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The Vagabond - Thorodhuin Laica


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Thorodhuin Laica



Turbulent river / Verdant








Wood Elf


Apparent Age:

30~ ish



240 Years Old



Trapper / Vagabond / Tor Elder’s blacksmith




Appearance / Mindset:

Hardy shoes make for a happy traveller, Thorì is no different. He cherished simpler, more convenient and comfortable clothes rather than lavish garments full of gold and glitter. A warm fire, a good cloak against the rain, and a sturdy quarterstaff was all he needed to wander the wilds. Travel-wise, Thorì wore thick and supple layers of padded garments, that had proved their worth time and time again. A rain cloak, that also doubled as a coat, was wrapped around his shoulders. A hood shields his face from bad weather and accusatory glances alike. Beneath the hood laid a distinctive visage, with roughly kept bark brown hair and tanned olive skin adapted to the outer regions of the world. More importantly, a gruesome scar marred the elf’s left cheek, distorted his left eye, and forced his lips into a perpetual snarl. Finally, druidic tattoos mark his body. Inscriptions run down his spine, on his arms, chest and legs. Meant to be symbols for protection, they hold little value other than superstition. A wolf brooch on his chest, he kept as the sole artifact of metalwork in truly cherished.


Physical Attributes:

Height: 5’7”ft.

Weight: 188 lbs.

Body Type: Mesomorph.


EDC / Inventory:

Thick rain cloak, efficient traveller’s clothes, a waterskin (1 weeks travel), rations (1 weeks travel), a game bag (3 hares), a trapper’s backpack (rope, bait, etc) a woodsman’s axe, a hunting knife, a 7ft walking staff (doubles as quarterstaff), and an old map.


Faith: The Father (Cernunnos), The Mother (Ceridwen) & the Moon (Nemiisae).

Mani: Thunderbird, Wildcat & Wolf.




Edited by Biffsquiggled
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