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Halfling Burrow Building Guide


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This is my first proper guide to making multi-room burrows. I hope you enjoy it!



Start by making a block outline of several connected circles. The circles can be of different shapes and sizes, as long as they are mostly rounded. You can use small corridors and hallways if you want as well. You can make use of semi-circles if you wish, as well as ovals and even rectangles if you round out the corners a bit.



Dig out the area you intend to put a floor in. This should give you a general idea as to what your burrow will be like once you’re done with it. The outline of blocks should show through slightly in the interior of the finished build, although you can make it less visible by having the outline be the same block type as the walls.



Add in the floor. This can be half slabs or full blocks depending on what sort of burrow you prefer. You can vary the floor height between rooms a bit in order to make things more interesting. In this screenshot, I had the entrance room be a half slab higher than the other three rooms.



Add in supports and walls so that your burrow has a bit more structure. I personally like to use the same material I used for the outline as support beams, and then have the walls be the same as the flooring. Support beams look best when there’re showing more than one block face, so I usually put them in the corners.



Add in a ceiling of half slabs going upwards to a point. This is to make the burrow look even more circular. You can experiment with different ceiling styles as you see fit, but if you’re out of ideas you can just replicate what I’ve built here. If you want a certain room to have a lot of usable furniture in it (like a dining room, for example), make sure the ceiling is high enough to not bash your head against it when moving around.



Outside view of the ceiling.



Cover the exterior of the burrow with dirt so that none of the material from the previous steps are showing. Make sure to not cover up any windows/entrances with dirt or else they won’t function properly! After you’ve hidden the interior with dirt, go around the burrow and add more dirt as needed to make it nice and rounded, easy to climb, and as natural-looking as possible.



Use bonemeal so that it doesn’t look barren. You can add in some extra flowers by hand for a more vibrant appearance. Smooth out the top a bit so that there aren’t any single grass/dirt blocks poking out all on their own.



Start decorating! If you have room, add a little fenced area outside of the entrance. Add in a chimney for any fireplaces you intend to put inside the burrow. Make the entrance into a proper circle instead of just a hole in the wall.


(In order to make this exact entrance, stand on the block in front of the door and place two stairs on either side of you. Go to the opposite side of those stairs and put another stair upside down, followed by a full block on top of it. After that’s done, mirror the process on top of the full block and top it all off with three slabs to connect them)


Decoration tips:

-Whether the floor is a full block or half block has a heavy influence on the sorts of decorations you can make use of.

-Make sure to use plenty of lighting! Jack o’ Lanterns are perfect for this, and can easily be hidden under carpets or put into the walls of the burrow without looking out of place.

-Don’t obstruct movement by adding too much furniture. Make sure there is a mostly straight path to get from room to room. Otherwise the burrow will feel clunky instead of cozy.

-Make sure to include plenty of usable features! The more you’ll make use of it, the more important it is to include it!


Example Interior Decoration:


A living room complete with a fireplace, sofa, and some crop storage!



A slightly overgrown study, with bookshelves, a brewing stand, and some storage for loose documents!



A simple dining room that doubles as a library. There’s a chest hidden underneath the trapdoor in the floor!



A simple bedroom!



A dining room right at the entrance, with potted plants and bookshelves in the corners!



A fully functional kitchen perfect for baking! There’s a chest underneath the trapdoor in the floor!



Connected bedrooms with small tables for late-night reading!



A labelled storage room tucked away in a hallway!



A vibrant burrow entrance full of color and abundant lighting!

Edited by NotEvilAtAll
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