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The Tonqui Tomin Casino


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-The Tonqui Tomin Casino-

After many moons of hard work, has the Tonqui Tomin Kha Enterprise finally finished one of their most recent projects! The casino located within the borders of Sutica city.  The casino is located at Central Ward 13 at the square of these watery lands. Just stroll around the market within the walls and you will find the property adorned with the banners yourself. The casino shall open soon!


(Opening time)

 Advanced issue found


The casino shall open on 23/4 at 8 AM EST.



-What The Property Offers-

The casino is filled with several forms of entertainment and other types of ways to entertain yourself. We’d love to show everything but it you must come find out yourself!


Casino Slots

The basement of the casino holds two large slot machines that have been fully automated. We have the Golden and the Diamond slot machine which both have their own designated token.  When there is no one else around to play games with, then make sure to buy some tokens, throw them in the machines, and get a prize!



The bar is equipped with the finest tools to shake up a nice cocktail. We got a fine assortment of cocktails, mocktails, and a variety of special drinks. The menu’s are ready and are waiting on you to look at them.


Manual Games

The Second floor contains a sitting area for the visitors to play a variety of games we provide at the casino. We have:

- Roulette


-Blackcat (Blackjack)

-Card reading



The second floor also allows 2 individuals to rent a stall to sell their wares in the casino. This may expand later on but for now we offer 2 stalls. For a small sum upfront and per week, you will be able to sell and advertise your wares. Initial price is 50 minae and 25 minae taxes per Elven week. The first week is on the house


Party Room

The third floor is filled with the party room. Our technicians have worked on lighting and a system allowing us to amplify music. There is also a Hookah zone.



1. You are NOT allowed to gamble any bodyparts or abilities. We have the right to remove you from the property if you are seen doing this.

2. You are NOT allowed to bet living beings on the property such as livestock, slaves, other creatures. Deeds where it states you are the owner of a living being are allowed, however.

3. If you are caught cheating, you will be removed and your name plus mugshot will be placed on a suspicion list. If you are caught cheating again and your name or face is on that list, will result in being banished from the casino.

4. We have the right to decline service to a heavily intoxicated customer. This customer will also be removed from the property for their own good.

5. Stealing, destruction of property, assault, bribing, or heavier forms of bodily harm will result in banishment of the casino. 

6. Refunds are not handed out without a valid reason. Contact upper management of Tonqui Tomin if a situation proposes itself where you would deserve a refund. The upper managament can deem this reason valid or invalid and act accoringly to their decision.



If you seek contact with the management of Tonqui Tomin, then please search for Rha’kir, Araene Leparda, or Xinan Leparda.

You can also contact these individuals if you are looking for work or seek for a Tonqui Tomin instance where you live. Any other ideas can also be proposed.


[!] The flyer ends with a card stating the following: “please grab a card if you wanna stay up to date to the movement of Tonqui Tomin, new instances, or special deals!”



Rha’kir: chaos#7283

Araene: GopnikHasWares#7166

Xinan: Deleted Account#0132


(Discord server to stay up to date: https://discord.gg/MpSrDPy)






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4 hours ago, chaosgamer_ said:

1. You are NOT allowed to gamble any bodyparts or abilities. We have the right to remove you from the property if you are seen doing this.


Xavis laughs to himself ”I did that, didnt I?”

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