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Hangman’s promise




Big Tony, Big Money. - Big Tony





My figureheads have grown quite the liking of the people of Haense, I even allowed them to teach the HRA a couple of things on the fields of war. I’ve been sending my prayers to up above ever since I got word about the war, blessing the blades of the Haensemen and cursing the arrows of the Suticans, hoping their projectiles  would miss the throats of my comrades. Sadly enough, the leadership of the Orenian Empire did not have the sufficient funds to buy us out of the Sutican war.

May my brothers coated in green watch my back as I take up the mantle of a leader in this war, may my friends from Haense toss their weapons to the side when I face them on the battlefield, for then they will be spared. Gold and glory, my comrades… gold and glory

Once this contract is signed, my men will raise their blades alongside the poor folk of Sutica, who just want to protect their land. It saddens me, the biggest fish going after one of the weakest fish.


The Agreement


The Suticans:


-The Sutican leadership will hand 70 000 minas to The Hangmen. (50% up front)

-The Sutican leadership will hand The Hangmen a simple plot of land for when they are forced to move out of this realm.

-If there is any way to spare The King of Haense and his people, an effort must be made to make sure that there will always be an option for the Haensemen to get out of the war, safely.


The Hangmen:


-The Hangmen will aid Sutica and their allies in any militairy exercises against the Holy Orenian Empire.

-The Hangmen Keep will serve as an outpost for the forces of Sutica and their allies.

-The Overseers of  The Hangmen will lend Sutica all of their knowledge regarding waging war, becoming a part of the core of the leadership of the conflict.


“I’m sorry, comrades of my people. coin comes first.

May our paths never cross during these troubling times.”







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Elronian Kaeronin would be happy to have work.

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A non specific member of the hangmen tips his green fedora before promptly rolling his copy of the document into a joint and smoking it.

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Mika Goldhand smiles at the contract, seeing a long future ahead of himself.

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“War it seems, I hope I see some payment atleast...” would state a new blooded memeber of the Hangman.

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Dubba grinned. ”Sugahfoot help da o’da small mon.”

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A lone man, residing in some abandoned shack, arises from his seat; His brow, quirked with that of a simple bemusement. – His Zweihander soon arises, the individual soon moving out.


“May your folly become your undoing.”


Upon his digits laid a parchment,  mere scribbles onto the common eye as he’d make haste.

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Fyrr the Black seems filled with a contented smile after having the document read aloud to him.

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The Trade King of Sutica, Corwin von Alstreim, penned his signature in spotless Waldenian blackletter. Hours later, he knelt in solemn prayer before a memorial cross.


“O Gott, our Lord, I ask not for my own, selfish sake, but for the salvation of our peoples – Guide our blades towards the black, craven hearts of our oppressors, and turn them away from all in my birthplace of Hanseti who see reason.”



[!] The Trade King’s signature is hereby affixed to the treaty.




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“awesome” says vydrek as he tans on the rooftop 

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As Kailu Kaeronin takes a sit and reads the news “Huh Interesting News.”

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