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A dog once lost, now home


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Althea leaves the tavern after a day of work, walking through New Reza’s square and unto her street. Upon reaching her door she can hear her cat’s soft meowing from inside. “Hello Bob, how are you doing? Do you miss Demetre as much as I do?” She asked the small cat that rubbed against her legs, another meow came out. Althea nodded her head, pretending that her cat was talking back to her, “I’ll go see if he wants to come back home. At this point he should have gone through most of the bones in the tomb.” Walking upstairs to her small bedroom she reached into her dresser and grabbed a less formal dress. “This should do it for where I am going.” Quickly she changed her clothes and took off her jewelry. Looking over at Bob who had plopped himself onto her bed, “I’ll be out for a while, but when I come back I promise Demetre will be with us.” And so she departed from her home, out into the plains where a small creek laid. “Demetre! Oh come out please!” She called, though she believed he voice didn’t reach the dog a hearty bark came back to her. Following the sound into a tomb hidden in the side of the hill, there he laid smiling with happy eyes. “Demetre there you are honey,” She would call out to the dog, “Come on now let’s go home I have a nice steak that you can eat.” And with the promise of food  the dog got up bounding happily besides his master. Althea returned back to her house, letting the dog run inside and sniff the few new smells that laid in the air. Demetre ran up the stairs while Althea made dinner for herself and her pets, soft purring an the sound of a tail hitting the floor echoed through out the home.

Edited by Althea
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