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A Pact of Silver Lining, 1768


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A Pact of Silver Lining

» La Musica «

Signed the 7th of Malin’s Welcome, 1768







     Brawn, robust, and solidity are but a few synonyms that denote the heeding intellect of two knowledge conjoining entities. ElSohaer of the precious, sanctified Silver State of Haelun’or and his council meet with a youthful member who once embellished their society to discuss a missive that conveys tranquility through legitimate law and order. In the decade past, Elcihi’thilln has made known the intent of working together to promote knowledge above all. As it appears, amongst the smaller institutions and settlements in Arcas is the prime source of enthusiasm for such endeavors in the pursuit of knowledge.



     The Haelun of Vaelya takes a seat at a awe-imposing table inhabited inside of Haelun’or. She scribes diligently to report what had been discussed with the Vaelian council. All but three days it took to document their formalities of the concurrence and set such into an honorable pact. Thereby, in light of our newfound allies, we have convened on the following terms:


  • The Silver State of Haelun’or and The Union of Vaelya shall agree to adhere to a strict non-aggression pact, under all circumstances. This treaty will stay in effect for a duration of 10 years.
  • Both parties are in accordance to respect each other's territories. The Union of Vaelya with its respective University of Vael that extends the bountiful land of their vineyard Vina del Mar, and The Silver State of Haelun’or stretching from the Sohaer’s Glade to the Northern Mountains, encompassing the entirety of the Silver Forests.
  • The parties commit to a mutual agreement of extradition for any individuals from their respective territories deemed to have commited a legal transgression in the other signatory state.





Sulraell Visaj,

ElSohaer of Haelun’or


Ka’lani Elibar’acal Valarieth,

Haelun of Vaelya, Headmistress of the University of Vael


Aerendyl Lor’demar




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Elathion, although sad that his original comment with rep on it got removed alongside the previous post, is nonetheless glad that this Non Agression pact was made! And this time, with beautiful formatting, too! He thinks of the classes and students milling about the university grounds with fondness.


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Ashton smiles while reading the document in the house Draco common room. "this is truly wonderful news, maybe we can talk about treaties in our next military history class" he says to one of his classmates.

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 Evar’lae Myriils eyes slowly scanned over each word that is printed on to the document. His eyebrows knitted together, as well as his lips pressed into a thin line. Then, with a breath, he smiles and nods in approval at this.

“Less troubles to worry about.” He murmurs to himself, putting the document back from where it came, and turn his attention towards his medical books once more.

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