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[Culture] Radaghastian


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Radaghastian Culture



Hi! Quick disclaimer!


This post has been re-done fully from ground basis, added with a lot of new things, so it is posted as brand new thing – while old one has been moved to graveyard! Sorry for the trouble!

If you have any questions about the culture, want to learn about it quicker, instead of just having to plow through the entire text below, shoot me a message on Discord or Forum!

Please bare in mind, Radaghastian culture is a big mix of old and more modern-ish Polish culture, along with regional flavours. Many things relate to actual things that you can find within our mythology, history, or more, but they are all mostly changed to fit into the theme of LOTC, and should under no circumstance be taken as actual ground for learning about Polish history, culture, and so on. You can ask me if you have any doubts about those!


Also, here is some music for you to listen to!






1. Introduction to Radaghastian Culture


  Who are Radaghastians? They are the sons and daughters of Radaghast, highlanders, born in a saddle. With hospitality and warmth matching only their unyielding will and short temper. Accompanied by lively and joyful songs on their lips in their melodic language, and an eager will to share their joy, but even then without a doubt, hard workers and simple people who don’t need much and offer a lot in return. Born and raised with deep respect to nature, taught from the youngest age how to withstand even the harshest of climates.






- Tate, what does it mean to be Radaghastian? - Young girl, wearing a simple white dress with traditional red decors, suddenly asked her father who was sitting behind her on the horseback.

 They were traveling through the mountain valleys for a few days now. Carefully choosing their next path, making sure to be patient. In the end, yak sie cloviek spiesi, to sie Bies i ciesi*. Still a long way ahead, but it will be better to reach their destination late, than not at all.
 Taking a short moment to ponder as he did not expect such a question, the older man looked at the path ahead, slowly bringing himself to an answer that he thought to be right.
- It means to worrk harrd, because prride comes frrom it, and to sharre with those that wish yu nie ill. To rrespect Radaghasts gifts that surround us in naturre, forr even ourr horrses that we hold so close to ourr hearrts all come frrom him. - Holding onto reins, he would lead his steed carefully through a narrow path between a mountain stream and a forest line. - Like Radaghast, who offerrs us his gifts even if we can nie offerr him anything back. Like Iskra, worrking harrd to brring us herr warrmth each day. Like Lumina and Koshei who with love and carre brring us back, theirr childrren, to Navia. And even like Bies, who despite being hated by so many, still matterrs to this worrld just as much.
 Her young gaze was wandering all around the trees as she listened carefully, clearly finding it both amusing and in some ways unsatisfying.
- But when we meet otherr people, yu told moi to hide ourr gods tata and nie speak about them. Why? - Turning her head around, she would look into his eyes that were scanning the path ahead.
 Tightening his lips, Pravislav would try his best to find a right answer, but there just didn’t seem to be one. Moving left hand over, he would pat her head gently, pointing at some branches in front afterwards, distracting her and changing the topic.



*Yak sie cloviek spiesi, to sie Bies i ciesi - When you hurry, Bies is happy. Means that you will bring misfortune on yourself.



2. History of Radaghastians


Historical origin

 First mentions of Radaghastians come from the land of Arcas. Within there they were reborn from highlanders clans that did not have strong connections to their ancestral cultures. Upon settling Tatra valleys and finding the last few clansman of Radaghast, they have decided to assimilate their lifestyle, learn about their gods, and about values that they represent. As years went by, more and more of them came together, being able to form entire communities and small legacies that few people may remember for many decades to come.
  In the end, all known villages fell when the wrath of Bies came, in a form of the Great Blizzard. Blocking off all paths to the valleys, restricting all movement and depleting any resources that they may have gathered. And as years went by more Radaghastians fell to the unyielding winter. Now they have abandoned their homeland, traveling through Arcas and its many realms, accepting the decision made by fate.




Mythology of origin





  Behind the great fog lies Navia. Land filled with dense lively forests, beautiful mountains, rivers filled with fishes, and steppes that stretch across tens of miles. All under careful watch of Lumina, goddess of death. It is believed that this was the land where Radaghastians have originally came to be - where their entire existence has been formed by Radaghast, as a gift to his dear friend. Living in the breathtaking paradise, able to enjoy all that was offered to them with not a single care in their mind. But everything that is great has to end someday.

  It was about this time that the old saying has formed. Pravdi tre - natura, vojna i smiertz. There are three truths, nature, war and death. And it is only a human thing to feel greed, hatred and bloodlust. As more Radaghastians were born in Navia, clans began to clash. With different interests, old quarrels that they wished not to let go of, one after another hundreds of horse riders started slaughtering each other. And even if they were not able to die, as Lumina would bring every single one of them back to life by the next dawn, they still couldn’t be stopped.


 Lumina cried over the fate of her beloved children. It was at this time that Koshei, her lover, rode across the skies on his powerful steed to meet with Radaghast, the great father. They spoke, they argued, they spent years thinking and trying to solve this issue. Each tear that Lumina shed brought great pain to Koshei, so he would not leave until Radaghast would find a proper solution to the issue.
 On the fifth year of their pondering, Radaghast struck the wooden table, splitting it in half. He stood up, looked at Koshei, and spoke.

 - There is a world which I take care of. One that is filled with corruption and ill will of all that live in it. On the Bies’s ruling day, when great fog covers the entire world, they will travel from Navia onto their new home. - With a calm voice he explained, showing to Koshei land he spoke of. In it, Svietovid, the corruption seeker was wandering for centuries, trying to bring enough balance to the world so it may be lived in.
 - But Luminas' heart will surely break apart! She will lose all her children that she cared for so long! You gave them to her, and now you plan to take them away?! - Koshei roared, lightning spreading across all the sky from his spear called Gnew.

 - They will be born there. They will live there. But then, they will die, and won’t come back to life anymore. - Radaghast explained, showing to Koshei how a tree is born in the land he owns, how it grows and then withers away, never to be reborn. Unlike in Navia. - And when they die, you will decide who is worthy to be a child under the care of Lumina. Whoever you think Lumina will be able to truly care for, with no fear or pain. And those that will be deemed unworthy of Navia will be devoured by Bies, to live in the eternal cold.

 Koshei would nod, finally understanding the plan that Radaghast came up with. Jumping onto his steed, he rode back across the sky, thunder roaring wild over all the worlds with each strike of the hoof onto the clouds.

 When he reached Lumina and told her about the plan, she cried with pain at the idea of having her children leave Navia, but agreed that it was for the best. And so, on the Bies’s ruling day, when the great fog came, all children of Radaghast left Navia to settle the new land. Having to live in the harsh lands, fend for themselves with all that comes, they were only accompanied by their steeds that decided not to leave their side, even if it meant leaving Navia behind.


First Radaghastian that left the Navia, Lech.





3. Religion


3.1 Major Deities





Radaghast – Father above all
Symbol - The Great Oak

Association – Entirety of nature on earth


 He is the great father and leader of all the major deities. Recognized as a creator, as he is responsible for all of nature. He is known for bringing plentiful harvest and forest abundant in animals to hunt. His followers associate him with a giant oak. To praise him and ask for his grace upon those who have died, it is common to place under the body a single acorn with carved out runes, before setting the pyre ablaze.
 It is said that Radaghast is in all things that surround us. Forests, rivers, mountains, even in wind itself. He offers us himself, and we are only asked to respect that and utilize it fully, as he sacrificed his body, so they may live a life which can lead them back again to Navia





Lumina - Goddess of afterlife

Symbol – Fog

Association – Afterlife, Fog, Death

Relations – Lover of Koshei


 Deep in Navia, a beautiful realm filled with everlasting happiness, is a throne placed on top of a giant oak. Lumians righteous seat, from which she can observe all of her children and care for them fully. She is the goddess of afterlife, but not one that people fear. Rather one that Radaghastians are eager to meet, as she shall bring happiness to those who deserve it.

 She is associated with fog, as it is deeply believed that behind it lies Navia. So every time you see thick like milk haze above a lake, remember that those you love, and who have passed are near you. If you wish to guide their souls back to their place, simply light fires near roads, so they may return to Luminas embrace.

 She has a deep bond with Koshei, the two being lovers. He gives her children, and she gives him purpose in his existence, driving more Radaghastians to righteous paths, whether that be in fields of battle, in everyday village life, or in their own paths.





Koshei – God of War

Symbol - Thunderbolt

Association - War, Thunderstorm, Death

Relations – Lover of Lumina


 Those who look at the thunderbolt as it crosses the sky, know now how powerful Koshei truly is. Each strike nimble, sudden, and groundshaking, leaving behind but a roar that moves hearts. In the end, he is the representation of war itself. Portrayed as the truest of all Radaghastians, on an intimidating black steed, usually covering himself with crimson red cape. His spear, Gnew, is a fearsome tool of war, capable of piercing even the thickest and most durable of metals.


 Upon his arm sits a falcon, whose task is to find those who are worthy of Navia, as they are about to die. Upon succeeding, he brings Koshei to them, and  then he sends them off to his lover, Lumina, as a gift and show of deepest love and adoration. Those that are not worthy of Navia, upon death shall be hunted down by him and brought before Bies who shall devour them and leave them in eternal darkness, where cold is everlasting.





Iskra (Bielobog) - Goddess of spring and good fortune

Symbol – The Sun

Association – Spring, Summer, Good fortune

Relations - Twin sister of Bies


 Each morning she makes her way up the sky, bringing light after night. Being considered as the “White Goddess”, also known as “Bielobog” she is often portrayed as so beautiful, that looking at her may blind you forever. She rules the sky during spring and summer, bringing warmth to all her children, resting when night comes. That is why, when she is not awake, Bies slips his way on to the sky, running away before Iskra once more will come from the east.

 As she is in everlasting conflict with Bies, they constantly clash with one another. The cycle of life, as night turns into day, and day turns into night, winter to summer, and then summer back to winter. But as Iskra always brings time for crops to grow, life returns within forests, and cold to be merely a memory, she is believed to be the bringer of good luck in life, affecting fate in positive ways.





Bies (Chernobog) – God of Winter and Misfortune

Symbol – The Moon

Association - Autumn, Winter, Sickness, Curses, Bad luck

Relations - Twin brother of Iskra


 Being a twin brother to Iskra, Bies is feared and hated alike. As opposed to his sister, he is known as “Blackgod”, called between Radaghastians “Chernobog”. Only those who wish harm upon their enemies would direct prayers to him, as he has no mercy, whether on the target, or the one praying.

 Once trees begin to slowly wither as winter approaches, Bies becomes stronger, pushing his twin sister out of her righteous position. Reaping souls with frost, hunger, and packs of wild animals, he was often told to be seen as a senile man wandering with a bone necklace. Represented by moon on the sky, his silver light can be both a guidance to those who are lost, as well as an aid to those who have ill intent to other living. Connected with bad luck, he is said to bring the worst out of fate.





Navia – Radaghastian Heaven


 Technically not a deity, but in a form of itself Radaghastians consider it as its own thing. It’s a world of eternal happiness, depicted as a giant forest, where on the biggest of oaks is Luminas throne, allowing her to care for her children, and see who needs her presence the most. Forever alive forest, which seems to respond to those who wander through it.

 Those who did not deserve passage will stay in the world of living, find their souls wandering without purpose, until Koshei finds them and brings before Bies, where they shall suffer in frozen wastelands.



3.2 Minor Deities


As opposed to what major gods stand for, how they look and how they appear to people, in dreams or in person, minor deities are mostly fear inducing amongst Radaghastians. They are not your usual kind hearted creatures, nor do they look in a way that suggests being calm and careless around them.
 In the end, families often scare their children by using names of minor deities, but as they grow up and learn more, soon they realise that their deepest fears from younger years are in reality something completely different. Helpful and protective towards Radaghastians.

 Each Radaghastian settlement picks one of the gods as their protecting deity. It is a common practice, but it doesn’t deny them the right to worship, or praise other gods alike. Usually a form of statue or shrine is made for them, to ensure the safety of citizens.





Mamuna – Minor deity of forests

Association – Lost and found children in forests


 Many children speak of Mamuna. Some with fear, some with kindness. By all that is known, she only appears to young ones that are traveling through forests, in the end finding themselves lost in the home of the Great Father Radaghast. Those that saw Mamuna say that she appears first as a light spirit, shining with dim green hue. Upon finding said lost child, she begins to fly around it eagerly, clearly trying to grab attention, and once given such, will begin guiding them amongst trees.

 As they travel, not even a single bird would dare to break the calm silence of night, nor even the hungriest of wolves would approach potential prey. Usually with the first Iskras rays breaking at horizon Mamuna fades away, leaving the child at the edge of the forest, right on the proper track back to its village.

 Fables mention that Mamunas real form is one of a ritualistic being with no face, and holes for eyes. She is able to speak, but to meet her as an adult is usually a really bad sign, none know exactly as to why.





Giewont – Minor mountain deity

Association - Safe travels across mountain paths and valleys


 He is said to be a mountain that woke up from its eternal slumber. Centuries ago each step of his would be tens of kilometers long, shaking ground far and wide. But as the years passed, he grew smaller and smaller, giving most of his body to his brethren, forming new river paths, giving first descendant metal ores and ritual sites.

 Now he roams valleys filled with forests, helping wildlife to thrive. Few Radaghastians in the past had mentioned seeing him, and a handful dared to even say that Giewont saved them from avalanches during winters. 

 Those who wish to travel through mountains, or live near them should pray to him for his good grace.





Svietovid - Corruption Seeker

Association – Corruption, Uncontrolled magic, void


 Deity with four faces, that is thought to be the will of Radaghast himself. Wielding powerful magic, Svietovid was the one to administer Radaghasts creations. Searching for anything that was corrupted, anything that would be broken from inside, tainted by things which were older even from Great Father.

 Not much can be said about Svietovid at this time in the world. Many speculate about what he is doing, but there haven’t been any truly confirmed sightings of him. Duhovniks believe that he is still roaming the world, breaking corruption in Radaghasts creation.

 Considered to be a deity of magic and balance, prayers to him often seem to bring peace of mind to those who are troubled, or show symptoms of voidal corruption.





Dzivoj – Hunter of Nightmares

Association - Nightmares, evil spirits


 Deity that hunts through dreams of all living beings. Though, not the way you may expect, even if its appearance proves otherwise. Dzivoj seeks those who are troubled by nightmares and hunts spirits which trouble Radaghastians, trying to restore their rest.

 His shape is many times spotted in dreams of those who were troubled by nightmares, as he may appear briefly during his everlasting hunt. Seemingly when he manages to track down his prey, Dzivoj will then swallow the essence, restoring his own strength and stamina. Those who are often troubled by evil spirits should pray to him, as that creates a guide path to their dreams. And when the entire community is affected, Duhovnik may perform Dzivojs Calling.





Bebok - The Vengful one

Association - Harm upon children of pregnant women


 Even most terrifying of deities that Radaghast created are doing all to ensure that the world will not succumb to taint and corruption. One made by humans too.

 Bebok is a child of Bies, born from millions of souls which were judged as evil by Koshei. He is a vicious creature, but his task is just and lawful. He hunts for those who harmed children or pregnant women in any cruel way, being ordered by Koshei to bring them quickly before him. Once Beboks claws begin to shred the body of his victim, creature then swallows the soul. Inside this beast, he will be tormented and will suffer as long as Bebok won’t return them all to the god of war, then to be passed to Bies’s realm of eternal cold.





Svarog – The Flame Bringer

Association - Blacksmiths, Fires, Heat



 He is one of the minor deities that are actually human like in appearance, known as Master of fire and patron of all blacksmiths. Said to be a fallen major deity, as he was briefly corrupted by taint, and sent down upon this world to be saved by Svietovid, but never to return back into Navia, as he may not die. Instead taking on a duty of helping Radaghastians.

 When you feel warmth even amidst the harshest winters, it means that Svarog is sitting nearby. It is said that sometimes people who may gain blessing from him may hear his laughter coming out of fire in campfires, forges or furnaces. As the god of smiths, with each strike of a hammer against metal, he offers a piece of himself. 

 When you wish to ask for his blessing, go into the forest and find the finest fallen tree. From it make a bonfire to warm you and your family in the midst of night, to light path for Svarog.



4. Society



4.1 Leadership

Leaders title - Piast

Succession law - Eldership


Chosen from eligible family members of the Piasts clan


  Within Radaghastian culture, Leadership is passed down by Venerable Elders - heads of the clans. They get together to vote on the desired heir to the Piast title once every Iskras month, during Zbiora - the great gathering. During it, they begin with voting, and afterwards they may discuss important matters or choices they wish to take for the next years to come.

 If there is any urgent situation that needs to be discussed, Venerable Elders or Piast can call for Narada, a smaller gathering focused around certain situations or topics.



4.2 Clans

Leaders Title - Clan Elder

Title gain - Granted by Piast

Title loss - Revoked by Piast; Loss of honorable family status; Loss of family status

Succession Law - Chosen by Clan Elder
Title Gain Requirements - Honorable Family title; Acknowledged by Piast follower family


 Base of society amongst old Radaghastian tradition stands on the shoulders of clans, as similar to many other highlanders' realms and cultures. They form the legacies and from them came the firsts Piasts. 

 Each clan has their own traditions, their own differences and their own decisions upon heritage law of the Clan Elder title, but the clan title itself has to be granted by the Piast, and it can be taken away at any given point by him. The only times when the clan title may be lost by itself is when they lose the family status, meaning they no longer meet the requirements for it. Piast may freeze the family status for two years in this case, giving the Clan Elder time to regain it. After those two years, if unsuccessful, it will be lost no matter what.



4.3 Honorable Families


Title Gain – Granted by Piast

Title loss - Revoked by Piast; Loss of family status
Title gain requirement - Loyalty, Tradition, Devotion
Succession law - Primogeniture, eldest son inherits all


 Amongst all the common families that may be seen rising and falling within Radaghastian history, there are some that will be granted the privilege of being elevated to an Honorable Family status. Usually being renowned amongst and known for generations, they are the shining example of what it means to be children of Radaghast.

 It rarely happens that a family is granted such a privilege, and even more rare for it is to be later elevated to a clan status. Those families that can no longer maintain their status may lose the Honorable Family rights, and the same way how it works with clans Piast may freeze the family status for two years, giving more time for them to regain it.



4.4 Social Structures


 One of the most important parts of being a Radaghastian is family. Considered as at least one parental figure, and at least one child. Even duhovnik - seer - usually has a family, unless he is restricted by the patron deity he had chosen.


 Family and its heritage grants you a status within the hierarchy, brings renown and respect. To come from a big family, especially a known one, or even better, Honorable one, means a truly great gift from fate. When you are not a part of any, nor do you have any sights on making a new one, you end up being more often than not looked down upon, making it harder for you to work your way through the social structure.

 If you lose the family status fully you can always rebuild it, but it will leave a scar on its honor. Even the greatest clans had to struggle through those times, having plenty of followers, and yet not enough family members to sustain their position.




 Families are expected to become followers of existing clans, as it creates a deeper bond within the society, bringing people of different families closer, and giving more purpose to their work for the community. Once they are elevated into an honorable family status, they won’t stop being followers of the clan they began with. With that, they can try then to work their way into becoming a clan themselves, while not harming the clan they belong to. Upon being granted a clan title, at this moment they become followers of Piast and gods only.

 People without families, may sometimes be blooded into them, but that is the deepest show of trust to the given person, especially that it is looked down upon, and strains the family's honor and prestige. 



4.5 Social Traditions



 There are certain things within the Radaghastian tradition that regard the social structures, statues of men and women in the usual families, and more. They don’t differ tremendously from most of the ancient highlander cultures, but certainly are not that similar either.


 Women in Radaghastian culture are very highly regarded. Their ability to bring new life to this world is considered as the greatest gift from Radaghast and Lumina. Because of that, they are considered near sacred when with a child, and any significant harm done towards a pregnant woman may be defined as the worst of possible crimes.
 But it is not the only reason why they seem to be valued so significantly. Their usually shrewd minds, ability to administer households, and move deftly in the field of politics or relations between clans makes them a high valued asset for any Piast, Clan Elder, or even head of the family. They may be the entire reason for a family to become Honorable, or may be the reason as to why an entire clan loses its  status.


  Men are mostly considered the main providers for each family. Because of that, especially Clan Elders rarely retain their primary status as warriors within the society, focusing on ensuring food and stability within the family itself. They may still go to war when called upon, sometimes even prefering to keep the life of sword and fire, especially if they are renowned enough to bring fame and fortune to the family name.
 It is generally thought more common that the adult children should become the warriors for family, using their young body and wild ambitions as main fuel for the defense of the country. During their time as warriors, they may gain knowledge, respect, and build strong bonds with their brethren, in the long run creating a stronger society as a whole. It comes with many risks, but in such harsh climates and lifestyles there is rarely any place for weakness.



5. Language


 Same as their Pasnian brethren, traditionally Radaghastians speak in Vistulian language. They understand common, know how to use it well, but they have rather strong accents. Their language is really unusual, so it does require a native Radaghastian or Pasnian to be taught how to speak in Vistulian. Some Raevir may pick up word or two, but generally lack the ability to understand everything.


 OOC link to the language document:





6. Behaviour



 Those that have met the truest most… stereotypical Radaghastian can sum them all up in a single word. Sparatic. At one moment they may be serious, hard working, truly focused on what they are doing, at another a wrong word and their short temper may throw them into an uncontrolled rage, spewing words at the speed of light. And then, with a snap of a finger, they will reconcile with the person they were just insulting. Wild like nature itself, flowing with the current, but at the same time trying to force the current to go back.


 But as all humans, same with Radaghastians - they may all feel really different amongst each other, but there are certain traits that seem to run deep in the culture itself being shared amongst those colorful in character people. 


 Bread and salt - Even in their household greeting, they offer you bread and salt, figuratively or physically. It’s a gesture of hospitality, kind heart and will to share the fate with those that come into their life.


 Hvala w tiezka rabota - Pride in hard work. Without doubt, Radaghastians may seem lazy at moments, may seem to enjoy festivities and free time to its fullest, but each day they work hard to bring alimentation, pride and security to their families.

 It doesn’t end there though. Their hard work falls under one truly important part - their honor and loyalty. A Radaghastian promise should be worth more than any other. Those that break their promise or oaths given, deny themselves the right to enter Navia, as loyalty falls under Koshei’s most sacred commandment.


 Zdrovia! - Their goodbye also is a toast… rather weird, but it fits well. They may be prone to alcohol, as the climate they live in rarely does offer such wonderful warmth as stronger liquors do, but it also comes into their festive nature. When they are able to take part in a festival, they love to enjoy themselves to the fullest in a less caring way - dancing, laughing, singing their hearts out. Even their most common dance, Polka, is a really lively and expressive activity.



7. Military



7.1 War Culture



 There aren’t many Radaghastians left in the world, but those that devote themselves to war can be a useful tool for any army or guard force. Even if they tend to be rakish, wild and uncontrolled, their loyalty should not be put under question, as betrayal brings the worst of shame to all of the family, to the clan and to Koshei himself. And even if they are individualistic, doing most things in their own way, they work and make sure to fulfill duties required from them.


 They excel in skirmish styled tactics, aimed at utilizing horses, bows and spears to draw their enemy out in the field from their formations. Then the light cavalry charge can easily begin their work, steadily depleting enemy numbers without having to break through rows of pikes.
 They begin the light cavalry charge with spears, able to break through chain mails and lighter armors without any trouble. If faced with opponents wearing plate armor, they may use their spear to try and strike at the helmet - or push the enemy over, instantly jumping off and finishing him with an axe, dagger, or blunt weapon.


 They are able to use mountains, hills and forests to their advantage, using unknown paths, preparing ambushes, or causing avalanches to try and break the enemy spirit. Rarely would they try to clash face first into any army, fully aware that their mostly more movement orientated armor will be no match to full plate, or heavy fire from ranged units on the opposite side.


 One thing that makes Radaghastians far more unique to many other cultures is their approach towards their captives. Once captured, they will be taken care of medically, provided the same food and drinks that Radaghastians drink, and treated with respect - of course as long, as the captive doesn’t push his luck too far.
 After some time, they may and most likely will be given an offer. See, Radaghastians don’t care much for the blood of the enemy who has already given up. There is nothing to be gained from that - of course, it may vary for the social status of the captive. But regardless. They will be put in front of one of the three choices. They may either buy themselves out, whether with their own gold, or with the gold of their family if they so wish to aid them, accept and embrace death, or… Join the Radaghastian group. If they choose the last option, they will be treated the same as other citizens, with due respect and hospitality.


 Many warriors after winning a battle perform rituals that are meant to help those who have fallen, as to guide them back to their righteous place in Navia. They tend to believe that when fog comes at dawn after the battle, it means that the family members have come from the afterlife to greet their relatives with pride that they truly deserve.




7.2 Warriors Culture



 To be a Radaghastian Vojak it means to live a simple life. You rarely end up having many things in your home, as at any moment's notice you may be called into another war. Any decoration ends up mostly being just trophies from yet another battle that you managed to get out of alive by Kosheis will.

 On their day of joining under Koshei’s banner, often they will choose a patron deity they wish to represent. Whether major or minor, it doesn’t really matter. Once picked, tied in blood during the ritual, they tend to seek weapons and armors that will resemble picked deity. In the case of Giewont it would mean heavy armor and blunt weapons, while in case of for example Svarog, they will try to prove their inner flame, wearing less, and carrying heavy weapons akin to double handed axes.


 The most common equipment amongst Radaghastian warriors, present with them nearly at all times, would be a specific styled saber.

  It is a fine tool of war, forged out of steel. Its 32 inch long single edged curved blade feels perfect for cutting, all thanks to the design, properties of the steel used, and balance of the weapon. At the last few inches towards its tip, there is a so-called feather, where it turns into a double edged blade, allowing cuts even from the backside. Its guard rolls over the fingers through the 6 inches long hilt all the way to the pommel, where there is only a very small gap between the two steel pieces. Hilt itself was made from oak and then covered by braided leather strips, slightly curved at the end to the opposite side of the blade. Weighs around 2.4lbs.




 Second most popular tool of war would be a spear. Used as a main weapon, while keeping saber as a side one, it is both simple, and extremely effective. Not without a reason Koshei wields Gnew, the most powerful of all spears. Using it on horseback makes you a force that even the most experienced warriors have to reckon with.


  As for their defensive choices, they will mostly carry with them tear-shaped shields. Made out of wood, preferably oak, with either leather or iron rim, it is meant to be strapped to the forearm, without center grip.


 Last common weapon used by them would be a recurve bow, designed in such a way to be used both on foot and on horseback. It can be adjusted to be a hunting tool, or a proper war tool, depending on the requirement from the user.



8. Common Traits

  Radaghastians are a part of the Vistulian ethnicity. Under it falls also the Pasnian culture which is considered a brethren one, despite their cultural differences. Vistulian appearance can easily be associated with specific traits. 


 They tend to grow rather tall and semi-muscular, but still keep a slim posture. Women in their mid 20’ties tend to have a bit broader than usual hips. Both men and women are a bit proun to aging visually, as this is placed on their hard working nature.



 Their skin tends to be white and pale, with pink-ish undertones, giving a lively look to their appearance. When you connect that with their hair, mostly soft in touch, rather smooth and not that curly, all in less intense colors - you will not find Vistulians with intensely black hair, nor with really bright blonde, mostly darker blonde, falling just a tiny bit into ginger, or brown - and their intensely bright coloured eyes, they make for a rather unique and mostly described as attractive looking ethnicity.



9. Festivities



9.1 Religious Festivities



 There are simple truths that don’t need to be praised or prayed about. The sheer fact that nature is the form of Radaghast himself is obvious, is common, and is understandable. With each action in your everyday life, you worship him - as long as you use to the fullest all that he grants you, and don’t let it go to waste.

 That is why Radaghastian festivities around the religious area are different than expected. They don’t focus on the matters of nature, but rather on the minor deities and what connects with most of them. Their task is to ward off the evil spirits, creatures and poor fate, as well as strengthen the minor deities, making it easier for them to bring help.


 It comes as a very important point in the entire understanding of Radaghastian festivals and religious traditions, that they don’t go to any temple or shrine to pray, but rather everyday actions and behaviours tend to act more as their way to praise deities or to fend from evil spirits. Smaller rituals, certain actions, or just hard work were considered as more than enough to show their appreciation, but even then, there were certain festivals or aforementioned rituals that would take place every now and then to gather everyone together.


 Luminas Festival - Said to be the day when dead from Navia appear in the real world. As thick fog covers the world, especially near water sources, souls of those who entered Navia before now return for that single night. People can then ask for favours, and return them alike to those who passed, by bringing food and drinks to where their ashes were scattered. As the festival nears its end, fires would be lit next to roads, guiding to the nearest water source, to show the path back to Navia. It usually happens around Bieses ruling day.


 Dzivojs Calling - When evil spirits begin to take many of the Radaghastians at night, bringing more terrors and less rest, duhovnik may call for Dzivojs calling. During this festival, people will gather around a bonfire at dusk, each bringing something to offer to Dzivoj, and an item that will resemble the evil spirit that haunts them.

 Duhovnik then should gather all the items, and begin with a short prayer to the Hunter of Nightmares. As the sun sets, he will throw all the collected offerings into the fire, all while starting a chant in which everyone gathered should participate. When smoke rises high into the sky, a track for Dzivoj to follow will be set, with voices of Radaghastians and with the stench of what causes them trouble. Once the festival ends, everyone makes a salt line in their windows, doorsteps and any other entrances to their homes, trapping any evil spirits inside until Dzivoj comes for them.


 Giewont’s Path Seeking - Due to its difficulty, it is considered as a lesser festival to which you may mostly be invited by Duhovnik. All the participants gather in the village and then travel across the region to seek for the highest mountain which they then climb, holding a rock of their prefered size with them. When they reach its peak, they are expected to place the rocks into a pile, burrowing under them pinewood branches and bark. With that, Giewont will regain some of his body, and be able to reach those in need faster.


 Svietovid’s Blessing - To keep the world from falling deeper into its corrupted madness, there is a certain festival which helps the four faced deity Svietovid, regain his power for years to come. Radaghastians would prepare wooden masks with decorations of their own choice, and then hang them on an oaken tree. On the day of the festival announced by Duhovnik, they would take and put them on, signing its beginning. It wouldn’t be much different from the most common of the celebrations, with music, dancing, food and games, only except for the fact that they would do everything with their faces hidden away from the world.  And when the end of the festival comes, and night takes fully over, a bonfire will be lit. In it, people will throw their masks with offerings for Svietovid, all accompanied by blessings from Duhovnik. Their joy, happiness, and positive energy will be his fuel for the next years, as by the tradition of sharing bread and salt.


 Iskras Rule Day - As winter comes to an end, Iskra comes back to her realm to rule it once again. Weakened after Bies’s rule, she has to use a lot of strength to ensure that all nature will come back to life. That is why Radaghastians celebrate her Ruling Day, to help her bring all of the good fate she can.

 Children and adults prepare a Bies’s statue made out of any remaining hay they have. Once it is prepared, they bring it by the closest river they have, letting Duhovnik ask Iskra for a fruitful harvest this spring. He then throws the Bies’s statue into the water, letting current take it away, showing that his rule ends, as he returns to Navia, not dying but rather disappearing until next winter, and Iskra can take over once again. It is usually followed by a festival, with plenty of games, activities and dances.


 Radaghastian Funeral Ritual - Death comes for everyone. Whether it will bring passage to Navia, or eternity in Bies’s grasp, that is not for any living to decide. But the very least all people can do is to ensure calm passage by performing a proper funeral.

 Body of the deceased person should be placed on a pyre near a water source of any sort. Underneath the body itself, each person who held that man or woman dear to their heart should lay an acorn with protective runes engraved on their shells, as a blessing to Radaghast. More renowned of the Radaghstians may even be covered in a blanket of fresh oaken leaves. Placing then any items that the dead may need in afterlife, pyre will be lit on fire, allowing for flames to guide Koshei to the dead and decide upon his fate.




9.2 Military Festivities and Traditions



 Radaghastians warriors have their own festivities they may perform when necessary or desired. They may not be granted a powerful blessing to defeat any enemy, but they are mostly performed to bring more peace into their minds, bless fallen brethren, or guide tormented souls away from the fields of battle, as not to let them come back to life and haunt those who still live.


  Warriors Greeting - As a Radaghastian makes the choice to become a warrior, he shall be greeted accordingly within the ranks. On the day of his oath swearing, usually arm to arm with others who wished to join the warriors, Piast welcomes them, offers his blessing, and grants each a traditional Radaghastian saber - their sign of status. Duhovnik then asks whether any of the warriors wish to take on a specific patron - and if so, they are going to perform a short ritual that will seal their bond accordingly. With that, Warriors Greeting ends, and their duty begins.


 Banner Call - When war comes, Koshei’s Banner needs to be raised, and warriors called to it. Set in the center of the community, Piast raises it when war has been declared, and Clan Elders blow their horns three times, signing for warriors to gather. It will remain there until the last battle, after which either it will be taken down victorious and a new part will be added to it, or burned as it stands to mark the defeat.


 The Guide Flare Ritual - Active duty, be that in time of war or even in times of peace may bring many of the Radaghastians back home to Navia, and many more down to Bies’s realm. The Guide Flare Ritual is performed upon the death of a warrior, helping Koshei’s falcon find him amongst all those who have died, and guide the god of war so he may give yet another child to his beloved Lumina.

 Person performing the ritual, whomever it may be, begins by placing the deceased upon a pyre, with the weapon he had used upon his chest. Giving a short blessing, he has to light a torch by the fallen, holding it high up so it will be easier to recognize who is the child of Radaghast, so falcon may find it and fetch for Koshei right after. Once the torch is soon to burn out, pyre needs to be lit, allowing for the fallen to pass to afterlife.

 If there was a big battle, ritual sometimes may be performed without the bodies, as anyone who wishes to participate in it gathers by the closest water source - sea, lake or river, lighting their torch at night, and standing guard until dusk comes. With that, they will guide the souls of those who have died towards them, and help Koshei take them further ahead.


 Bies’s Misguidance Ritual - One can not let the fallen upon battlefield turn undead. It would be the worst curse that Bies may bring, ensuring that no matter how great the Radaghastian was, he would not get to enter Navia. That is why such a Ritual needs to be performed.

 After a battle, when there are too many fallen to take care of them all, or when in a hurry, remaining warriors or anyone still standing needs to find and bring a single steed to the where the fight took place. Onto it, they mount a saddle, and strap in it an animal of prefered choices. They then stab the animal, making sure it will bleed out as time goes by, scaring the steed with its screams. As the horse runs off, Bies will be lured by the smell of blood and running steed to believe that someone is trying to escape his grasp, forgetting about all those who had fallen in the battle.



9.3 Cultural Festivities 



 Everyday Radaghastian life is far from being all about grim and saddening things. As they love to be lively, joyful, and filled with passion, so are their cultural traditions and festivities. Because of that, non-religious festivities, and celebrations are the most sought after when people want to just let go of their bothers and spend some proper quality time, dancing, singing, feasting and drinking.


 Postriziny - Young children of Radaghastian kin upon their birth are given a name - but not one they will live with for their entire life. It is a name that will belong with them until their seventh birthday. Given as a way to misguide the bad spirits from them, it ends its purpose once a child grows old enough to differentiate the good spirits from bad ones.

 On their seventh birthday, they will have their first haircut. In boys case it will be their father doing so, officially taking his son as a ward, taking over mother's responsibility. He will teach him how to fight, how to provide for the family, how to work and craft. With  girls it will be their mother, cutting less hair. They will continue their care over them, but now will focus more on helping them understand the world of adults, their future responsibilities, as well as most common crafts and jobs that women perform within the culture. They may still learn how to fight if they so will, or if their parents insist.

 After Postriziny there is usually a festival in the community - letting everyone celebrate such an important day in the life of their youngest members. This is the first time they are considered truly able to step in the path of Radaghast.


 Upojviny - A day of coming into adulthood, without a doubt is a moment that each man and woman will remember for the rest of their life. Right? Well... Not exactly. See, on their fifteenth birthday, as young Radaghastians finally step into adulthood, they are presented with a proper celebration. Especially, that it is in each of the families interest to ensure that it will be a true festival, as to be granted with Iskras blessing, and sway Bies away from the fresh adult.

 As all gather, the head of the family begins the celebration by giving a speech, and by the end of it placing a big mug, full of beer, in front of the fresh adult. Now, they have to try and do their best to chug it all down. Those who manage to do it and not throw up right after will gain a lot of prestige, and will be considered blessed by Koshei who is recognized as fond of alcohol.


 Zaslubiny - Weddings as one might expect are a festivity that needs to be celebrated in such a way that will not be forgotten both by the newly wed, as well as by the guests. Being able to bind two families tighter together, it is a cheerful day for all included (unless there are any grudges held…).

 Ceremony itself starts in a very simple way. Bride and groom stand in the closest bigger water source they may find near the community, with Duhovnik leading it. He will instruct both what to speak, and what to do all throughout, as to ensure that proper ritual will be held and Lumina with Koshei will bring their blessing. The couple's closests friends bring floral wreaths, passing them to Duhovnik. He will then place each on their heads, giving a very short blessing to Iskra. He will then swap wreaths between the two, followed by a blessing to Lumina, and with the last swap of wreaths, he mutters the last blessing to Koshei.

 Once the ceremony is over, celebration may begin - held in the most traditional way, unless a certain topic was decided upon by the families of the couple. Usually choosing long before a vodirej, man or woman responsible for preparation of music, food, any games, and overall making sure that the festivity will be a truly joyful experience.



9.4 Musical Traditions



 As with most of the things that define the entirety of this culture, music is no different in its unique style. They are using common instruments like drums, bells, even cow or sheep bells at that, topped off with common violins, flutes and other similarities in which they seem to excel at.


 They find joy in really jumpy and easy to dance to music, especially fit for rural feasts and gatherings, so if you wish to find a good band to bring together common people along with some more joyful aristocrats, simply find a Radaghastian one, especially that Radaghastian women are known to be really good singers, using such a whistling language as near to an instrument on its own, capable of making really unique cheerful music, just as well as touching, somber in tune songs.


Zlobcoki - A string instrument with its body carved out of a single wooden log - soundboard and neck. Having four strings, it is played with a curved bow, creating a low, sharp, and really moving sound that could be hardly mistaken with any other instrument. Played usually in duetsm it is the most renowned instrument amongst all Radaghastians, and those who can play it well are treated as must-have guests at most of the festivals and celebrations.


 Polka - A lively courtship dance accompanied by very catchy and jumpy music. It is characterized by three quick steps followed by a hop in 2/4 time, all while the dancing couple covers a lot of space as they move in circles. It may sometimes be accompanied by different moves, for example dropping down low in knees, just to spring back up wildly.

 No festival can go without Polka, as it just has to make an appearance, as to make the blood flow faster, help to spread alcohol better, and take the breath away. It is a common dance even amongst the warriors, as they try to prove other brothers in arms as inferior, unable to dance faster, jump higher, and drop down lower than them.



10. Clothing



 As simple people, they wear simple things. Most of their wardrobe has an actual purpose or meaning, only decorated with simple embroidery. Clothes are meant to provide warmth, keep decency, and maybe in a long push show your faith or social status. They are not meant to prove your wealth, nor are they meant to be a reason for bragging.


 Most common of the clothes that Radaghasian wear are made out of wool, as they breed sheep more commonly from all other domestic animals. They are then weaved into long shirts or dresses, more often met in white-ish color with red embroidery as decoration on sleeves, around the collar and sometimes around the bottom of it. Women tend to have more of the cultural styled embroidery in them. Pants are mostly darker in tone, mostly split between brown and dark red, but it wouldn’t be uncommon to choose beige color as well.

 They adore simple styled jewelry, mostly one that is connected to their rituals or ways of showing which deity they have chosen as their patron. Women tend to make necklaces out of dried rowanberries, giving that intense red color. Except that, small wooden decors, beads, and so on may be accompanied either as necklaces, or bracelets.



11. Architecture



 There is no surprise that their architecture is far from the usual human city styled one. It is far more timid, easy to build and at the same time easy to be taken down if needed. As they never truly had one place that they could call home for longer than five decades, either traveling or being forced out by fate or neighbours, Radaghastians are not used to calling any village ‘home’. 

 Most of the buildings are made out of wood entirely, or with hay for their rooftops. With villages built along a single road, or centered around a market field, they create circle-styled communities, easily able to put up palisades even without much architectural knowledge.

 Home interiors are an experience in itself. Homely, warm, sometimes a bit cramped, but mostly very focused around giving out the feeling of safety and comfort that outmatches most of the cold and soulless builds that other human cultures tend to go with. Even if many times barren from decorations, as to follow a simple lifestyle, they still manage to make everything seem both useful and enjoyable to look at.



12. OOC Links


Vistulian Language – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TFY_1U7OUru7xAWTeTBcYhQ6eH1oQtPQb-PbrjBzQes/edit?usp=sharing (Work in Progress)

Beastiary – (Coming soon?)

Myths and Legends – (Coming soon?)

Cook Book – (Coming soon?)

Audiobook – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqKyP71JR9A
Cultures Discord - https://discord.gg/6ExYGDMTCD

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Real nice 👍

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Fanatztic work as always. 

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Ooh, looks interesting!

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It's been a while!

I'm coming back with a BIG update in regards to the accesabillity to the culture itself!
Those who would have trouble with reading through such an ungodly amount of text can now rejoice with the below AUDIO BOOK done by me. Quality leaves a bit to be desired, but I hope it will make it easier for you all!


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audio book pog

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I'm making sure to add more useful stuff as we go. Today I've updated the culture document with a Discord link!
This Discord is fully open to anyone who wants to know more about Radaghastian culture, is interested in finding where we RP, or overall seeks to ask questions in regards to the above creation!


Enjoy, and expect further updates soon!

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