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The Techlock Project - Phase 2


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MC Username: TryaxReck


Discord: TryaxReck#5305


Which Category you wish to work on: Transport


Why you wish to work on that Category:     When the warp boards are eventually done away with, people will once again deal with the same question of how to get from point A to point B quickly. Soulstones have often been used as a source, but for those wishing for a more RP-inclusive (and scenic) route, their only bet is a horse or their legs. Adding other modes of transport, from railways to gliders open up opportunities and offer new experiences otherwise locked away under a watchful eye.


What you want to see from that Category: I wish to see the introduction of gliders, railway systems, and other innovative and new ways to get around. I also have this itch for hanging waterways suspended over cities that i’ve always wanted to put to paper...

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MC Username: LotsOfSnacko


Discord: Zacho#1000


Which Category you wish to work on: Transport or Tech-magic if taken.


Why you wish to work on that Category: Having been studying plenty of science in many different aspects, i feel as though some of that carries over to how things move and operate. Plus I’ve just got a good sense of magic having been rping with it since Athera. Transport includes a lot of things, be it magical or mundane or anything along that. For Tech-magic I’ve had plenty of time to try out many different magics as said, and have a fair idea of how things work.

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