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On the Topic of Kindness and Toxicity


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Beautiful! I feel like this is something everyone needs to read. Good Work, Muffins!

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Sometimes it’s hard to remember that the people behind these forum profiles and minecraft accounts are actual living breathing human beings, and I think everyone could use a reminder that we’re all going through the same kind of bullshit every now and then.

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definitely agree with this. i have a really bad reputation and a toxic past, but were all human and i truly believe people can change, love is ultimately what should guide us all

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As much as I hate playing the part of the cynical pessimist, I feel this needs to be said; As good of a message as this is-- and it’s a very good message, don’t misunderstand-- it seems to me that this is a lot of words with little weight behind them. As great as it would be for everyone to play nice, the fact remains that due to inaction on the part of all parties involved, nothing will change. So long as the powers that be, either by intention or ignorance, willingly turn a blind eye to the issues in question for whatever reason, there will continue to be no confidence in the system. With no confidence in the system, people won’t step forward when they’re mistreated. When people stop stepping forward, the inaction appears justified, and the cycle continues. Nothing will change, harassment and toxicity will continue.


tl;dr: If you want change, the way to do it is through principle and integrity, not just telling people to be better. Change is achieved by action.



Astria, Local Cynic

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A Response




To reiterate what a lot of people have said, I agree with the general consensus of the thread -- we should be nice to each other, and be less-toxic as a community. The message sent by the admins is clear, and it is quite respectable. Though, we should also take into account that toxicity is something that is levelled by both the players and staff -- be it passive-aggressive comments from certain moderators, to showing a lack of trust in the community from the admins. I believe if we wish to have a respectful community, we must be cohesive about everything we do. I have seen toxicity on the server, far too much of it, and have even lay upon it -- but the first step in being nicer and kinder as a whole is when you integrate it into work.


For staff, offering good responses, ‘thank you’, ‘have a good day’, and so on can truly change one's day. Staff and admins need to be less passive-aggressive, the way they type in certain discords, the way they communicate with players, and offer more insight. An example is: if you plan on banning someone, provide a reason. It is unfair to ban someone and offer nothing in response to them. How will they appeal? How will they know what they did wrong, and if they truly did something wrong, to apologise and grow into a better person? It fuels toxicity. You invoke more harassment by trying to remove the ones who are toxic, letting the banned players be swiped under a carpet and left there to rot. Why? If you have a civil conversation with all players, in text, or in voice chat -- be it banned players wanting to gain an explanation, or normal players finding out more information about punishments, warns and updates -- do you think the toxicity spread around the community would prevail as much?


It is impossible to improve at the current state of the server. However, I want to make further leaps in staff cohesion, communication with players and more in order to decrease  the toxicity and harassment.


Let us talk further in a voice-chat, LotsOfMuffins. My discord is: Milenko#9658, I expect to have a call with you in the future to converse further on this.


Best Regards,

Milenko O.



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Christ has moved this post to  ACCEPTED!

Edited by Christ
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Toxicity is no more boys, all praise LotsOfMuffins!

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Definitely agree with the message but also strongly agree with Astrias when he underlines the importance of change in dealing with this. Not gonna repeat his spiel, but the Administration has been very complicit in building at atmosphere of frustration on this server, because the community is very slow to trust them to do their job to make this server both an enjoyable and safe place. Inactivity, the Safety Team, the Dev walkout and the reasons for it are all big reasons, and the list is pretty long.


Not to rag on a nice message but this problem is definitely more nuanced than telling folk to be nice, and about addressing the deep-seethed frustrations that spurn some of this dissatisfaction.

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i remember trying to talk to [redacted] about an issue between me and his group. it ended up in him calling me out for stuff i didnt do and threaten to ban report me for harrassing him if keep messaging him about fixing the problem

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We have saved the internet

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11 minutes ago, ScreamingDingo said:

We have saved the internet


g o o b i e  g i v e t h ,  g o o b i e  t a k e t h


In the words of our Lord, hallowed be His name, taketh your toxicity elsewhere.




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