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Mylder's Gale | Monster Hunting Guild


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Mylder’s Gale




  1. TLDR

  2. What is the Gale?

  3. Guild Law

  4. History

  5. Rank System

  6. Banished Members

  7. Membership




  • TLDR

Mylder’s Gale is a Adventuring and Mercenary guild built on top of the principles that all deserve a place to call home despite whatever their job entails. The Gale is a third-party, neutral organization that brings requests, bounties, and personalized clients to her members. Mylder’s Gale offers both a place to sleep, eat, and get jobs for any and all that join. 


The Gale is known for its neutrality, as an organization they cannot be bought as a company, but the members that serve as a part of the guild can. While you can organize to hire a large number of fighters, it’s impossible to buy out the whole organization. Most members prefer to take smaller jobs, such as bounties for beasts or criminals. 




  • What is the Gale?


The Gale is an Oath that all members of Mylder’s Gale undertake upon being accepted in by one of the Founders. After completing their tasks and becoming eligible to become full-fledged members they are brought before the current Leaders and take an Oath dictated to them by those overseeing the oathing. 




  • Guild Laws


While they have vowed to remain neutral, the Guild has its own strict set of laws that all members must follow. Although the laws may be altered by the Founder when need be, they are rarely changed without severe cause. 


  1. Theft from your guildmates is deplorable, and will not be tolerated. (Minor Offense)

  2. Purposeful maiming or murder of fellow guildmates or innocents will not be tolerated outside of duels both agreed upon by the parties in question. (Major Offense)

  3. Slavery will not be tolerated, and any working in this line of work will not be allowed in the guild. (Major Offense)

  4. Harming of a minor (Below Eighteen) is inhumane, and will not be tolerated. No contracts to harm any children will be permitted. (Major Offense)


The Guild follows a three strike rule, in which minor offences are one strike and major are two. This can be subject to change by the hand of the Founder and Acal.




  • History


Mylder’s Gale was founded back in the early years of Arcas under the banner of Saelihn Persatra and her two compatriots Brutus Jankovic and Hazel Aubry. Saelihn was a young Elf with a strong moral compass, and took many jobs while forgoing pay in order to help soothe anyone who needed aid of any kind. She established the Gale Oath and laws, and ensured the strong code of neutrality would follow her to her grave. The Guild was built and established in the forests, away from prying eyes or rebellious ex-members. 


After nearly fifty years, the Guild began to rot on the inside. Members would grow more rebellious. Seeking more compensation that the guild paid out of pocket, looking for more power within the guild, and breaking the core rules repeatedly until very few remained. Brutus and Aubry, both humans, eventually succumbed to either old age or death in glorious battle. Leaving behind only the original Founder to watch as her half-century of work began to wither.


Rather than letting the guild die a slow death, Saelihn disbanded it and began working as a solo-mercenary for numerous years afterwards. Saelihn would eventually pass in battle, name forgotten save for the only son she left behind.


Centuries passed and the history and members of Mylder’s Gale began to fade and disintegrate into nothing more than small records in a dusty old library. In Arcas, a young descendant of Saelihn would find the records of the guild and became transfixed. Challenging herself for years to learn the history from front to back, including the names of all of the former members. 


In 1764, 16th of Malin’s Rest, Celeste Persatra refounded the guild as a force primarily made to hunt monsters and other creatures roaming the world. Based on the land near Sutica, the guild serves as a third-party to complete jobs others cannot.


  • Rank System


The Gale’s Ranking system is based heavily on elven words and structure, as it was founded by an elven woman. Ranks are also given small pins that signify which rank they belong to, although it isn’t required they be worn.




The Founder is the head of the Guild, even if they are not technically the founder of it. They wear ebony pins, and dictate what jobs belong in which tier and so on. Founders deal with payment, jobs, and bounties. Focusing on providing work for those within the guild.




Those in the Acal rank are essentially the most powerful and trustworthy members of the guild, and wear golden pins to match their namesake. When the founder is not present, the work defaults onto the Acal. Whether this is organizing hunts, jobs, and payment or simply aiding in inducting a new member into the guild.




Synalli is the most common rank of those inside the guild, and are recognized as fully-fleshed out members of the guild. Most members hold this rank, and wear it with pride. Their pins are silver, with copper in the design depending on how new they are. Inside the Synalli, there are three sub-ranks that dictate what jobs the Synalli can take.



The highest rank a Synalli can get is gold, and their pin is made completely of silver. They are allowed to go on the highest-paying and highest risked jobs.



Bronze ranked Synalli have advanced through the copper stage and have began advancing through the ranks of the guild. They have Bronze-Silver pins, and are permitted to go on Copper and Bronze jobs.



Typically filled with new initiates and those new to combat, copper Synalli have copper-silver mixed pins, and are permitted to go on Copper quests only.




Initiates are those who’ve yet to have taken their oaths but have proven to the guild that they are capable. There are rarely in this rank long, either dropping out or taking their oath and advancing to Copper Synalli.




Recruits are those who’ve yet to have their skills tested and have not yet taken oaths.


Mabidar (Exiled)


Mabidar are those who have broken the laws of the guild, and have been exiled for their actions. Mabidar, depending on the severity of their crime, can either be shunned or KOS depending on what they did to be exiled.




  • Mabidar (Banished)


Thalia Persatra




  • Membership


In order to join the Gale, send a letter to Celeste Celtaire (SappicStarlight/KryvsGod) with the following information.


OOC Info



IC Info




Additional Information: 

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OOC Info
IGN: Accrayer

Discord: Accrayer#3257


IC Info

Name: Walter Richmond

Age: 23

Specialty: Crossbows 

Additional Information: Having a few weapons forged at the moment as we speak.

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Bounty Request Form


Client Name:
Price (Can be Negotiated):


Who or What are you putting a bounty on?:


Direct all letters through PM’s either here or on discord at Kry#8104

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OOC Info
IGN: LyfeLie

Discord: Schnee#8413


IC Info

Name: Schnee Veri’nox

Age: 97

Specialty: Bow

Additional Information: Currently undergoing medical training to be a doctor

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IGN: NLThomas

Discord: NLThomas#4337


IC Info

Name: Jack Reynolds

Age: 35

Specialty: Bow and Longsword

Additional Information: Has been with a hunters guild before for a long time.

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved. If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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      How do we get there? How did you get here, by the way?' [Will asked].
      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
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