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The Loss of Haeseni Cultures

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The Loss of Haeseni Cultures

Restoring historical Haeseni culture to the highlander people

4th of Tov and Yermey, 319 E.S. | 4th of Sun’s Smile, 1766


[!] A depiction of a young Amelya Barbanov milling over her notes.



Through my studies within the Royal Academy of Saint Catherine as well as private tutoring throughout my childhood, I’ve come to realize that the culture within our great kingdom’s highlander roots has begun to fade away over time. This document I’ve written encompasses the loss of both recent and ancient cultural aspects that we’ve since forgotten; its aim is to remind the public of their ancestry and breathe their customs back to life.




The Speech of the Highlands

A strong, well-known feature of strong northern men is the distinct gruffness and drawl to their tone. Though these accents have faded over the centuries of our kingdom’s great existence, remnants of the past remain within some of our nobility. The northern men of House Baruch, in particular, retain the strongest northern and Marian-like accent in our time. This accent includes deepness of tone, the omission of hard ‘H’ sounds as well as ‘T’s.


Though the return of such accents to our people as a whole is unlikely, it’s important to recollect upon the changes in our kingdom. Our strong, Raev roots are the building blocks for the individuality and great history of Hanseti-Ruska, and we must acknowledge such.  




Traditional Dress

Haeseni dress has always differed largely from that of our Crownlander counterparts. This is mainly due to the major change in climates between our cities; our own homeland being far colder than that of the Orenians. It has always been custom for highlanders to wear furs and cloaks for insulation purposes, but we seem to have forgotten other elements and trends from the past.


Colorful garb has always been a beautiful element of Haeseni style, and one that we seem to have left behind in recent years. Old paintings depict colorful and spectacular articles of clothing, rather than the shabby, colorless overcoats that have flooded our dirt streets. Though black clothing is generally preferred in today’s society, the lack of color and individuality among our gowns and tailcoats has reached its peak. It’s time to throw out the musty potato sacks and make room for wonderful colors.


Not only have we grown distant from colorful clothing, but also accessories worn in the past. Berets were worn frequently, The Blue Berets during the War of Two Emperors were a notable group who wore such hats. Thanks to the work of our king, in recent years berets have made a strong return in the uniforms of the Haense Royal Army (HRA). 



[!] The late Otto Sigmar circa 1760 revisiting the beret fashion style of his youth.

((Art by Unbaed))




Haeseni Cuisine

Though Carrion Black has been a key staple of our drinking habits for decades, we seem to have forgotten the old Haeseni treat of rum-spiked cocoa. An important recipe to the women of House Barbanov for generations, hot cocoa quickly made its way to the bars of common-folk and nobility alike. As with any beverage, the northern men of Haense spiked the favorable drink. Rum, the sweet alcohol created from distilling molasses, was a natural option.


This warm, soothing drink became a beloved drink of soldiers weathering the cold in war camps, a warming beverage to enjoy while spending late nights drinking in the tavern, and a welcome gift to a home-coming husband or son upon returning from duty. A vague recipe is as listed below. 


Haeseni Spiked Cocoa ‘Recipe’

- Hot milk

- Cocoa powder

- Sugar

- Rum


[!] A painting of the Markev tavern on one particularly active evening.


Recently, four traditional berries have made their way back into Haeseni cuisine. These fruits, generally known as Prikaz berries, are found upon rocks and can be used to create a variety of beverages and foods. Wild Prikaz is commonly used to make Prikaz Tea. Red Prikaz is used to make Prikaz Wine, a staple beverage within the kingdom, and to make jams. Hansetian Prikaz can be used in cooking, or sun-dried and eaten alone. Royal Prikaz is fermented to create Edeylvise, a traditional red wine. These berries are delectable and have many general uses for the Haeseni people.


((See: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/191294-prikaburren-prikaz-berry-national-fruit-of-haense/))




With these points, I leave my devout readers to ponder the ancient histories of this great kingdom. It is our highlander blood that differentiates our honorable people from the rest of humanity, and thus our customs must differ as well. 




Her Royal Highness, Amelya Valeriya Barbanov, Princess of Hanseti-Ruska


Edited by Miko0322
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Lauritz smiles after reading, pleased with his former student. “Very good work, Amelya.” 

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Konstantin, the wicked Wick, wonders if he should swap his cap for one of these traditional berets. He spent hour that evening modelling the two different hats in the mirror.

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The Tarcharman nods as he read the work within his hermetic garden, “An excellent work by one of the Andrian Triplets, I hope to see more in the coming years!”

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Johann Peter smiled proudly! He made sure to secure a copy of Amelias work and read while taking a break from his own studies-

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Vorion Sturmholm reads a copy of the work, and smiles. For it’s use of the proper pronoun of the people of Haense, he gives it a central spot on his bookshelf!

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Stefan Vyronov sighs as he’d shook his head.

Good work yet you are saying Baruchs are the only one living the culture yet he only follows our culture by wearing a beret. Besides wearing a beret he dresses like a heartlander and an Imperial not a Hansetian nor highlander. We live in dark times as highlanders or our people at least are trying to look like something they are not. Now we have women inheriting in Haense which I think should not be a thing as we should be ruled with a King that has an iron fist not a female that could perhaps be easily persuaded or at least from my experience can be too emotional with decisions.

Edited by Legoboy7984
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6 minutes ago, Legoboy7984 said:

Stefan Vyronov sighs as he’d shook his head.

Good work yet you are saying Baruchs are the only one living the culture yet he only follows our culture by wearing a beret. Besides wearing a beret he dresses like a heartlander and an Imperial not a Hansetian nor highlander. We live in dark times are highlanders or our people at least are trying to look like something they are not. Now we have women inheriting in Haense which I think should not be a thing as we should be ruled with a King that has an iron fist not a female that could perhaps be easily persuaded or at least from my experience can be too emotional with decisions.

Alexandria Barbanov wore a smile after she read through her sister’s treatise, clasping her hands together.  “Excellent work, Lya!” she would comment to her sister in their residence.  “Now we can get working on educating more people in Haense with the Academy!  I know of some people who could really use an education; we’ll have no narrow-mindedness in our Kingdom!”

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9 minutes ago, Legoboy7984 said:

Stefan Vyronov sighs as he’d shook his head.

Good work yet you are saying Baruchs are the only one living the culture yet he only follows our culture by wearing a beret. Besides wearing a beret he dresses like a heartlander and an Imperial not a Hansetian nor highlander. We live in dark times are highlanders or our people at least are trying to look like something they are not. Now we have women inheriting in Haense which I think should not be a thing as we should be ruled with a King that has an iron fist not a female that could perhaps be easily persuaded or at least from my experience can be too emotional with decisions.

“Somehow saltier than my grave,” says Henrik Vanir who is buried in the depths of the salty ocean

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9 minutes ago, Legoboy7984 said:

Stefan Vyronov sighs as he’d shook his head.

Good work yet you are saying Baruchs are the only one living the culture yet he only follows our culture by wearing a beret. Besides wearing a beret he dresses like a heartlander and an Imperial not a Hansetian nor highlander. We live in dark times are highlanders or our people at least are trying to look like something they are not. Now we have women inheriting in Haense which I think should not be a thing as we should be ruled with a King that has an iron fist not a female that could perhaps be easily persuaded or at least from my experience can be too emotional with decisions.




“Oh mah….” Sigmar says as he watches the man have a stroke mid rant.

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Godfric offered a proud smile at Amelya’s work, “Very well spoken... unlike certain other people...” he’d add the last bit towards no one in particular, except maybe a certain Vyronov.

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