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[✗] Submission for Ashwood Tree


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Name of your plant/reagent:

Ashwood Tree


Alchemical Sign(s) (put N/A if none):



Alchemical Symbol(s) (Put N/A if none): 





A distant relative to the Elderwood tree, the Ashwood Tree has adapted itself to survive in areas that have become overcrowded with flora. The Ashwood Tree is native to the small continent of Athera, on the island of Avar, although not exclusively so, they are rarer in other locations. The Ashwood Tree is considered a symbol of the Norlandic peoples, and as such they have seen fit to bring the original Ashwood tree from Seahelm and its descendant seeds and saplings with them whenever the descendants are forced to migrate to new lands, planting it in the middle of their settlements. The Ashwood tree is also typically depicted with empty nooses or bodies hanging from its large barren branches, as the Ashwood Tree is used quite frequently to hang criminals as its strong branches will not break under the weight of even the largest descendant creature. Gaining most of its nutrients for the year through its root system, the Ashwood Tree needs to maintain a nutrient strong soil, for this reason, Ashwood trees usually grow around water, where tides can bring in silty soil to the tree, alternatively the tree will grow in forests, where it will alight, starting a forest fire causing the soil to become “supercharged” with nutrients. The Ashwood Tree sprouts leaves in spring, soaking up much needed sunlight to create its sap during the summer. The tree’s sap matures within the tree during the fall, when the winter comes it will burn off its sap and remaining leaves for the year.




Ashwood trees prefer temperate climates, though can survive in colder environments (although the tree may need to be manually lit in frigid conditions). At present the trees exist exclusively in Norlandic hands, thanks to so few being saved from their home continent of Athera (though could be planted elsewhere if its seeds were to be accessed).


Raw effect(s) of the plant/reagent:



The Ashwood tree has a palmate leaf structure, with three main veins coming from the Petiole of the leaf, similar to that of a maple tree’s. The leaf has a powerful woody, oaky smell, and is often used to make strong incense. The leaves can be ground into powder and mixed with the sap of the Ashwood tree, when the concoction is lit, the smoke becomes a powerful hallucinogen, often used by priests to aid them in vision quests. These leaves only grow in the spring, and fall off in the Autumn. 

Ashwood Sap

The Ashwood tree produces sap year round which is highly flammable, it burns incredibly hot (1100° C), and is used up as fuel. When the tree is alight, it is not the bark burning, but the sap that has been produced over the year. The Ashwood sap is commonly used as fuel for lanterns, stoves, etc and also works as a powerful sterilizer and disinfectant, when applied to wounds, it stings. (Much like the feel of alcohol on an open wound.) Ashwood sap is typically used to brew strong drinks, as the sap is alcoholic in nature.


Ashwood Seed

The Ashwood Tree drops a single seed every ten years in the spring, the tree grows a black swell in it’s branches during the summer, then over the course of the years following, it will swell bigger and bigger until it drops from the branches, too heavy to continue to be supported by the tree. These seeds will remain fertile for a year, but after that, they will be dead, and will slowly decay away. The seed, on average weighs 600 pounds, it is 2 meters wide (2 blocks), and 2 meters tall(2 blocks). This seed takes multiple people to move, often taking at least six people to transport it properly, due to it’s awkward shape. During the tree’s adolescence, it will not produce Ashwood seeds, Typically an Ashwood tree takes about ten years to reach maturity, at which time, it will begin to produce seeds.


Bark and wood

Both the bark and wood of the Ashwood tree are incredibly strong, they are considered to be immune to all physical damage while they are still alive and attached to the actual tree itself. Though this doesn’t exempt the tree from damage via burning from magical fires. Every so often, branches will fall from the tree naturally, This is called shedding, the Ashwood Tree will shed in several cases; the tree will shed to remove branches that are low on the trunk, as they produce little energy, the Ashwood tree will also shed branches if a branch produces less energy during the spring than it uses up, for example branches that may be in the shade. This small amount of Ashwood loses it’s overwhelming protections; and instead inherits properties similar to iron. There have been no recorded ways to shape the Ashwood trees, mundane or magical. It is impossible to forcefully shape the tree, as it will grow however it wishes. It is immune to being shaped by magics, and will die if it does not get it’s basic needs, even if someone attempts to forcefully keep it alive with magic. Once the branches have fallen from the tree, they may be shaped with a secretive technique, one which is closely guarded.





When the Ashwood tree sheds branches it also will shed leaves. These leaves become extremely flammable as they dry quickly when disconnected from the tree. If the heat from its environment doesn’t combust it’s leaves, they can be collected from the ground.


Ashwood Sap

The sap can be collected carefully by scraping it off of the higher parts of the tree where the sap is secreted. This can only be collected in fall months in moderation, as without the sap the tree will become unhealthy. 


Ashwood Seed

The means in collecting an Ashwood seed is a very closely guarded secret, only known by a select few. 


Bark and Wood

The tree is unable to be cut, shaped, or forcefully worked while living. The only workable Ashwood is of dead Ashwood trees, and branches shed off of living Ashwood trees. Though the working of Ashwood products is a closely guarded secret.



Red Lines:


General Ashwood Tree Redlines 

  • You cannot plant the tree underground as it requires sunlight to live

  • Story Team signage is required for the creation of items that use the branches/bark of an Ashwood tree.

  • The Ashwood tree may be burned by only Voidal fire.

  • Ashwood trees can grow to a height of 50 meters(50 blocks), and about 25 meters(25 blocks) wide in their trunks.

  • It is extremely hard commune with the tree via magical means, the Ashwood tree has a spirit indicative of the Norlandic people, it holds a tight stubborn mentality. It is extremely unwilling to change, and is even less likely to be influenced.

  • Ashwood as a material may be flame retardant, but it holds heat well, meaning Ashwood products have the chance to burn you if exposed to hot temperatures.

  • The means of collecting a seed from the tree is a closely guarded secret. (The collection of seeds is knowledge-based and unavailable on this lore-post)

  • The distillation of the sap into liquor is a relatively closely guarded secret. (The distillation of the sap into liquor is knowledge-based and unavailable on this lore post)

  • The seed for the tree requires six people to carry it.

  • The sap holds a flame well, it can only be extinguished by completely suffocating the flame in a non-flammable material (Ex. pouring sand over it, gravel, etc.)

  • If the sap is ignited in combat, it will remain alight for three emotes, until it has completely burned off.

  • If the sap is thrown while in a vessel, it will start only on one block, spreading to a 3x3 after two emotes before burning out.

  • You cannot “secretly” interact with the tree, it’s a tree, whatever you are doing to it in broad daylight, you are doing to it in broad daylight, everyone can see you.

  • Ashwood trees must be burned annually to shed its sap, and strengthen its bark. If the tree does not burn, it will grow sickly, and will die with continued neglect. If for some reason the Ashwood tree does not light itself, it can be lit manually through means of any ordinary fire applied to the volatile sap. The first year a tree goes without burning, it will produce a noticeably thinner canopy the following spring. After the second year without burning, the tree will fail to produce viscous enough sap for the next winter and will die within the following year. (What this means, is you MUST have your tree lit in game, and not just sitting unlit. You will not be forced to extinguish and relight an Ashwood Tree every two real days.)

Ashwood Bark and Branches Redlines

  • As stated above, the protective nature of the wood and bark itself is greatly reduced once it falls from the tree, leaving it flame retardant and similar protective properties to iron.

  • Despite having iron properties, Ashwood cannot be worked via blacksmithing. It must be worked via woodworking processes, but with much greater difficulty. Techniques of working this material is a secret kept within closely-knit groups of artisans within the Norlandic peoples. (The preparation of working Ashwood is knowledge-based and unavailable on this lorepost)

  • Ashwood branches when exposed to extreme temperatures (1500°+ C) will degrade and weaken, till slowly turning itself to ash.

  • Ashwood is a fairly dense material, as such it dissipates heat slowly, though Ashwood will not act as a near-perfect insulator, i.e things like Starlite/Aerogel’s in real life. Ashwood can still very capably burn someone after being exposed to heat for a duration of time.

Ashwood Sap Redlines

  • Only a certain amount of Ashwood Sap can be gathered at a time (only two buckets every day for a large tree [20 blocks or taller], and a bucket a day for a small tree[20 blocks or shorter]), as the sap is required to keep the tree burning throughout the winter.

  • Ashwood Sap cannot be consumed raw. It must be processed into food or drink in order to be consumed.

  • You require a non-flammable vessel to hold the extremely volatile sap, as well as a set of leather gloves and a specialized draw knife used to scrape the Ashwood.

  • Ashwood Sap can only be gathered after the tree reaches the age of ten as it needs the sap to mature at its younger years.

Ashwood Leaves Redlines

  • Ashwood leaves are extremely brittle and crunchy, requiring a container(I.e a box, a pail, etc) to carry them


@nickrocky213, @AstriaS, @Master Baiter, @Draiden




        Alchemical Signs were removed due to complications with Alchemy.

        Sap yields of the tree were adjusted to properly scale.

        Removed a pointless Redline on the consumption of Ashwood Leaves.

        Removed a repeated reline concerning shaping disconnected Ashwood Branches.

        Added a clear statement on what products of the Ashwood tree need to be lore signed.

        Readdressed the ability for the tree to dissipate heat removing some weird wording, and added an example.






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