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[✗] [Reagent] Westerlandic Winter Rose


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Title (Reagent Name): Westerlandic Winter Roses; commonly, the Winter Rose


     Unlike most flora used in alchemical studies, the Westerlandic Winter Rose was originally bred to be a hardy, garden variety flower. Originating in the royal gardens of the city of Bastion, located in the frigid north-western wastes of Tahn on the now lost continent Axios, the flowers started as imports from more temperate climates. At the hand and direction of the first Queen of the Westerlands, Annabelle of Leone, the roses were bred meticulously by adamant gardeners to withstand the freezing temperatures and biting winds of the tundra. By using local flora, as well as other exotic specimens who possessed desirable traits, the breed was formed over several decades. Prior to the fall of the ill-fated kingdom, some successful specimens were transplanted out of the royal gardens and taken elsewhere across the continent, as well as some patches managing to grow wild in the surrounding areas. Since those days, the unique variety has continued to grow and thrive in cold weather gardens, making its way to new continents via the hands of dedicated gardeners and botanists alike. 


Sign(s):  Fire


     Growth x2
     Endurance x3
     Heat x2
     Light x1



     A rosebush with bright red flowers. Petals appear akin to a succulent leaf, being thick with liquid.



Detailed description:


 At first glance, the most common variety of the Winter Rose appears rather similar to the garden variety rosebush. It grows as a flowering bush, with mature specimens reaching between 2.5 to 5 feet in height, though usually trimmed to around 3 feet in height for the plant’s overall health. The bush roots typically only grow to a depth of 1 to 2 feet, with rather thick anchor roots designed to penetrate permafrost, and hold the bush in place during heavy winds. The anchor roots are lined with smaller feeder roots, which spread out all around the anchor roots, getting every drop of moisture they can. The top of the root has a round, thick bud union, from which the stems sprout upwards. The stems possess the same thorns as garden variety roses, which grow out from the stem in a low, triangular shape, and have sharp points which can draw blood if one were to grab hold of the stem with enough force. The entirety of the stems are covered in thorns which are spaced along the surface of the stem every few inches. From the main stems branch out petiole shafts, which commonly bear 5-9 leaves. The leaves are a deep green, with the stems being a greenish-yellow color. The leaves take on a rounder shape than the common rose, and lack the sharp points on the edges and tips. At the tops of the stems grows the hips and flower buds. Before blooming, the hips will swell into buds as the petals grow within, and buds take on a reddish tint to the green of the hip. 

Upon blooming, the Westerlandic Rose will appear much hardier than a garden rose. The petals, which are commonly a bright red, are thicker than that of the garden rose, with the red growing deeper in color the closer you get to the center of the bloom. The ends are slightly thinner than the base of the petal, which are somewhat stiff to the touch. The petals are smooth, retaining the almost velvet like feel of common rose petals. Due to the location in which they grow, pollination by insect or animal is not a viable way for this plant to breed. Therefore, in the center of each bloom, you will find small black, bead-like pollen sacs, which easily come loose in the wind. The sacs are incredibly lightweight, and can float on a strong breeze for many, many meters, and will burst on impact with anything they touch. The pollen within is miniscule, designed to spread even further once the sac bursts, much like fungi spores. The sac itself holds the seeds, which are surprisingly tiny given the eventual size of the plant. Due to this, the rose bushes, if left unattended for a season, can quickly grow out of control, smothering other plants around them.



     Commonly found in gardens in colder regions, it can escape and begin to grow wild, acting much like a weed. It can be transplanted to gardens in temperate or hot climates, though it may have some trouble thriving. 


     Aside from sharp thorns, the physical nature of the Winter Rose is docile. The blooms are what contains the desirable symbols, and 3 blooms constitute one full measure. The rest of the plant offers no beneficial reagents. 

The bush is in bloom all throughout the year. At any given time, despite the size of the bush, the maximum number of blooms per bush is 6. Upon harvesting a bloom, the end of the stem will automatically begin the process of regrowing a bud, which will eventually bloom. This growth process takes 3 OOC days from harvesting to fully bloomed once more. Each bloom contains at maximum of 20 fully grown petals. 

The plant can grow wild or be kept in gardens. Plants kept in gardens must be meticulously maintained to prevent them from taking over a garden, and a maximum of two harvestable bushes can be maintained before the bush becomes unmanageable if other plants and herbs are present. More than two bushes may be grown only if no other plants or herbs are present in the garden or greenhouse. In order to bloom, the bush must have access to direct, natural sunlight. Gardeners may use either a rosebush item or a spruce leaf block with a red carpet on top, depending on the height desired, to represent the plant. 


Raw Effect(s): 
     The only raw use of the plant lies in its petals. Upon plucking a petal from a bloom, the end which was connected to the bud will drip a thick, clear liquid. Ingestion of this liquid, which is achieved during chewing of the petal, will cause one’s body temperature to regulate much more efficiently. 

- All Reagents must be gathered through RP and represented by ST approved items.
- When processed for it’s Symbols, this Reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvesting capabilities.
- Bushes can contain a maximum of 6 blooms. Blooms take 3 OOC days to regrow. Blooms may contain a maximum of 20 petals.
- For item harvesting purposes, a maximum of two bushes can be kept in a multi-plant garden. All bushes must have access to direct, natural sunlight. 
- The petal’s effect is only sustained while the petal is being chewed. One petal can be chewed for up to one narrative hour before the petal loses its effect. In this regard, swallowing the petal by consuming other foods or potions would cause it’s effects to be wasted.
- The effects will ward off climate based ailments such as hypothermia, frostbite, heatstroke and heat exhaustion without factoring in additional protection from other sources (e.g. protective clothing). These petals would be effective up to the extreme points of -50F(-45.5C) and 125F(51.6C)
- The effects can lower body temperature due to fever for the duration of the petal being chewed, but will not cure the cause of the fever. 
- The effects will not protect you from physical burns, via heat or cold. The main effect of this reagent is to keep the body and it’s internal organs at a stable temperature.


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Anything touched by Queen Annabelle of Leone is something I will ALWAYS support! 🥰

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I’m not big on LOTC alchemy but this sounds like nice lore ngl. 👍 Finna search for these near Haense if it gets approved

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“baby this a lamborghini not a benz./..” Joseph 2nd laments

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Harold winter says yes

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This lore has been denied as per this recent thread. If you have any questions or believe this to be a mistake, please PM me on the forums or discord.

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