasy like flying ships to sail on floating islands could be cool too?

clarification here. we aren’t removing the techlock, we’re clarifying it. we aren’t going to be adding electricity, or anything of the sort. the goal here is to actually preserve the setting of lotc by better defining every category of the techlock. if we have firearms of any kind, they’ll be very simple instruments with hard limits.

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Techlock on fidget spinners


One day we’ll get the satisfaction of LoTC slowly approaching modernity, it’ll be like living in a story where you will see the evolution of culture and society.. from medieval to steampunk to industrious


First off, sorry for almost double-posting, but please invite me to the chat for Medical Techlock ? I love medical rp but I definitely think some of it needs to go.

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12 minutes ago, Language said:

Techlock on fidget spinners


One day we’ll get the satisfaction of LoTC slowly approaching modernity, it’ll be like living in a story where you will see the evolution of culture and society.. from medieval to steampunk to industrious


First off, sorry for almost double-posting, but please invite me to the chat for Medical Techlock ? I love medical rp but I definitely think some of it needs to go.

discord isnt public yet, still getting things set up. when it is, another post will be made. expect it sometime this coming weekend.

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You’re going to want to do some research into what was around in the past. I mentioned it a moment ago in someone’s status update, but things like steam engines, cannons and even a prototype arquebus (made by a dwarf whose name I don’t recall anymore) existed in LotC’s 14th century (Aegis). Since then there has been a constant back and forth depending on who’s been at the top and what their vision for the canon and technology locks was. I think the top priority should be consistency with pre-established canon – this is, what has been allowed and role-played in the past and therefore cemented into the history of lord of the craft’s universe – with your future vision for the setting(s) of the server being second in the design process you will undertake.

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