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Glothir - The Best Golem


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I know what you’re thinking, ‘Relations? How can a golem have relations?’
A reasonable question, here’s my explanation. If I had to apply a reason for measurements on a golem’s relations, I would give them a few different factors:

How dangerous does the golem think this person is

If not at all dangerous, how well does the golem know the person? Or, how often do they interact?
These would contribute to how ‘negatively’ or ‘positively’ a golem would see a person.

I will put further explanations beneath each person’s name & points as to why they have a relations bar in the first place o/



Relations points are handled on a scale of 1-10


Protection Status Key:



Beloved by Impera: Tier 5
Druid: Tier 4
Elf: Tier 3

Child: Tier 2

Woman: Tier 1

Other: “ Low “ – Glothir will protect these individuals when it’s own physical integrity is not in danger, should it intervene.


Hareven Lorenthus: [Impera Status]
Loyalty +10


Dwyn Lorenthus:

Protection Status: T5

Danger Level: 0

Interaction: High

Special Status: Impera’s Lover



Protection Status: T5

Danger Level: 0

Interaction: Moderate

Special Status: Impera’s Child



Protection Status: T4 +2

Danger Level: 1

Interaction: Moderate

Special Status: N/A

“It would appear this one is a leader of sorts, among the Druids. She ranks high amongst their order.”



Mavis / Sonna:
Protection Status: T4 +2

Danger Level: 0

Interaction: High

Special Status: N/A

“This one appears to be imprinting, it is likely a show of friendship, something mortals express towards one another.”


Protection Status: T4 +2

Danger Level: 0

Interaction: Moderate

Special Status: Growth [Glothir has witnessed this mortal grow from childhood to adulthood]

“It is interesting to watch mortals grow, they change much from their young forms to their adult stage. It also appears that while interacting with Amaryllis as they grew older, she has imprinted her views of friendship upon it [glothir]. This one too, displays behaviours most often reserved for interactions between mortals which share close relations.”



Protection Status: T5

Danger Level: 0

Interaction: Low

Special Status: Liri’s Lover [Family status]



Protection Status: Low

Danger Level: 2

Interaction: Moderate

Special Status: Beneficial

“This mortal often exchanges tasks with Impera, and help Impera reach his goals. They are a useful person to Impera.”



Protection Status: T5

Danger Level: 0

Interaction: High

Special Status: Beloved of Impera



Protection Status: Low

Danger Level: 1

Interaction: Moderate

Special Status: N/A




Protection Status: N/A

Danger Level: 6

Interaction: Low

Special Status: Threat to Impera’s needs

“This mortal displays violent behaviors toward it [glothir], while also maintaining non-violent relations with Impera....”

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Protection Status: N/A

Danger Level: Unsure

Interaction: Low to none

Special Status: N/A

“This mortal appears to be something of a neutral party, while maintaining relations with Elathion, they also appear ‘friendly’ to Impera.”

?   ?   ?   ?   ?


[ Lulubelle Starbreaker ]

Protection Status: N/A

Danger Level: 3

Interaction: Low to None

Special Status: Threat to Impera’s needs

“This Dwed reacted negatively to it [glothir] following through with its orders properly, while unable to tend to their wishes as they were not the wishes of Impera.”

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I’m gonna blow you up one day buddy...

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I added relations ovo

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