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[Notice] The Lightning Bird's Nest


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Upon the tavern located on the right of the road upon entering Helena, the notice board would have several drawings of an incredibly large, yet colourful bird be posted, with golden eyes, and vicious sharp talons. The notice would say: 


To anyone traversing the Queen’s Iseles, beware! For it seems that giant birds that dive as fast as lightning can be seen from the jungle’s coast, and will attack those who attempt to approach it. Those who wish to avoid and plan a safer route should contact Juan Lyon (King of Cartography / Cartographyking 




((If you do manage to find this bird, message firespirit44 and we can setup some rp. However, be warned, with each encounter the behaviour of these birds will change, and they’ve already been met once))

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A scholar mourns the bird, knowing some brain damaged individuals would kill the creature in it’s natural habitat for “items”

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Siol ‘the Orrir’ hummed lightly to himself as he saw the notice, his weakened stature being held up by his cane ase he read the parchment over. As he finished, he reminded himself to talk to Juan about the bird. Though, before venturing, the elf took out an empty parchment of his own, copying the notice into his own paper. Going back to Farrador, the elf hung up the copied notice as he let it be known to the guildsmen of the Order of the Orrir’Ullral that a possible contract was afoot.

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