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Option C is a really interesting idea to use for a roleplay server, especially seeing the avenues this can open in terms of RP situations like cart travel and the sort. This could lead to a “Traveling” server where one could pay a specific amount of mina to travel to another town. Take the time to sprint it,  reduce a fourth off that time. That is how long the player would remain inside, barring any sort of technical issues where the value of time needs be rounded up.

I see option C being extremely beneficial not only in reducing lag, but expanding the canvas the server has to work with. In both technical terms and roleplay terms. You have an opportunity to make something special with this if done right.

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2 hours ago, Telanir said:

I should point out that A) and B) are solutions for the short-term, whereas C) is something that is a few month roadmap for us as a team. Obviously C) is the best solution, but to answer @Archipelego, it’s sort of like that yes but alternatively the borders on the map between different zones are non-buildable areas that are shared between the different servers (to prevent a city from popping up in front of you). Once you approach this zone you get transported along with your mount & inventory and whatever else to the other server instance.


Edit: This also means the map doesn’t have to be a bunch of islands, but it’s a different solution compared to Axios because in Axios all the worlds were still on the same server.

@argonian the different isles of Axios weren’t on seperate servers.

Also, Axios had Nexus, which was a very large plugin that caused a fair bit of server strain.


As for what I personally think, I feel that option C would be best, with a few caveats.

1: Make camping the border between the server zones as difficult as possible. It would be terrible if people were to abuse the server zones to kite around enemies in PvP situations and whatnot. Thus, I think that going across a server zone border you’ve already passed should take ~200 blocks of backtracking across the shared non-building area between server zones (This won’t be a problem if the different servers can only be accessed by boats).

2: Don’t use the separate servers as an excuse to make the map too bloody big. Nobody wants a repeat of the massively oversized Axios.

3: If separate islands are to be used, make sure that all of the islands remain relevant. Nobody wants a repeat of Arcas where 90% of everyone lives on one island while the others are basically barren except for 1-2 relevant settlements.

Edited by NotEvilAtAll
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32 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

@argonian the different isles of Axios weren’t on seperate servers.

Also, Axios had Nexus, which was a very large plugin that caused a fair bit of server strain.


As for what I personally think, I feel that option C would be best, with a few caveats.

1: Make camping the border between the server zones as difficult as possible. It would be terrible if people were to abuse the server zones to kite around enemies in PvP situations and whatnot. Thus, I think that going across a server zone border you’ve already passed should take ~200 blocks of backtracking across the shared non-building area between server zones (This won’t be a problem if the different servers can only be accessed by boats).

2: Don’t use the separate servers as an excuse to make the map too bloody big. Nobody wants a repeat of the massively oversized Axios.

3: If separate islands are to be used, make sure that all of the islands remain relevant. Nobody wants a repeat of Arcas where 90% of everyone lives on one island while the others are basically barren except for 1-2 relevant settlements.

if you want to make all the islands relevant, you really have to put oren or at least humans in general on their own island


because otherwise any island that has oren and any one other nation will be the island where everyone goes. i mean rn oren's gotta be almost half the server pop by itself


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1 minute ago, argonian said:

if you want to make all the islands relevant, you really have to put oren or at least humans in general on their own island


because otherwise any island that has oren and any one other nation will be the island where everyone goes. i mean rn oren's gotta be almost half the server pop by itself


Yeah, that’d be pretty reasonable. Most non-human races want a small-medium sized map so they can get places faster, yet humans would prefer a bit of living space to spread out and give all of their vassals land. If humans were just given their own island, both needs could be met. The island inhabited by the humans could be the largest (giving them enough space to form a proper feudalist system), and any other islands could be smaller so as to reduce travel times.


Decentralization for those whose RP is based around it and whose playerbase can reasonably support it, Centralization (via proximity) for those who don’t need vast swathes of land and would rather have shorter walking times.

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I could see C working if it was set up kind of like Axios. To set it up any other way might be fishy, because what if you're pvping and you accidentally run into the area that TPs you? Nice thing about Axios is you could just stand on a boat for five seconds and get moved.


Unless you do it like Vailor, where you had to right click the warp signs instead. If C is an option a few months down the road, then I think we can wait a few months. I was told that banners and item frames were starting to make up for a lot of the lag. Why not just disable item frames for now? Give everyone a week or so to collect their stuff from item frames, and then disable item frames. You could do the same with paintings probably, armor stands. Observers tend to cause lag, as my build server experienced during a week of Redstone. Just remove them too.

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8 hours ago, argonian said:

if you want to make all the islands relevant, you really have to put oren or at least humans in general on their own island


because otherwise any island that has oren and any one other nation will be the island where everyone goes. i mean rn oren's gotta be almost half the server pop by itself


Pretty well 25% of all population on the server at any given time, yeah.

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3 hours ago, Shmeepicus said:

Pretty well 25% of all population on the server at any given time, yeah.

that's helena

then there's haense, curon, kaedrin and a bunch of misc places

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Maybe a mix of option B, and option C? I mean there has to be a way where we can split the map into quarters, and make the server better anyways right?

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@Telanir @Llir Not sure if you’re gonna read this. I know the custom jar you guys use, and you guys could probably optimize it even more.  Make a “LotC” custom jar that is flexible with the plugins you guys use and such.  Might be of help.  Server zoning is DEF the best strategy tho.  

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