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((sky’s haunted))


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((Please end Arcas and bring us to 8.0

Please end Arcas and bring us to 8.0

Please end Arcas and bring us to 8.0

Please end Arcas and bring us to 8.0

Please end Arcas and bring us to 8.0

I pray that this is the event that will do it.))

Filibert Applefoot sighs as the sun’s gone. He’d take a quick note.
“Hrm... sun, not present all of the time...”

Edited by NotEvilAtAll
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Gail Cordius was sitting in the Talon’s Grotto tavern, speaking with James and Talo when Eibhlin suddenly and breathlessly burst through the door,


“Did you guys see that?”


“See what?” Talo responded, tilting his head to one side in question.


“Come outside.” Eibhlin led the way towards the exit of the tavern, passing through the front gate of Talon’s Grotto and stopping on the bridge that crossed the small waterway that defended the Grotto from invasion. Eibhlin pointed at the sky. “That.”


“What the hell?” Came the mutter of James Avery, who quickly took out a journal and began sketching the object that had passed in front of the sun.


“Wasn’t it just the middle of the day?” Asked Gail, and James responded as he continued his hasty sketch,


“It... it was.”


The small group stood on the bridge for another moment, staring up at the dark sky of midday. Eibhlin broke the silence after another long moment.


“Something may be coming... we need to prepare for the worst... we might want to fix the arena for people to stay in for the time being.”


At that, the group slowly returned to the streets of Talon’s Grotto, none of their eyes leaving the sky until the stone ceiling blocked out the orb.

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The Mad Poet would emerge from his tower to the balcony, then look at at the sky and whisper out "Could The Progenator have come?" Before leaving to look for the cause.

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Al-Uk’Shrogo frowns as he roars out in sheer disgust of that what tries to pose as the great moon spirit Luara 




All Shrogo Goblins bow for their Gobbgoth and draw their blades as Al-Uk has his Mushobic dagger raised into the air “FUR LUARA WI WAGH DIZ IMPOZTAH!”


With that all the Goblins including the leader known as Al-Uk roared out in a fit of sheer faith and deviance of whatever it be that shown itself into the sky



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Anastasia Dokar looked up into the night sky from her balcony in Talon’s Grotto. “Oh, that’s worrying.”

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An old man recalled a decadent folktale, one not yet forgotten to his people


“... But if the aide of God were not conjured, although greatly pled, and limp was his right hand to the pleas sung without reutrn, may the Sun thereby be devoured; that in its wane, the dark may reign.”



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Grand imam Antar Ibn Karim would watch the sky in awe “Verily Allah is all greatest, may Allah protect us for the days to come.” He says considering the possibility that Allah is sending a sign that of a blessing or that of a warning.....

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Brandt Barclay sighs to himself as he looks up to the sky from the cold region of Haense, noticing the sun gone "How am I supposed to sunbathe now?" he'd grunt lightly to himself, thinking of all the potential tan he will miss during this period

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Saeed Ibn Hamzah would look up at the sky, his eyes widen as he watched in the eclipse take place. He would call out toward the house “My moon, Come out here, look at the sky.” @APurrfectNobody He would hold his shepherd’s staff, the young veteran leaned against it as he watched it with awe. “Maybe this, is my destiny.. Something is calling, and i must seek it... I just need a sign...anything...” he muttered quietly to himself in a silent prayer as he offered a sigh, his longing for a adventure of the unknown and purpose still quietly roared in his heart.



((Yo, plz hit me up, I want a adventure, this sounds fun, wana interact with this so if a event is going down lemi know this is my discord ibraheemcninja#8537

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Wren would be holding Lenneth in his arms as he watches the eclipse in the sky. He sighs and would return back into the household 


”Hmm... I guess we will not be having any lessons outside for today, little one”

Wren then proceeds to prepare a snack for his daughter

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      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
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