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[✗] [Magic Clarification] The Covens of Arun'Asna


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T H E  C O V E N S  O F  A R U N ‘ A S N A



Hiding within mountains, lurking within rundown cities, the Cabals that make up the inner workings of Shadedom exist to tear down the fabric of civilization and offer protection to Arun’Asna’s followers. Ran by the Mothers and Fathers of Shadedom, Covens operate as a place where Shades may work together so their long term goals can reach fruition. They are where Shadelings are raised, they are where Fathers are born. A Shade without a Coven is a Shade destined for hardship. 






  • A Shade Coven is defined as a group of Shades who work closely together and more often than not live within the same house, city, nation, or lair together who also follow the leadership of the same Shade Father or council of Shade Fathers. 

  • For a Shade Coven to be recognized as official, there must be at least one Shade Father and three Shades, or, alternatively, one Shade Father, one Shade, and three Coven Affiliates.

  • “Coven Affiliate” is defined as someone who knowingly operates under a Shade Coven as if they were a Shade themselves. They may not be privy to the inner workings of the Coven, but they still follow the same criteria within the first bullet point, save for not being a Shade themselves.

  • “Coven Affiliate” does not refer to prisoners or persons who are living with / operating under a Shade Coven against their will. However, this does not prevent them from becoming an Affiliate in the future.

  • Once a player applies for a Shade MA, they will list the Coven they belong to directly next to their teacher’s RP name. For example: Saint Joan [Coven of the Arc].

  • Should a Shade switch Coven allegiance, they will alert a Lore Manager of the change. This change does not need to be immediately reflected on their Shade MA until one OOC month has passed, in order to prevent Metagaming.



  • “Social Covens” refer to individual Shade Communities. “Arun’Asna’s Coven” refers to the entirety of the Shade Community, as it always has.

  • A Shade must inform a Lore Manager of their allegiance change within a few days of such occurring. Otherwise, this constitutes as Powergaming.

  • A Shade can only be officially affiliated with one Coven at a time. 

  • A Shade cannot go back and forth repeatedly between one Coven or the other. Be sensible.

  • A Coven Affiliate may be affiliated with more than one Coven at a time, so long as they spend a decent amount of time between both Covens.

  • Upon this Lore’s implementation, every Shade has one month to inform the LT of the Coven they will be calling their allegiance to. Should this period be missed, they will be labeled as Rogue Shades, outlined in the section below. 






2 Shades who have abandoned their Coven or become lost are formally known as Rogue Shades. These Shades simply do not belong to any Coven in particular, and thus cannot utilize the boons of being within a Shade Coven. Rogue Shades may prefer isolation, however, so the term “rogue” should not be held with a negative connotation. 






  • A Rogue Shade is simply a Shade who lacks allegiance to any sort of Shade Coven. They may be friendly or hostile towards other Covens, such doesn’t matter. To qualify as a Rogue Shade, a Shade must not live under a formal Social Coven, and they must operate alone or with other Rogue Shades. Being a neutral entity towards multiple Covens is allowed, and assisting such Covens with their plots is also okay. It is when a Rogue Shade begins to exclusively surround themselves with a single Coven and begins to operate under their rules and assist exclusively with their plots and schemes that a Rogue Shade must inform a Lore Manager of their change in allegiance. 

  • Rogue Shades simply do not qualify for Shade Gem creation. This is all that separates them mechanically from Shades belonging to Social Covens.



  • Once the conditions to be considered a part of a Social Coven have been met, a Rogue Shade must inform a Lore Manager of their change in allegiance within a few days.

  • A Rogue Shade cannot label themselves as Rogue and continuously work for a single Coven. You are either Rogue, or you are not.

  • If a group of Rogue Shades working together spark the conditions necessary to be labeled a Social Coven, the new Coven’s existence must be made aware to the Lore Team so they may keep track of its members.




Shadelings who have been abandoned by their Shade Fathers and were forced to become Rogue may find themselves in search of a new Father to guide them through the path of Shadedom. Once a Father formally agrees to take in the new Shadeling, the Shadeling will be known as an Adopted Student.






  • Adopted Students are merely Shadelings who have been dropped by their current Teacher.

  • Once a student has been Adopted, the TA holder and the student will inform a member of the Lore Team so this may be recorded on the Teacher’s TA. 

  • Shadelings adopted from T0-T2 will require a full Student Slot in order to adopt.

  • Shadelings adopted from T3 onwards will not require a Student Slot.



  • Lore Team policies and procedures trump lore posts, unless the Lore Team agrees otherwise.

  • There is no limit to the amount of students a Shade Father may adopt.

  • An adopted Shadeling must align with the same Coven as their Father.


 P U R P O S E  &  C I T A T I O N S


This inclusion of Kiaus’ Shade spam seeks to define exactly what makes a Shade Coven a Shade Coven, since this definition has been the key topic of great bickering. Now, Shade Covens have their own mechanics, policies, and regulations, however I’ve attempted to keep them as loose as possible to keep the restrictions to a minimum. Hopefully this piece will allow for different Shade cultures to spring up, thus opening up further paths for roleplay and, in essence, make the dynamic between different Shade Covens become more interesting. The only mechanical aspects of Shade Magic that are affected by Social Covens is the way Shade Gems operate and how one of the Tenets function. I’ve also finally made an official answer for the question of “what do I do if I lose my Teacher.”



Writer: TheAlphaMoist

Consultation: Riftblade, The Shade Community


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i literally just screamed at frost witches for doing this what are you doing

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