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[Shelved][✓] [Further Alchemy/CA Race Lore] Anthroparions


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4 hours ago, Nozoa said:

Upon death, an anthroparion’s body will lay dormant until the conflict ends, in which they will slowly bind themselves back together and repair any wounds before resuscitating themselves using the vivacion which flows in their body. This process takes 1 IRL day.



sorry im commenting so much i just genuinely like this peice of lore and want it to succeed. So when they die, they fix themselves, but what happens if they are decapitated? or ‘nuggeted’ [all of their limbs besides their head are removed] will they regrow limbs? or will they simply recusitate without a head and without limbs? if all of their body is split up and hidden in diffrent places, is that a forced PK?

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@Nozoa I like the idea of such a creation personally, but a question. In regards to how this potion is made and how it functions, why would the alchemical equivalent of a zombie; be able to manipulate what is essentially it’s blood and harden said area? it is a cool ability i’d say, but it feels out of place with the whole theme of the creature in mind, as well as it basically being the same ability as Rejuvenation but for a different purpose

5 hours ago, Nozoa said:

Vivacion Flow - Combative

The greater anthroparion controls and concentrates the vivacion potion which courses through its veins to an area of the body - usually a hand. Doing this hardens the limb, akin to that of a rock - allowing for more potent punches or kicks. This can also be used as a defensive precaution - for example, sending the vivacion potion to a certain area of the body if you know you are getting hit there.

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Very well-written, and a great lore-piece overall. 

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I like the idea, it is nice and simple, and alchemy could be so much more interesting than it is now. However, I don’t really like CA’s which require a dead body. If you want a creature where people have to give up their previous character, they will just make a new elf, play it for a day and then pk it for the new CA. I guess it would be the alchemist’s (GFA) responsibility to check if someone has really sacrificed something with value, rather than a day old character (which is farfetched). Apart from some more redlines in regards to how different races would be transformed and how that would translate in their CA, I don’t see that many problems with it...


Overall I believe it could be a really cool idea if implemented correctly.
Nice job Noz

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9 hours ago, Salty said:


honestly id just make it so that they cant FTB. like, i understand why you want to leave player freedom for that sort of thing, but this turns it into borderline necrophillia if ya know what i mean


Thats true! I will add that too

8 hours ago, Salty said:


sorry im commenting so much i just genuinely like this peice of lore and want it to succeed. So when they die, they fix themselves, but what happens if they are decapitated? or ‘nuggeted’ [all of their limbs besides their head are removed] will they regrow limbs? or will they simply recusitate without a head and without limbs? if all of their body is split up and hidden in diffrent places, is that a forced PK?


That is actually true, I didn’t think of that lmao. Ill add a solution to that one sec.

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15 hours ago, Nozoa said:

The descendent body has to me from someone who has pked recently


You said it didnt require a pk but it says it is??


Anyways, this is good lore, nice one

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10 hours ago, MeteorDragon said:


You said it didnt require a pk but it says it is??


Anyways, this is good lore, nice one

Woops mustve missed that one

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