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[✗] [Racial Lore] Elven Gizzards


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Since time immemorial the children of Malin have enjoyed longevity and wisdom in their lives. Many scholars have concluded that the blessing of long life spans is just that, a blessing which simply is a powerful and incredible version of the arcane that is yet to be understandable to the common magi. But little did all know that the blessing was much more mundane than first realized. In functionality Elf’s were not blessed with magic... but in fact it was simply a product of evolution albeit, evolution aided by the arcane creating an arcane Gizzard.


A Gizzard as it is coined is in practice one of the most well rounded and useful organs ever to be produced by the chaotic nature of natural or should we say unnatural selection [Arcanely manipulated by the Aengul]. An Arcane Gizzard or Elven Gizzard is practically an organ that not only allows its user to have extremely long lives due to its properties but also allows due to its arcane nature a closer connection to the void and the nature of the world. An example of a Gizzard in practice is Elf’s molding to there homes. For example the dark elves quickly evolving for there dark homes.


  • An individual with an Arcane Gizzard does not naturally age, nor can they die of natural causes

  • All Elves are naturally born with a Gizzard

  • If a non-elf eats a Gizzard they are gifted with an extra 10 years of fresh healthy life (Gizzards have a nice pasta like taste).

  • A gizzard is found right next to the heart (It would look like a small soft tissue like a collection of black vein covered purple beads). And if remove successfully without damaging of the heart would revert and elf back to there normal state pre-blessing (they would have the same life span roughly of a dwarf at 300 to 400 years)


  1. Boil a small pot of water over the fire place until bubbling.
  2. Add roughly a third of a bottle of wonk blood, along with onion.
  3. Add Elven Gizzard
  4. (Optional) Add Elven Ears.
  5. Wait until the water boils again than than poor the liquid into a strainer.
  6. Ounce this is done read the Elven Gizzard back into the pot, waiting until they begin to sizzle turn them over than take them out.
  7. Ounce taken out you have finished your delicious Elven Gizzard Meal!


The Gizzard gives the children of Mali not only a consistent atheistic reason for there powers but also allows for them to have a real tangible reason for there long lives. Just like how the Orcs have a Spiritual Gynecomastia which gives them honor. while the dwarfs have their mighty beards.



I am completely serious about this when I see this is the peak of my life.




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i know this is a joke submission but im still of the ideal that descendants should have unique anatomy corresponding to their races and curses


orcs have like two stomachs and a diff brain structure to others, dwarves have bagpipe lungs that hold a shittonne of air, elves have a weird skeletal structure.



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2 hours ago, ScreamingDingo said:

i know this is a joke submission but im still of the ideal that descendants should have unique anatomy corresponding to their races and curses


orcs have like two stomachs and a diff brain structure to others, dwarves have bagpipe lungs that hold a shittonne of air, elves have a weird skeletal structure.



Yeah race related anatomy lore with pros and cons would be pretty sick actually if done right.

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Include recipes for roasted gizzard and you’ll have my vote.

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I prefer my gizzards deep fried, and seasoned properly. 


5 hours ago, Malaise said:

Include recipes for roasted gizzard and you’ll have my vote.

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On 5/10/2020 at 10:33 AM, Xaevial said:

I prefer my gizzards deep fried, and seasoned properly. 


For once I agree with Xaevial, i’m trynna buy some fried elf gizzard at KFC.

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