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[✗] Submission for Golem Spider

Reece Nolan

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Name of the creature:

Golem Spider

(Optional) Link to a picture of the creature + name of the artist:


Is this creature tamable and if so, how:




Can you use this in combat:



Habitats - Check all that apply:



Summary of the creature:


Golem Spiders are massive scaly spiders that are unable to spin webs, instead violently hunting down anything that moves, sometimes eating things that don’t move. As they mature, the raw material that they produce turns the composition of their scales to something akin to stone, which lends them their name. While still soft and mushy on the inside, Golem Spiders are incredibly strong and durable hunters that will even go as far as sticking half their body in searing hot lava just to catch a prey. Their main forms of attack are with their legs and mandibles, often seeking to pull apart their victims to keep them from squirming about. 



Characteristics of the creature:


The Golem Spider is usually found in their adult phase, on the brink of death as is their life cycle. From birth, the Golem Spider has an unending hunger that deems it an Omnivore. The baby upon hatching will eat the waste that the mother ejects from its body and feed for generally one stone week before having the strength to move on its own. After around three stone weeks from birth, the Golem Spider enters its most deadly phase of life, adolescence. Golem Spiders in this phase can peak around 10 feet in height standing on all legs upright and boasting a leg span of about 15 – 25 feet depending on its diet, usually weighing in at 500 to 700 pounds again depending on its diet. Adolescent Golem Spiders are what primarily shape their ecosystem, acting as extremely nimble hunters that usually attack anything that moves, even their own reflection in water. Golem Spiders metabolism will exponentially increase upon nearing their adult stage causing them to always hunt until they can no longer keep up with their metabolism and must sit themselves in one place where they begin to consume stone. Once they have fully entered the adult phase, they will be incapable of moving on their own except for their front mandibles which aid in shoving more stone into their mouths, processing sediments and minerals as a form of nutrition and ejecting low temperature magma as waste. As they continually feast, mother Golem Spiders will then deposit their eggs in their own waste after carrying their eggs inside them until they near death, usually being fertilized during teen years. One thing of note is that, Golem Spiders are unable to die of age, instead Golem Spiders will almost always starve to death as their metabolism gets so fast that they simply cannot stuff enough food in their body to keep up with the demand their body exerts on them to stay alive.



(Optional) Origins of the creature:


The Golem Spider is a native to the cavern structures of Almaris, while their origin isn’t entirely unknown, what species they were prior to evolving into the Golem Spider is a mystery. It’s believed that the Golem Spiders resulted from not having enough food to survive after hunting all other cave dwellers to near extinction. The Golem Spider is believed to be what is now known as a starved alpha race, or, a race of creatures that dominate the food chain as the alpha so fiercely that they inadvertently endangered their own species from lack of food or resources.





Due to their size, Golem Spiders MUST always eat to keep up with their metabolism and they can possess top speeds of up to 45 MPH in short bursts as well as physical strength capable of sheering stone. Their scales tend to be similar in composition to stone in both strength and material which lends them their name. The older the Golem Spider however, the weaker it becomes as it becomes immobile upon fully entering the adult phase, yet almost as durable as black steel plating. Golem Spiders have a clear weakness in their joints, the tough scales giving way to thinner tissue which allows them to remain nimble despite their weight. These joints are easily damaged by something as simple as a wooden spear, their other weakness being cold temperature which freezes the lubricating fluids in their limbs making them immobile and rendering them unable to eat should they not already be in their adult phase. This lubricating fluid freezes around 40 to 43 degrees Fahrenheit making it very susceptible to ice and other cold objects already below the mentioned temperatures. 



Red Lines


Golem Spiders must eat every day roughly 10 pounds of material during their adolescent phase. Golem Spiders cannot create webbing and do not possess any poisons or acids, making them entirely reliant on brute physical strength and incredible speeds for their size. Golem Spiders have damaged their ecosystem so badly that not even they can survive in it easily, making them very hard to find due to their low numbers. Golem Spiders are by no means magical despite their name, they simply get their name due to their stone like scales, making them entirely a natural phenomenon. Golem Spiders during their adult phase are extremely difficult to kill unless you can flip them over, and while they do create low temperature magma as waste, they contribute to only a small fraction of the lava found in underground caverns. Golem Spiders are not able to be tamed or swayed, period. If you offer them food they will simply eat you and the food, as their hunger pains are their primary driving force. Golem Spiders CAN go to the surface, but typically do not due to the awkward terrain of the surface being more difficult for them to navigate without having cavern walls to push off of. Golem Spiders can be killed by a single player, but it would be an incredible feat to say the least; If you play a Golem Spider as an event team actor, DO NOT HOLD BACK, YOU ARE A CREATURE WHO IS ALWAYS ON THE BRINK OF STARVATION! 




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