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[Shelved][✓] [Addendum] Azdrazi - Severance


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1 minute ago, Zacho said:

Except there has been many problems with disconnection wars in the past. A prime example of this is the clerics. People were fairly obviously OOCly biased against one group or the other, and it led to characters simply disconnecting other clerics all because of OOC, but there was nothing to stop them because they could simply just say their character wanted to, even though the person getting disconnected had never broken any tenets. It leads to absolute **** fests and the past shows us this perfectly.


@Simpalicious If it wasn’t written into the current lore, why would it be excluded? Seems like something pretty important to just miss out on writing down in a formal lore rewrite.



If they want to, then so what. That’s roleplay and that’s what it brings. If people need to be defended ooc’ly it 100% cheapens the experience. This lore is extremely lenient considering the sheer amount of bodies required to actually sever someone. Nothing /should/ stop a character, if you piss someone off and can’t fight back you lose. That’s just how it is. No more silly OOC measures to disconnect, don’t hide behind that crutch. This lore allows for them to unite and /also/ take away magic without PK’ing the character, which is 100% a saving grace to whoever is subjected to it.  There’s no negatives or drawbacks to the disconnected except losing their magic. It’s a very nice way to do it, where most of the time it should be just a hard rip w/ a lost character

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The original Immaculate Blade was removed from the lore. There has not been any form of disconnection method in a long time (albeit in the previous write-up Azdrazi not being true to their faith in Azdromoth would suffer severance). But again, what you’re referencing I don’t think is applicable to the player group that the Azdrazi are. As Joel says, I don’t think there should be OOC redlines to prevent something from happening that is easily punished as metagaming in the first place. And again, as he said, there are no drawbacks to disconnection for Azdrazi beyond temporary illness and a loss of power. I do not think this piece is going to be abused if it is accepted, but at the end of the day, that is me having faith in the community and the people who do play Azdrazi as they have given no reason in the four years that the lore has been on the server for me to believe otherwise.

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+1 lmao, “o no now a reasonable way for my fire breath to go bye bye through good rp if it comes to such. ruh roh raggy” 

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crazy to think that people are upset about LESSENING the impact of disconnection in this magic, lmao


if you are scared your character will lose a magic/creature power oocly then you shouldnt even be roleplaying it in the first place


good addition, i always thought instant pk was a little too harsh and bent the no enforced pk rules, hopefully encourages more people to seek out azdrazi rp and persue being a herald and further

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I hate this outlook that disconnection has to have tenets. Even if you ignore the fact that rp is indeed rp, having disconnection work without tenets automatically adds in a level of depth and creates actual stakes, there are still huge problems with requiring tenets for disconnection. If you have been around for any period of time you have probably seen this firsthand, someone will get a magic and then they’ll go rogue, going around and teaching people who will either abuse it or rp it poorly. With tenet disconnection there is essentially no way to deal with this if someone refuses to pk on death, and soon it spirals out of control and what once may have been cool has now been stepped on by 1000 random people, think gen 3 necro, blood magic, and naztherak. If you get disconnected, shits tough but it’s not the end of your world, don’t go crying about it and trying to hide behind stupid ooc disconnection rules, use it to develop your character.

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just have them pk when disconnecting them tbh

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Isn’t ur group the only group of azdrazi who would be capable of disconnecting? Suspicious....

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On 3/26/2020 at 6:48 PM, TheMissileKnowsWhereItIs said:

Isn’t ur group the only group of azdrazi who would be capable of disconnecting? Suspicious....

No but good shout.

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Mmm magical disconnection from a CA without requiring any actual reasons. Totally won't be abused, especially since two factions of Azdrazi can't stand each other. Hmm. Definitely a good idea.

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On 3/26/2020 at 11:48 AM, Mojo said:

I hate this outlook that disconnection has to have tenets. Even if you ignore the fact that rp is indeed rp, having disconnection work without tenets automatically adds in a level of depth and creates actual stakes, there are still huge problems with requiring tenets for disconnection. If you have been around for any period of time you have probably seen this firsthand, someone will get a magic and then they’ll go rogue, going around and teaching people who will either abuse it or rp it poorly. With tenet disconnection there is essentially no way to deal with this if someone refuses to pk on death, and soon it spirals out of control and what once may have been cool has now been stepped on by 1000 random people, think gen 3 necro, blood magic, and naztherak. If you get disconnected, shits tough but it’s not the end of your world, don’t go crying about it and trying to hide behind stupid ooc disconnection rules, use it to develop your character.


Basically this. A big problem with tenets is that they’re super easy to tiptoe around, rendering other players of the community unable to do much in regards to disconnecting  or removal of that problematic individual. Magics which are much more prestigious in roleplay such as Azdrazi shouldn't rely on tenets to get rid of other characters who conflict with them, as like Mojo mentioned, you can’t really force PK. 

Additionally, even if in-roleplay the disconnection seems corrupt from the disconnected’s point of view, it can lead to a potentially even greater roleplay experience considering the stakes. In the long run, it’s a lot better alternative to PKing and can totally lead to further and possibly quite better character development, even if you might lose some pixel powers. I support this. 

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This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon. Please note that if this is playable lore, such as a magic or CA, you will need to write a guide for this piece. You will be contacted regarding the guide (or implementation if it isn’t needed) shortly.

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