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[✗] Patron Lore - Jinun


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Written by TheAlphaMoist for the Pantheon Project ™




After Iblees’ death, his successor and its patron, Arun’Asna, took a man, his name long forgotten to time, and elevated him in power to that of a Patron. Arun’Asna elevated his already present magical capabilities, and Iblees’ successor gave him a proper place within their realm. The man became Jinun, the Dark Fiend of Madness and Corruption.



Jinun exists as a coin with two sides, so to speak. The first side is seen in his deity’s realm, and it is a careless being of madness who acts on the spot and is entirely unpredictable.


The second side is seen when he manifests his avatar on the mortal plane. He becomes a monstrous entity with a ravenous appetite for cruelty. His favorite pastime in this form consists of torturing descendants with his horrific creations, which stalk his prey until they go mad with fear and paranoia. Should they choose not to play his games, he could either be quick to dispatch of them in any way he sees fit, or he could continue pressing on until they break. In this form, the only mercy he gives are to those who give in to the madness he inflicts, which he then warps into becoming his own worshipers, thus inherently growing his deity’s own following.



Jinun exists to broaden his deity’s wrathful nature against those who oppose her. He does this in two ways: the first by breaking down individual descendants at a psychological level, taking joy in particularly targeting those with stronger wills and mental fortitudes who otherwise would remain unswayed by the normal trials of life. Secondly, he corrupts environments and twists the mortal realm to his liking, with disastrous effects for those who once occupied these ecosystems.



Similar to Arun’Asna, Jinun is capable of manifesting himself on the mortal plane via apparition, voice, or both. He can only do this, however, to descendants who have been gifted with his Mark, which is represented by two stars conjoined together, with the same symbol placed upside down within the larger stars. Similarly, he can see through the eyes of individuals he has marked, and can also cause his followers to see through the eyes of other followers, however only briefly. At the current moment, those who choose to worship him are only affected in those ways. This may be changed with advances within the Pantheon Project ™


When manifesting via voice, he sounds akin to a manic, overly excited individual with a high pitched voice. His sentences often run together, and he commonly interrupts himself with laughter, even if nothing comical has been said or done.


Jinun is capable of using a substance known as Jinun’s Tar to create lifeforms and items. Along with this, this Tar is capable of corrupting environments. Within these environments, lesser creatures are driven mad and violent, and they can grow abnormal protrusions similar to tumors that alter their appearance. These creatures also possess a form of plague which spreads their affliction to healthy creatures.


In either of the two forms, Jinun possesses a unique ability to sense one’s mental state. Favoring those whose minds have already been plagued by mental illness, they are more often than not the subtle few he chooses to ignore all together, or outright offers the choice to join his following. That does not mean they are immune to his wrath, however, as he is just as likely to label a sane individual as prey as he is an insane individual who has, even slightly, disappointed him.


Current Location

To be discovered.


Purpose (OOC)

You’ll find out.




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Iblees isn’t dead. He was banished back again in athera psure, (don’t quote me on that though I was still in high school when that map was live). The backstory in general could use a bit more than just one paragraph; who is Arun’Asna? And why does he exist to her serve? Are there any reasons or motives? There are also places in this piece where it seems like you’ve assumed people will just connect the dots of what you're talking about and understand it. In order for any deity or patron to be utilized they have to be able to stand on their own as a character, it would also be a boon for the people reading it.


There also doesn’t seem to be any explicit method on /how/ these abilities work besides ‘deity magic duh’. It isn’t exactly necessary in most cases, but the same goes; if your creating any sort of lore canon character there should be real details on what they influence and how they accomplish that.


My advice is this:

A: Flesh out the backstory and explain it holistically so readers can fully grasp the concept.

B: Give him actual goals; you restate things already touched on instead of adding new details.

CFill out the entirety of the format, (if your not going to use it don’t include it and waste space)

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