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(Pk) The Death of the Doctor


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The Death of the Doctor

18th of Snow’s Maiden, 1762

“You will be avenged llir.” Sepp said as he gazed down at the corpse that was at one point Aelor, Mar’diraar of the Mali’anniler. He gave a sigh as the flames from the body of his brother reflected in his pale eyes. Turning sharply he picked up his mask and helm as he reflected on the life he had lived. Images of his youth passed before his eyes as he donned his helm, of his first daughter Illyria….and her demise. Sepp shook his head in an attempt to banish the thoughts from his mind but still they crept back like insidious tendrils clawing at his sanity. As he hooked his mask over his face, he reflected back to his joining of the Sons of Malin and his entry into Helena, the city that he had given so much to.

With a final shake of his head the thoughts were banished for a time as he lifted the bastard sword Miruel’maln, hooking the trusted blade to his belt. Stepping out of his chambers, the aheral was greeted by the sight of his comrades awaiting. They did not speak as they saddled their horses, each knew what had to be done. This was for one thing, vengeance a tally had to be taken from the enemies of the mali to atone for Aelor’s death. The wind wracked against Sepp’s face as they rode into the darkness and he could not help to allow himself to think of his family. Of his daughters Elenia and Asamel, of his wife Embyr and how he missed them dearly. “Is it worth it?” Sepp mused to himself before his eyes caught sight of the shadows in the distance.

Three Riders left the high walls of Helena, but only two returned. Being dragged behind his comrade's horse was a makeshift stretcher upon which it lay the final rider, Sepp. The former doctor lay serene upon the stretcher, his arms folded over his chest. Upon their return to Helena, his body was brought into the embassy to lay in state until his funeral. 

Sepp is survived by two daughters, Elenia Elverhilin and Asamel Athoth; one son, Storm Reusvuln and his wife Fae, as well as two grandchildren, Cirrus and Luscina Reusvuln. His personal belongings will be given out to his friends and family by the executor of his will, Amon Divu’sulli. The remainder of his possession will be donated to the upkeep of the Mali orphans within Helena and Aldemar. The State Funeral will begin with the funeral procession from the Sons of Malin Embassy in Helena to his resting place in Aldemar at 4:30 saints time on 4/5/2020



Edited by Mandalore1
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Fae Reusvuln sat alone on the rooftop of the Reusvuln household’s home, the evening clouding the sky with stars as darkness took over the city of Helena. It was awfully silent, unlike the usual bustling nights the Valah city was well known for. In one hand the elfess held a long silver pipe, and in another was a note detailing the demise of Sepp. She crumpled the paper with her hand, and stuffed the whole thing into her pocket. Only outrage was visible on her face as she gritted her teeth, shaking her head subtly in a displeased manner. “I knew you’d die, leaving a bunch of kids that loved you behind. Guess that’s the life we signed up for anyways, ain’t that right?” She muttered, taking an inhale of the fumes from her pipe and staring up to the sky. “Hopefully Malin pities your sorry behind, you fool.” She exhaled, continuing to stare up at the sky as she leaned back on the rooftop.

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Rest in peace, Sepp will be missed. The mali would offer on last salute to his fallen comrade.




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The Saneyir gives honored Sepp a well deserved salute. “You will be missed, brother. Might you arise to be at Malin’s throne, when he returns to inherit the earth.”

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Elénwe sheds a single tear for her fallen comrade, saluting him one last time. 

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Elene would be disconsolate upon hearing of her friend’s fate. ”Rest well, Sepp. Hydwa for everything.” 

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Rylan Swint sheds a tear for his friend and fellow soldier. “Hydwa for serving. Vaegar for craunen. May we meet again another day.”

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Katari sobs for her fallen family ?

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Vaeri frowns as she recollects the time her ears were forcefully measured but smiles when she remembers breaking the glass tool. “Hah.”

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Upon hearing the news of her fathers death Elenia quickly packed her belongings, wanting to be far from everything for a while.


She packed all her books, during the rush her journal full of her father’s studies dropped onto the floor, the page labeled “How to detect a half breed” lay open.


Elenia went down on her knees, staring at her journal as she began to sob.

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Musashi Masamune would feel nothing but content for the fall of Sepp. Sitting at the docks of Sutica, overlooking the ships while holding a gourd of sake, he would raise his hand that held his beverage, and pour just a bit into the ocean. 


For the pain he caused his daimyo, the people he had tortured, and the lives he slew for no apparent reason, Musashi felt no sadness or grief. All he could think to muster was a half-smile, and a simple phrase. 


”Good riddance.” 

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