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[PK] Opening Your Eyes

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Wren, disturbed from her grave, floating anxiously watching from where her body was. Probably in nowhere she was exhausted in her numerous years, though with a heavy contented heart she watched. Within the skies, her heart was no less ready for the winds and turmoil of her bloodline. A voice whispers above the cutting wind, past the ethereal ghosts of others lost or banished from their halls. Her voice whispered back the consistent calling that called her in a voice, a familiar and very wrong voice. The last of her tears falling the face, The face, Wren,  had been longing to see for winters, many and many years. The face she had never been able to say to a goodbye too. Changed a bit yes, the same face she remembers falling to sleep with. Brought forth from the winds, no matter the cause, her mouth opened in a single reply to his call. 








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Lily Farlander would felt her breath catch in her throat for a period of time before breathing once more, upon hearing the news of Xavis’ demise. “O-oh GOD he’s gone, really gone” She had swayed in place and stumbled about where she stood in an attempt to remain standing, seeming light headed. She clutched a note that she thought she had written so long ago, tears had begun to stream down her cheeks. “I’m sorry Xavis...So..so..sorry” She managed to choke out as she held the note close to her chest, breaking out into sobs.

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Grianne Goldhand would wander the streets of Sutica in her guard uniform, stopping in thought as she realises she hasn’t seen a particular weirdo on his favourite chair. She stares at the bench for a small moment to think. Letting out a sigh, she carries on, finding her duties much more important than grief for a stranger.

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Aitous looked at the letter, removing her mask as tears streamed down her face, she closed it neatly, setting it on the counter “Not again.." Her voice cracked, before leaving, and walking to the grave of Wren, sitting down and staring, “Dad always spoke so highly of you.. What should I do.. I just want to know.” Her ears drooped, before she pulled her knees to her chest, “I just want to know.."

Edited by HaileyThyMuffin
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Daryll caught word of what had happened during his travels, though, he certainly didnt know the elf well. All that crossed his mind was the fact that he still did not know how Xavis survived the fall from those voidal rocks, ******* void birds, after all the elf did land headfirst. Oh well, seems his indestructible head and life was truly not meant to last.

Edited by Knightie
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