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[✗] [Reagent] Green Popper


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A sketch by a sole Norlandic apothecary



- Air



- Instability x3

- Fear x3

- Chaos x1

 - Life x1





A seemingly harmless bush with light green bulb-like calla lilies hanging from its branches. If one plucked the bulbous plant from its stem and looked into the opening they'd see that inside was a plethora of small berries lining its surfaces. Nothing else is out of the ordinary par its unique physique.



Despite its symbol it is found low within valleys and in denser forests. Rarely can they be found in sprawling forests or otherwise. They reproduce when the wind swoops through the valley and rattles their berries down and out of the lilies. Otherwise birds have a time pecking them out.



The lily can be pulled outwards and the petal teared to reveal all the berries; Otherwise digging through the lily bulb to pull out the berries will lead to a whole lot of smushed berries. If longevity of the plant is of no need then one can simply squeeze the bulb to push out the berry mush. 


Raw Effect(s):

Green poppers aid in the recovery and waking up from unconsciousness at a cost. Which is that they wake up after a cold sweat, scared, as if they were in the beginnings of a nightmare. On eating them awake they will act as a mild caffeine and mildly distort the world around them to an uncomfortable extreme. Often many find they become addicted and want more after first consumption.



-Eating far too many berries will lead to nightly nightmares and hallucinogens yet the addiction will still be hard to shake off.

-Eating them prior to unconsciousness does not aid waking or prevent unconsciousness. This includes keeping them between teeth during a fight.

-It takes a stockpile of them to wake someone up within three emotes. And even then they won't know where they are for a short while. Concentrates can only be made safer through further alchemical methods.

-Cannot wake someone up from a coma in its raw state

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If it is similar to caffeine maybe an irregulgar hart beat wood be good. 

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