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[✓] [Amendment] Seers of Vaasek Tenets


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Because this is an amendment submission were this to be accepted the following content would be edited into the main post and this can just be archived or something. Also the art is meaningless, just something to jazz this up. The [doc] version has the changes highlighted for easier viewing.




The following sections under the magic part (not feat. This is just copy/pasted for reference):



The first account of a seer harnessing the magic of a witness beyond secondsight is unclear  among the very, very few scholars there are on the subject. Lady Eldecia is thought to be the first, starting in Anthos, however some records do note of Mori’Quessir who possessed strange sight and clairvoyance as well as the once-famous Nawari gypsies of Aegis, some of whom were blind in a similar fashion. Likely a machination of Vaasek’s influence on muddying the annals of history, a subtle throughline exists; the daemon’s agents have existed alongside and outside the descendent races and do to this day. Regardless of wherever or whomever the use of seer magic originated it persists still. Any blind individual desperate enough can make the plea but not so easily are seers granted the arsenal of their witness thus teachers of the art have quietly passed through history, creating small rings of local seers to test and potentially induct into their circles. 


To harness the deeper powers of a witness a seer must be graced by a teacher, an individual already entrenched who has proven themselves a valuable asset. By giving their blessing through the ritual of sanctioning they in turn give Vaasek’s blessing to let the seer further bond with their witness. In both teaching the magic and allowing existing users to increase their devotion, seers do so at the expense of their bodies, minds, and soul. Upon acceptance of their first sanction, a seer who takes on the magic begins to degrade. Greater musculature becomes impossible to maintain and they take on the physical attributes of a sedentary lifestyle regardless of their exercising habits; they dwell in a slightly less-than-average build and may become scrawny or plump while possessing little in the ways of strength and endurance. Beyond the body, the mind begins to take a toll as the witness’s increasing presence and in turn Vaasek’s bleeds with an aura of anxiety and fallacy. Upon dedication the seer becomes afflicted by a form of fear or false belief which deepens and spawns more upon further dedications.


Seers who delve into Vaasek’s art become subject to his desires, namely that of great misdirection. He is enraptured with the fear of his death at the hands of mortals from his vision ages ago and thusly uses his seers to infiltrate the likes of guilds and nations and steer them towards one another. He seeks to incite dramatic tension of the greatest magnitude to avoid lasting peace and cooperation which could lead to his foretold fate. Seers wield powers conducive to such a goal.


Lastly, Vaasek has one tenet and one tenet alone. His eyes and ears are everywhere and he gives little stock to what individuals he has leashed beneath him and so cares only upon one act; betrayal. Seers blessed with his magic cannot kill one another, oust eachother’s secretive operations, or directly work against one another without Vaasek abandoning them immediately and therein losing their magic forever. Only seers who have killed their kin in self defense are exempted. It is much more favorable to cooperate.



Seers may be taught by other seers who have received Vaasek’s most sacred blessing and have used the Bestowment ritual, granting them a pupil. Bonded with the daemon for eternity and with greater influence over his gifts, these seers can allow other seers to commit themselves to their witness and begin bonding with Vaasek, thus teaching them the magic. Lessons in this magic are not conventional as a seer does not need to be taught exactly how to use the powers of the witness, merely be graced by their teacher to dedicate themselves. The seer learns more of the spells at their disposal through their dreams, presumably tutored by the witness, and to cast and call upon them is not a scholarly or intellectual deed but one of emotion and intent; the witness interprets what the seer wishes to do. Each time they do so they are willingly giving a part of their soul to Vaasek in order for the witness to anchor itself deeper, meaning any slots given in seer are permanent and cannot be dropped. Should Vaasek abandon the seer if they break his only tenet then they lose the magic and feat as well as those slots forever.


Just as with the feat, seers translate the vision and coordinate the powers of their witness but to a greater extent. This ranges from 1 slot, to 2 slot, to 3 slot dedication and with each deeper bond the seer sacrifices themself to Vaasek to the point of being an eternal servant to Vaasek once they die. By allowing Vaasek and his witness in the seer becomes vulnerable to his influence and desires, making them more and more aligned with him and his cause.





Physically this manifests as an inability to be fit or in good health, instead forcing seers to at most live with the body of a sedentary lifestyle with little more strength and endurance such a body could afford them. 


Mentally this manifests through a fear or anxiety or a delusion which is repeated per slot, up to 3 times. These can take the form of:


Social anxiety (The fear of everyday activities in social settings, accompanied by being extremely self-conscious and feeling judged regardless of their self awareness. This can be any general social act or specific ones such as eating in public, meeting strangers, or attending social events. A form of social anxiety is performance anxiety where the individual is extremely anxious of giving speeches or performances.)

Generalized anxiety (The excessive worrying about everyday matters such as money, safety, family, or problems amongst social circles like home or work. This anxiety can interrupt daily life such as making sleep difficult or impossible as it makes the individual feel hopeless and powerless to control their plight. Generalized anxiety can quickly become overwhelming and create a host of issues.)

Specific phobias (The acute fear, panic, or terror of a certain situation, activity, animal, or object which imagines or irrationally exaggerates danger. These individuals are keenly aware of their phobia but feel completely powerless to control it. There are too many possible phobias to list so please research your own. Phobias commonly induce panic attacks.)

Panic disorder (The recurring and disabling experience of panic attacks. Their repetition often induces exhaustion and burnout from dealing with the overwhelming feelings associated with them.)


Anxiety can manifest as restlessness,  irritability, the inability to focus, poor memory, or racing thoughts and can lead to avoidance, sometimes to the point of not leaving a place such as home. Physical symptoms include muscle tension, headaches, insomnia, a fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, trembling, sweating, and nausea. Panic attacks can occur in people with anxiety where they have overwhelming physical sensations that may include a pounding heart, choking, nausea, faintness, dizziness, chest pain, hot or cold flashes, and perspiration.


Delusions on the other hand are strongly held beliefs that contradict reality and those with delusions have trouble discerning what is real and what is imaginary. These can include:


Erotomanic (The belief that someone is in love with the individual and may try to contact them. Often this is someone important or famous. This can lead to stalking.)

Grandiose (The belief of over-inflated worth, power, knowledge, or identity. They could believe they have a great talent or made an important discovery.)

Persecutory (The belief that they or someone close to them are being mistreated or that someone is spying on them or plans to harm them. They may frequently seek help or try to resolve the threat.)

Somatic (The belief that they have some kind of physical defect or medical problem.)


These delusions are very difficult to resolve and proof against their validity may be dismissed or provoke a reaction, however those with more mild forms may have their delusions interrupted. Vaasek’s influence over illusion is also present as these delusions are often accompanied by appropriate hallucinations which reinforce their reasoning, such as hearing assassins walking on the roof or seeing their nose crooked in their reflection.


Seer players are encouraged to curate their character’s anxieties and delusions to best accent the character and tie in to their story and not make these impacts irrelevant, such as having a seer’s one and only anxiety be a galeophobia, the fear of sharks, when that character never has and never will be in a situation where that is relevant. An example of a good incorporation of these effects could be a seer who has delusions of grandeur and believes they are an important figure in society but also have iophobia, the fear of being poisoned, and this directly affects what they eat and drink, when, how, and what environments they will put themselves in (such as avoiding taverns and banquets).



Vaasek’s unintentional influences aside, that of the physical and mental degradation of seers, are accompanied by his intentional influences. As the daemon of anxiety and fallacy with his own fears and delusions he is most concerned with his own self preservation after having a vision of his death. This motivates him to carefully and quietly worm his way into the affairs of mortals, not just observing them but shifting their trajectory. Because of this, seers very commonly establish and work within cabals, secret societies, and underground organizations and commonly aim to disrupt the balance and peace established amongst guilds, nations, and other such forces. Seers do not outright wish for the destruction of all empires and the ruin of all churches but they very much so wish to see them busy and preoccupied amongst themselves as a form of distraction to sate their god. They are not commonly bloodthirsty or violent but seek to create tension on wide scales.


Most activated abilities (spells) of seers create the signature effect and visual tell of their casting, a warp. Warps are usually subtle and fleeting distortions to the air which twist and bend what is seen through and around them although some spells create more intense or longer lasting warps. For some this can manifest with more noticeable effects such as warps having a reflective property and acting as fluid, fracturing mirrors or instead of radiating in lines or ‘arms’ they take geometric shapes and create linear patterns of distortions.


Vaasek’s tenet against betrayal is straightforward. Seers who kill other seers (and not in self defense, such as if the attacking seer fails), seers who intentionally oust the underground operations of seers or their organizations, and seers who intentionally impede or oppose the conspiracies of seers or their organizations are immediately abandoned by Vaasek for their unreliable and untrustworthy deeds. Should this happen, the seer has their feat, magic application, and teacher application denied and permanently lose what slots they dedicated. Vaasek does not and will not give a second chance.


Lastly, multiple activated abilities reference incurring a headache. If 3 moderate headaches are experienced at the same time (meaning the seer has used the maximum number of castings for 3 different abilities) then they experience a botched translation and undergo the related psychedelic distortions until they rest for at least 3 narrative hours.


When a seer goes through their first ritual of sanctioning they make a magic application for seer. When a seer goes through a second or third ritual of sanctioning they have a story team member comment on their MA their new slot amount dedicated.



The upside down sign of the horns is commonly the hallmark seer cabals.




-An individual can cease to be a seer only in one of two situations; their eyes are somehow restored and are therefore cured of blindness or they break Vaasek’s tenet against betrayal.



-Would be edited to say:



The first account of a seer harnessing the magic of a witness beyond secondsight is unclear  among the very, very few scholars there are on the subject. Lady Eldecia is thought to be the first, starting in Anthos, however some records do note of Mori’Quessir who possessed strange sight and clairvoyance as well as the once-famous Nawari gypsies of Aegis, some of whom were blind in a similar fashion. Likely a machination of Vaasek’s influence on muddying the annals of history, a subtle throughline exists; the daemon’s agents have existed alongside and outside the descendent races and do to this day. Regardless of wherever or whomever the use of seer magic originated it persists still. Any blind individual desperate enough can make the plea but not so easily are seers granted the arsenal of their witness thus teachers of the art have quietly passed through history, creating small rings of local seers to test and potentially induct into their circles. 


To harness the deeper powers of a witness a seer must be graced by a teacher, an individual already entrenched who has proven themselves a valuable asset. By giving their blessing through the ritual of sanctioning they in turn give Vaasek’s blessing to let the seer further bond with their witness. In both teaching the magic and allowing existing users to increase their devotion, seers do so at the expense of their bodies, minds, and soul. Upon acceptance of their first sanction, a seer who takes on the magic begins to degrade. Greater musculature becomes impossible to maintain and they take on the physical attributes of a sedentary lifestyle regardless of their exercising habits; they dwell in a slightly less-than-average build and may become scrawny or plump while possessing little in the ways of strength and endurance. Beyond the body, the mind begins to take a toll as the witness’s increasing presence and in turn Vaasek’s bleeds with an aura of anxiety and fallacy. Upon dedication the seer becomes afflicted by a form of fear or false belief which deepens and spawns more upon further dedications.


Seers who delve into Vaasek’s art become subject to his desires, namely that of great misdirection. He is enraptured with the fear of his death at the hands of mortals from his vision ages ago and thusly uses his seers to infiltrate the likes of guilds and nations and steer them towards one another. He seeks to incite dramatic tension of the greatest magnitude to avoid lasting peace and cooperation which could lead to his foretold fate. Seers wield powers conducive to such a goal and he ensures they strive towards it.


Lastly, Vaasek has three tenets. His eyes and ears are everywhere and he gives little stock to what individuals he has leashed beneath him as he inherently distrusts mortals so he has rules which can manifest occasionally in the dreams of seers representative of them and the punishment of harsh abandonment. The tenets for all seers are:


-Seers cannot kill or harm one another. The exception is solely for duels wherein seers formally perform one on one combat, a tool for settling scores.
-Seers cannot snitch on one another; they cannot reveal the identities of seers to non-seers and they cannot reveal their business (such as ongoing conspiracies and cabal activity) to non-seers outside their conspiracy or cabal.
-Seers cannot reveal the secrets and inner workings of the seer magic to non-seers outside their own conspiracy or cabal; the likes of Caecic, black aspers, witnesses (what little a seer knows), their purpose, and the details of secondsight cannot be revealed. In the same vein seers mustn’t be obvious about their ability to see while blinded (disregarding blindsight) nor the use of their other abilities and cannot be public about their magic use.


Duels necessitate both parties being aware of the initiation which cannot be denied and then combat until a victor is mutually agreed upon or one party is killed. 


Snitching entails telling non-seers any sensitive information regarding their seer-hood or seer activities such as their (likely hidden) identities and activities.


Exposing seer magic entails giving any information on how the magic works or what it does, including the baseline secondsight or the ability to “read fortunes” which at most can be spoken of as a personal gift or curse or explained as being a “psychic” or something akin. Seers should talk about it through vague and either incorrect or nondescript ways at best such as claiming a seer is an agent of Tahariae sent to guide souls towards pure lifestyles, an unknown inborn power, or something similar. Of course, emergency situations are exempt from this clause for the sake of casting publicly where seers are allowed to defend themselves.


By breaking any of these tenets Vaasek will immediately abandon the seer and they therein lose their magic and feat permanently as well as the number of dedicated slots and with the detachment of the witness the seer’s associated memories of their associates and activities leave as well.




Seers may be taught by other seers who have received Vaasek’s most sacred blessing and have used the Bestowment ritual, granting them a pupil. Bonded with the daemon for eternity and with greater influence over his gifts, these seers can allow other seers to commit themselves to their witness and begin bonding with Vaasek, thus teaching them the magic. Lessons in this magic are not conventional as a seer does not need to be taught exactly how to use the powers of the witness, merely be graced by their teacher to dedicate themselves. The seer learns more of the spells at their disposal through their dreams, presumably tutored by the witness, and to cast and call upon them is not a scholarly or intellectual deed but one of emotion and intent; the witness interprets what the seer wishes to do. Each time they do so they are willingly giving a part of their soul to Vaasek in order for the witness to anchor itself deeper, meaning any slots given in seer are permanent and cannot be dropped. Should Vaasek abandon the seer if they break his tenets then they lose the magic and feat as well as those slots forever.


Just as with the feat, seers translate the vision and coordinate the powers of their witness but to a greater extent. This ranges from 1 slot, to 2 slot, to 3 slot dedication and with each deeper bond the seer sacrifices themself to Vaasek to the point of being an eternal servant to Vaasek once they die. By allowing Vaasek and his witness in the seer becomes vulnerable to his influence and desires, making them more and more aligned with him and his cause.



[This part is the same and getting the formatting right is hard so whatever.]


Vaasek’s unintentional influences aside, that of the physical and mental degradation of seers, are accompanied by his intentional influences. As the daemon of anxiety and fallacy with his own fears and delusions he is most concerned with his own self preservation after having a vision of his death. This motivates him to carefully and quietly worm his way into the affairs of mortals, not just observing them but shifting their trajectory. Because of this, seers very commonly establish and work within cabals, secret societies, and underground organizations and commonly aim to disrupt the balance and peace established amongst guilds, nations, and other such forces. Seers do not outright wish for the destruction of all empires and the ruin of all churches but they very much so wish to see them busy and preoccupied amongst themselves as a form of distraction to sate their god. They are not commonly bloodthirsty or violent but seek to create tension on wide scales. Most activated abilities (spells) of seers create the signature effect and visual tell of their casting, a warp. Warps are usually subtle and fleeting distortions to the air which twist and bend what is seen through and around them although some spells create more intense or longer lasting warps. For some this can manifest with more noticeable effects such as warps having a reflective property and acting as fluid, fracturing mirrors or instead of radiating in lines or ‘arms’ they take geometric shapes and create linear patterns of distortions.


Vaasek’s tenets are straightforward: seers cannot commit violence against one another except in a duel scenario, they cannot snitch / expose one another, and above all they maintain a bare minimum of secrecy of their operations. Seers who intentionally harm or expose other seers or reveal their inner workings as detailed above have their feat, magic application, and teacher application denied and permanently lose what slots they dedicated. Vaasek does not and will not give a second chance.


Lastly, multiple activated abilities reference incurring a headache. If 3 moderate headaches are experienced at the same time (meaning the seer has used the maximum number of castings for 3 different abilities) then they experience a botched translation and undergo the related psychedelic distortions until they rest for at least 3 narrative hours.


When a seer goes through their first ritual of sanctioning they make a magic application for seer. When a seer goes through a second or third ritual of sanctioning they have a story team member comment on their MA their new slot amount dedicated.



The upside down sign of the horns is commonly the hallmark seer cabals.



-An individual can cease to be a seer only in one of two situations; their eyes are somehow restored and are therefore cured of blindness or they break one of Vaasek’s tenets. In either event a seer loses all memory of their associates and activities while a seer as Vaasek opts to protect his agents and discard the mistakes. 





The changes target flaws I did not see or properly anticipated in the original lore and better captivate the essence of the lore and lean into the concept initially presented. These tenets better ensure the ideas of secrecy, espionage, and chicanery both towards groups and among the public and seers and allow healthy levels of conflict and conflict resolution as well as protect the outcome of said conflicts. Seers are intended to not operate openly and/or in view of the public and above all covet the secrecy of their identities, lending to the implied commonality of them often being unassuming fortune tellers or if fully actualized (essentially have a TA) pass as normal people.








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5 hours ago, Zarsies said:

Snitching entails telling non-seers any sensitive information regarding their seer-hood or seer activities such as their (likely hidden) identities and activities.

What would be seer activities? Would that be the activity of keeping empires busy and away from the following of the gods?

Overalll, this would be cool. It sounds like it can lead to an Order of Vassek, but wouldn’t it be a bit hard to not accused and found of being a seer since most have heard of its feat for a long while?

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5 minutes ago, Slayy said:

What would be seer activities? Would that be the activity of keeping empires busy and away from the following of the gods?

Overalll, this would be cool. It sounds like it can lead to an Order of Vassek, but wouldn’t it be a bit hard to not accused and found of being a seer since most have heard of its feat for a long while?

Seer activities can be literally anything the seer is doing, could be scam rp could be spy rp. If another seer was to find out they can’t rat about it.


as for the second part that’s why this changed was made because apparently everyone just knows about it rply and everything about it for some reason. This just stops the spreading even more. A seer is meant to act blind not openly say they can see, if a seer acts blind should be no way to accuse them. Especially if they don’t use the magic

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2 minutes ago, Callum said:

Seer activities can be literally anything the seer is doing, could be scam rp could be spy rp. If another seer was to find out they can’t rat about it.


as for the second part that’s why this changed was made because apparently everyone just knows about it rply and everything about it for some reason. This just stops the spreading even more. A seer is meant to act blind not openly say they can see, if a seer acts blind should be no way to accuse them. Especially if they don’t use the magic

The major question is, those that do know you are a seer, are you able to converse with them since they know already or will it be different? And I don’t know if those activities really qualify as seer activities, Zarsies would have just said player activities instead. I’d just wait to see his response for that question. 

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This is an amazing amendment that I think may help out the stance on Seer RP. – The old Lore had a few holes in it that allowed people to RP it how they wanted. That isn’t how it works; If you’re going to learn something like this, there are tenants and themes that must be followed to ensure that it follows the guidelines of the MA. It’s meant to occult-like, a monkey’s paw. It’s meant to grant our characters sight, but at what cost? – They see everything, and that can break a person. Some things aren’t meant to be seen, from that they grow paranoid and reclusive. The magic isn’t meant to be used in public, in the Sutica square or for random moments. – It’s something that’s only used in dire situations or in privacy. This grants those who’ve been actually enjoying Seer RP, some joy. – When a person or group starts RPing it, the way that they want to while ignoring alot of the original intent and purpose of the magic, it reflects badly on everyone else. What use is a magic based in secrecy, when everyone in Sutica knows about it?


I honestly believe that Seers can be extremely interesting, if it weren’t for the Day 1 Self-Taught situation. – Where many had gorged out their own eye-balls in the hopes of getting the magic, and then getting golem eyes when they were told ‘No’.


Thanks, Zarsies, for this. – Hopefully, this can change the state of Seers right now.


EDIT: I wrote this when I woke up, so forgive my rambles. TLDR; Thanks Zarsies, this is gonna help Seer RP alot.

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7 hours ago, Zarsies said:

In the same vein seers mustn’t be obvious about their ability to see while blinded (disregarding blindsight) nor the use of their other abilities and cannot be public about their magic use.


To me, this part is absolutely unneeded and ruins the magic. I get not being public about the magic use but when Im doing something in combat, I cant be secretive about casting a spell to help me win/survive. Sometimes it’s good to be secretive about casting so you can trick people, but it’s kind of hard to do that while fighting others or trying to cast say one of the other spells that required a dark room. No one in their right mind is going to sit in a dark room while you are breaking the air, they’ll suspect something’s going on and just decide to leave. Thus, you’ll never get a single spell off. Does this also count for the general ability to see? Because if it does, then that’s the point of that? I can see but I have to act all blind and not tell anyone that I can see. Not being able to talk about somethings or cast something in public is fine, there are some places that need that and I like that in those specific seer spells, but it’s not something that should be required for the magic as a WHOLE. This last bit should purely be cultural, depending on how the seer themselves wishes to rp the magic, not something required of everyone. It simply makes the magic unusable in people are being smart about it. If I have to go out and, in combat, cast Eyebite or Hypnotic Gaze, on someone without anyone knowing Im casting, then Im going to bash my head on a table. just because you cant fight, doesn’t mean people won’t try to take advantage of that and fight you.


TLDR; This makes the magic unusable in some situations and a solution should be to have this be a cultural thing depending on the mage’s preference.

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43 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

get not being public about the magic use but when Im doing something in combat, I cant be secretive about casting a spell to help me win/survive. Sometimes it’s good to be secretive about casting so you can trick people, but it’s kind of hard to do that while fighting others or trying to cast say one of the other spells that required a dark room. No one in their right mind is going to sit in a dark room while you are breaking the air

If it comes to combat, go ahead. – Your character does what you need to do to survive. However, I find that Seers shouldn’t be in the middle of combat; The limitations of their bodies, alongside the paranoia and mental effects wouldn’t allow them to be the center of attention. Their bodies are brittle, faded and weakened due to the advent of their magics. Minds are torn apart, living in a secluded fear of what remains. – They wouldn’t willingly go to fights, if they know that they’d be in jeopardy. 


From Zarsies’ Post:

”Specific phobias (The acute fear, panic, or terror of a certain situation, activity, animal, or object which imagines or irrationally exaggerates danger. These individuals are keenly aware of their phobia but feel completely powerless to control it. There are too many possible phobias to list so please research your own. Phobias commonly induce panic attacks.)


43 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

I can see but I have to act all blind and not tell anyone that I can see. Not being able to talk about somethings or cast something in public is fine, there are some places that need that and I like that in those specific seer spells, but it’s not something that should be required for the magic as a WHOLE. This last bit should purely be cultural, depending on how the seer themselves wishes to rp the magic,

Yup, act blind. – The thought of being able to see without eyes or with a blindfold creates a spotlight on your character, it doesn’t make sense for Seers to enjoy that spotlight. They’re meant to be of the occult, in paranoia. It makes sense for them to be secretive about this.


From Zarsies’ Post:

”Social anxiety (The fear of everyday activities in social settings, accompanied by being extremely self-conscious and feeling judged regardless of their self awareness. This can be any general social act or specific ones such as eating in public, meeting strangers, or attending social events. A form of social anxiety is performance anxiety where the individual is extremely anxious of giving speeches or performances.)”


The side effect of Seer magic is that it drains a character’s mental health. – The fear and paranoia that comes along with it, this gives it a reason for Seers to act like this; This gift of theirs is to be kept secret, lest the imagined fears that they adorn will come to fruition. 

43 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

It simply makes the magic unusable in people are being smart about it.

Magics are supposed to be counter-able.

43 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

If I have to go out and, in combat, cast Eyebite or Hypnotic Gaze, on someone without anyone knowing Im casting, then Im going to bash my head on a table.

For Seers, I find that these spells are meant to be a last-resort. – Rather than an opener. There are other ways to CRP in combat rather than relying on a magic.

43 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

just because you cant fight, doesn’t mean people won’t try to take advantage of that and fight you.

Fully agree with that, people will take advantage of your character if they can’t fight. – However, Seer magic had these redlines for a reason.


From Zarsies’ Post:
”Physical symptoms include muscle tension, headaches, insomnia, a fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, trembling, sweating, and nausea.”

These are here for a reason.


They’re there since the Author didn’t intend for Seers to participate in combat, unless it’s duels. I find that Seers would have other measures rather than themselves fighting, to protect themselves in combat. – That alongside the RP that arises from this would be interesting. I’d just say let RP be RP; Whatever happens, happens. If your character is killed or PK’d, let it happen with grace.


43 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

This makes the magic unusable in some situations and a solution should be to have this be a cultural thing depending on the mage’s preference.

I’ve talked to a few Seers about this, some of the Grandfathered Seers. – The spells are really specific at times because it’s meant to be like that. Magic shouldn’t be the first move in a CRP, if you do end up fighting; Magic shouldn’t be the solution to everything in a fight. The cultural part is something I heavily disagree with, you chose to become a Seer. – You’re to follow the guidelines present and written by the Lore Holder.

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This is good, thank you!

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20 minutes ago, Spoons said:

If it comes to combat, go ahead. – Your character does what you need to do to survive. However, I find that Seers shouldn’t be in the middle of combat; The limitations of their bodies, alongside the paranoia and mental effects wouldn’t allow them to be the center of attention. Their bodies are brittle, faded and weakened due to the advent of their magics. Minds are torn apart, living in a secluded fear of what remains. – They wouldn’t willingly go to fights, if they know that they’d be in jeopardy. 


From Zarsies’ Post:

”Specific phobias (The acute fear, panic, or terror of a certain situation, activity, animal, or object which imagines or irrationally exaggerates danger. These individuals are keenly aware of their phobia but feel completely powerless to control it. There are too many possible phobias to list so please research your own. Phobias commonly induce panic attacks.


22 minutes ago, Spoons said:

Yup, act blind. – The thought of being able to see without eyes or with a blindfold creates a spotlight on your character, it doesn’t make sense for Seers to enjoy that spotlight. They’re meant to be of the occult, in paranoia. It makes sense for them to be secretive about this.


From Zarsies’ Post:

”Social anxiety (The fear of everyday activities in social settings, accompanied by being extremely self-conscious and feeling judged regardless of their self awareness. This can be any general social act or specific ones such as eating in public, meeting strangers, or attending social events. A form of social anxiety is performance anxiety where the individual is extremely anxious of giving speeches or performances.)”


The side effect of Seer magic is that it drains a character’s mental health. – The fear and paranoia that comes along with it, this gives it a reason for Seers to act like this; This gift of theirs is to be kept secret, lest the imagined fears that they adorn will come to fruition. 


22 minutes ago, Spoons said:

Magics are supposed to be counter-able.


22 minutes ago, Spoons said:

For Seers, I find that these spells are meant to be a last-resort. – Rather than an opener. There are other ways to CRP in combat rather than relying on a magic


23 minutes ago, Spoons said:

Fully agree with that, people will take advantage of your character if they can’t fight. – However, Seer magic had these redlines for a reason.


From Zarsies’ Post:
”Physical symptoms include muscle tension, headaches, insomnia, a fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, trembling, sweating, and nausea.”

These are here for a reason.


They’re there since the Author didn’t intend for Seers to participate in combat, unless it’s duels. I find that Seers would have other measures rather than themselves fighting, to protect themselves in combat. – That alongside the RP that arises from this would be interesting. I’d just say let RP be RP; Whatever happens, happens. If your character is killed or PK’d, let it happen with grace.


23 minutes ago, Spoons said:

I’ve talked to a few Seers about this, some of the Grandfathered Seers. – The spells are really specific at times because it’s meant to be like that. Magic shouldn’t be the first move in a CRP, if you do end up fighting; Magic shouldn’t be the solution to everything in a fight. The cultural part is something I heavily disagree with, you chose to become a Seer. – You’re to follow the guidelines present and written by the Lore Holder.


Yes Seers have a hard time here because of there weaknesses, both mentally and physically, but it just gives people like bandits a better reason to go out and kill you since you are an easy target. Even if you act blind, they just need to push you to the ground and then take all your s*** or kill you outright. If I was to cast there, then I’d lose the magic. If there was a raid and I started to cast, I lose the magic. If Im being ganked by randos in some place and I cast, I’d lose the magic. If I was to even bring up something beyond ‘Im blind’ then I’d lose the magic. Do you see how much that restricts you? You may not be willing to go and fight, but others will be more than willing to fight and kill you because you are an easy target. The physical stuff is there for a reason, and it’s nice I guess, Im not complaining, but with this new stuff added on, a Seer becomes the easiest person to go out and rob/kill. You show off the different anxieties in this and I’d say good on you for picking those out, if every Seer had the same anxieties. Some people may choose to not pick Social Anxiety or some may pick that but not a specific fear. The acting blind bit is also stupid because just having a blindfold over your face could also bring attention to you because who in their right mind walks around with cloth wrapped over their face? Now, the counterable with part I agree with, but when the entire magic can be countered by asking someone “Hey, why’s the air around you looking weird?” and then you just lose the magic, I feel that gets to be a bit much. That’s especially true if you can do it at the beginning of combat because they start to cast then as a reaction because they are unable to fight in any other way besides casting a spell to protect themselves/ward off others. Finally, a lore holder may have specific things they like about the magic and enforce through the lore post, that’s all well and dandy at times, but this is just too much. There is NO wiggle room for a Seer to act as they please  just because someone doesn’t like it when a Seer has to cast in the open.

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3 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:







Yes Seers have a hard time here because of there weaknesses, both mentally and physically, but it just gives people like bandits a better reason to go out and kill you since you are an easy target. Even if you act blind, they just need to push you to the ground and then take all your s*** or kill you outright. If I was to cast there, then I’d lose the magic. If there was a raid and I started to cast, I lose the magic. If Im being ganked by randos in some place and I cast, I’d lose the magic. If I was to even bring up something beyond ‘Im blind’ then I’d lose the magic. Do you see how much that restricts you?

Can you read?

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13 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

Yes Seers have a hard time here because of there weaknesses, both mentally and physically, but it just gives people like bandits a better reason to go out and kill you since you are an easy target. Even if you act blind, they just need to push you to the ground and then take all your s*** or kill you outright.

You chose to learn this magic, you’ve put the RP into it. – Deal with the Redlines and consequences.

13 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

If I was to cast there, then I’d lose the magic. If there was a raid and I started to cast, I lose the magic. If Im being ganked by randos in some place and I cast, I’d lose the magic.

What’s more important. – Your character’s life or the magic?

13 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

You may not be willing to go and fight, but others will be more than willing to fight and kill you because you are an easy target. The physical stuff is there for a reason, and it’s nice I guess, Im not complaining, but with this new stuff added on, a Seer becomes the easiest person to go out and rob/kill.

I find that Seers would have other measures rather than themselves fighting, to protect themselves in combat. – Perhaps guards, etc. It’ll make for good RP.

13 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

You show off the different anxieties in this and I’d say good on you for picking those out, if every Seer had the same anxieties. Some people may choose to not pick Social Anxiety or some may pick that but not a specific fear.

From Zarsies’ Post:

Physically this manifests as an inability to be fit or in good health, instead forcing seers to at most live with the body of a sedentary lifestyle with little more strength and endurance such a body could afford them. 

Mentally this manifests through a fear or anxiety or a delusion which is repeated per slot, up to 3 times.

There’s no “may choose to not pick”. – They have to have a Social Anxiety

13 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

The acting blind bit is also stupid because just having a blindfold over your face could also bring attention to you because who in their right mind walks around with cloth wrapped over their face? Now, the counterable with part I agree with, but when the entire magic can be countered by asking someone “Hey, why’s the air around you looking weird?” and then you just lose the magic, I feel that gets to be a bit much.

There’s other ways to obscure your eyes rather than using the blindfold.

13 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

There is NO wiggle room for a Seer to act as they please  just because someone doesn’t like it when a Seer has to cast in the open.

That’s a Redline for you.


Also, the change isn’t about casting it overall. – It’s about casting it publicly. 

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20 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

- snip -

Seer is not meant to be a very combat oriented magic, so the fact that you’re more concerned about combat capability is disconcerting to say the least. However, I will not argue you on that, as everyone has a different way that they treat magics. I will say, though, that what this tenet is implying is that a Seer shouldn’t be open about their abilities. If they absolutely must cast in a situation as combat, obviously this shouldn’t stop them, but if they’re going around in the middle of a city telling people about the intricacies of their abilities unnecessarily, then that is something that should be reprimanded. Vaasek is a very paranoid individual and isn’t going to gift someone power if they’re going to throw out the intricacies of his workings to those he has no influence over. 


The thing about Seer is that it’s meant to be mysterious, allowing each user to have their own unique spin on what grants them their gifts. Detailing every little bit of it to a non-seer makes it loose its in-roleplay mystery. For example, my Seer believes GOD granted her sight, for she was in a Church when she received it, and I know other Seers who also have their own unique spin. Throwing Seer spells and capability out there simply ultimately defeats that mystery, And I think that’s the main goal of the tenet; preventing unnecessarily detailing of Seer powers to those who are not Seers or part of the Seer’s group and maintaining the mysterious integrity of Seers. But maybe I’m wrong, I dumb, who knows.

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2 minutes ago, Sorcerio said:

Seer is not meant to be a very combat oriented magic, so the fact that you’re more concerned about combat capability is disturbing to say the least. However, I will not argue you on that, as everyone has a different way that they treat magics. I will say, though, that what this tenet is implying is that a Seer shouldn’t be open about their abilities. If they absolutely must cast in a situation as combat, obviously this shouldn’t stop them, but if they’re going around in the middle of a city telling people about the intricacies of their abilities unnecessarily, then that is something that should be reprimanded. Vaasek is a very paranoid individual and isn’t going to gift someone power if they’re going to throw out the intricacies of his workings to those he has no influence over. 


The thing about Seer is that it’s meant to be mysterious, allowing each user to have their own unique spin on what grants them their gifts. Detailing every little bit of it to a non-seer makes it loose its in-roleplay mystery. For example, my Seer believes GOD granted her sight, for she was in a Church when she received it, and I know other Seers who also have their own unique spin. And I think that’s the main goal of the tenet; preventing unnecessarily detailing of Seer powers to those who are not seers or part of the Seer’s group. But maybe I’m wrong, I dumb, who knows.


Nah dude you got it perfect there. You can read.

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