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a quick 5 minute rant about seers of vaseek as a feat


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before i start this low effort rant i wanna say that the lore for the magic itself is pretty solidly written and it’s only the feat i’ve got an issue with. i’m by no means bashing the original writer. you’re cool zarsies


On the basis thereof, the non-slot-consuming magical feat Seers of Vaseek should not be self teachable. Anyone could RP their characters all depressed-emo over losing their eyeballs, but the fact that most of the time someone loses their sight and I see an MA pop up shortly after on the forums is just a cop-out that eliminates the consequence of actually having your character blinded. People often respond to this saying, “yeah, but no one wants to RP a blind character !!1!” really isn’t that great of a reason. You can get a lot of character development out of your persona losing their sight, just as you could in any other way they might be handicapped. Unfortunately, the majority demographic of people who RP Seer turn out to be self-insert mages. This usually results in Jason the fire mage picking up his blindfold, tying it on, RPing some anxiety for a day or two, then moving on and not RPing any of the downsides from that point onward as he goes on in his cool pixel life as if nothing has happened. I assure you, 100%, you can create much more interesting character struggle, growth and progression if you just stay blind and go from there. This segways into another rebuttal, “they’re a mage! they kind of need sight 2 cast their magic!! !!1” Still pretty silly. If your character misses their magic that much (which there’s nothing wrong if they do, it’s apart of them), then like mentioned earlier, you can get a ton of more RP out of actually having your character go through a struggle rather than putting up a Seers MA. A friend of mine brought up another point that the aesthetic for Seers is cool, which I agree; it would be pretty cool to have some crazy and nerve-wrecked persona that builds their character off of a magic rather than creating a copy-paste Sutican mage. Now that everyone and their grandmother has blindfolds and downsides are no longer RP’d as much, the cool aesthetic is no longer meaningful. Same could be said about Azdrazi and the fifty Izkuthii who would try to mimic horns.


Sadly, this takes into account a lot of variables, such as the play-to-win mentality, self-insert mages, etc. so making the feat not self taught wouldn’t “fix” these players, but it’ll block off a lot of the poor roleplay that occurs surrounding it and would make the magic look a lot better.


As a final note to the demographic of players I ranted about in this post, please don’t do what I just said. Don’t take the easy OOC-oriented solution to give your mage his/her sight back. Instead just let the RP go naturally and immerse yourself in how your character would feel and go from there. It’s a lot more beneficial RP-wise for your RP group and the narrative surrounding your character and others entirely.

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what even is seer of vassek can u send me link i am lazy cannot be bothered to find thank u

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1 minute ago, Corporatocracy said:

what even is seer of vassek can u send me link i am lazy cannot be bothered to find thank u


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1 minute ago, Corporatocracy said:

what even is seer of vassek can u send me link i am lazy cannot be bothered to find thank u


i concur but it just depends on the players.
some want illidan aesthetic
some dont want to rp consequence (or intentionally do it to gain a story to tell, ‘i lost my eyes by etc etc’)

if there was no “seers”, there already exists alternatives like druidic greensight, and while its not practical all seers become druids, people just wouldn’t rp the blinding with monk healing

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2 minutes ago, Corporatocracy said:

what even is seer of vassek can u send me link i am lazy cannot be bothered to find thank u


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4 minutes ago, Corporatocracy said:

what even is seer of vassek can u send me link i am lazy cannot be bothered to find thank u



I know like 30 people just linked you I just wanted to fit in

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7 minutes ago, Corporatocracy said:

what even is seer of vassek can u send me link i am lazy cannot be bothered to find thank u

heard u need the link buddy here u go 


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learning seer magic to look under your clothes – hoes mad hoes mad hoes mad hoes mad hoes mad hoes mad hoes mad

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