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It Returns as the prophecy foretold…[Challenge!]


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It Returns as the prophecy foretold…



Hey guys! Did I scare ya with the title, sorry it was so you would click >;3


 Once AGAIN, it returns to us, OUR BLESSED RAMADAN!

Now many of you may be confused, and might be asking “Ibraheem, What is Ramadan, and why are you making a OOC forum post about it?” Well let me tell you!


Ramadan is the ninth month in the Muslim year, In this year, The Holy Qur’an came down to the Prophet Muhammad. Now for those of you that don’t know, In this month, one of the largest noticeable things you will see is the fact that, ALL AROUND THE WORLD which is roughly around 1.8 BILLION people around the world practice which makes up 24% of the world population, Will be fasting from sunrise, to sun set, Also known through the muslim prayers, Fajir, and Maghrib!


In these fasting times, Muslims do not drink water, or eat food from sunrise, to sun set, 

In Islam, We believe that any good deed you do, is multiplied by 70!

So a Smile is a good deed, so if you smile at someone you get the rewards time 70!

So think of every small thing that's good. Picking up trash by the road, being kind to your neighbor, aiding your parents, ALL THESE SMALL EFFORTLESS THINGS the reward is multiplied by 70! So just Imagine if you donated charity, Aided in a shelter, anything! The reward would be so GREAT! Also in this month, Muslims believe that the Devil is locked up for all of Ramadan, and that the last TEN days of Ramadan, one of those nights, God comes down to the lowest heaven and will grant you what you may be asking for, OR give you something a thousand times better!


I would like to state that during ALL the Toxicity on the server, and all the beef, and small things. This is often the time, Where we as a COMMUNITY! NEED TO STAND TOGETHER AND SHOW GOOD HEARTS! We are all like a family, We are all with our flaws. So let's work together to make a better community and make ourselves better.


It is important to note that during Ramadan, muslims focus on prayer, self control, becoming better people and doing HEAVY amount of charity during this very blessed month.




Well for you new players and those who were not here from last Ramadan.

The LOTC community has a VERY VERY LARGE muslim playerbase, spread out into almost every nation! And for every Ramadan, I have made a post and a CHALLENGE to EVERYONE on this server!


A challenge you say? Well yes! Each Ramadan, I challenge the LOTC community to do some good actions, both in game, and out of character to our fellow community members!


For Example! Either it was last Ramadan or the one before that, I asked you all to put in your Status updates, a great kind comment to someone, and PING THEM! In which A LOT of you Destroyed my expectation!


OH! AND A SMALL NOTE! I know friday prayers and the masjids are closed due to Covid-19 BUT! That does not stop you from trying! For example, Me and my friends are going to be sitting in our discord and one of us goes live as we all watch together a darse or pretty much anything islamically related!


Have a Blessed Ramadan ❤️


You see, you dont need to be a muslim this month to try to become a better person! You can try doing the little extra good things! SO WITH THAT BEING SAID!


The Challenge;


In this forum post, You are to @(name of player) and give them a kind comment, talk about what you appreciate about this player, why they are your friend or why they make you feel good!


Ping the person above your comment, and say something great about them! You could comment on anything so long as it is kind and loving!


I will be making more challenges throughout this month! Checking in on you half way through the month, Before the last 10 days, and then for EID! Cya soon guys o7


And Here is your Ramadan memes






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Ramadan Mubarak!! ???

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I love the annual Ramadan posts 

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@Nestro_Miner Thank you Akhi, for being my friend for all these years! Helping me and Adam becoming closer and closer to islam! ❤️ 

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Ramadan! YEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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@ibraheemc2000 We’re brothers forever Akhi!

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@Nestro_MinerYou helped welcome me to Al’Faiz and gave me some roleplay oppourtunities right off the bat!

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Ramadan Mubarak Everyone! Hope you all have a great month and pray we come out under better circumstances and as better people!

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@everyone_  LOVE YOU ALL! you gave me a wonderful community that i can always relieing on! i hope you all have a wonderful Ramadan


On behalf of me and ibraheem! thanks!

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@Vetren54 my favourite FLGer and minecraft brother in arms i wouldn’t wanna rp without you < 3

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@ibraheemc2000 Thank you for this post, such positivity is needed during these trying times for people of all thought and culture. While we have interacted very little, I admire your dedication to your beliefs and helping to embody them in something as small as a videogame. Je vous souhaite santé, bonheur et prospérité!


@CommissarVoop You were a friend in my eyes almost as soon as you joined LOTC, bringing new ideas; new kindness; and new learning to those who would listen. Your diligence and passion for helping the World Team and your innovative ideas with coding, are also things I wish to compliment ? 


Keep your chin up during these trying times my friend.

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