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[✗] [Aenguldaemon Lore] - Innom, the Scattered One (The Ruhn)


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Innom, the Scattered One




Origins of the Scattered One


When the nameless Creator of reality halved his soul and shattered it and made the Creator Shards, among the mighty host of thousands of Aenguldaemons was one who looked back and saw with admiration the selfless Creator and his determination to create, to form. This Daemon would purposely never take a name, in mimicry of the Creator he so respected, however is hereby referred as Innom, the Scattered One.


Inspired by the work of the Creator, Innom decided to devote himself to imitating this power. He shaped his realm to become a sanctuary of creation, of innovation, and would dedicate his entirety to understanding the language of creation itself. For years untold did the Daemon run his experiments, basing his research off the mystical Material Alphabet, becoming increasingly fluent with the language of creation. His comprehension of the world’s language at a peak, the Daemon began to experiment, carving with hammer and chisel his own language of runes. As his work and passion endured, it was becoming something greater, something more.


To this end his fellow Aenguldaemonic brethren took heed and watched their brother’s work. Either out of fear should he join Iblees or perhaps encouraged by the Archdaemon himself, in secret they schemed. Whilst Innom continued to toil in his study, on the cusp of an inspired revelation, his brothers caught him by surprise. In desperation, the ambushed Daemon cast down towards the mortal realm his sacred tools, his hammer and chisel, in hope one might continue his work. In ways unfathomable by any mortal was Innom brutally savagely beaten and fractured into pieces and cast out.


 In cruel ironic mimicry of the Creator did this betrayal achieve the goal of the Scattered One. As his fractured being spread out amongst reality, it tied itself into the themes of creation, its very core nature. This became the powerful Ruhn, a severed corpse of a Daemon shattered and split, imbuing himself and his language into the nature of reality and gaining its vast potential power but no means to channel it. 


Throughout the vastness of the Ruhn there were many remnants of its old form that lingered besides his power. His ideas, feelings, schemes and desires, and out of this chaos did form a few distinct shadows of Innom’s lost personality, weak yet present. They returned back to the empty carved halls of his realm and lingered there, watching in hope that his tools may be used to continue the great work that was left unfinished in their wake. These lost remnants of his personality would be simply known as the Odyni. (Oh-die-knee)





“Hall of Echoes”


The Tal-Kilari is the realm of the late Daemon Innom, an expansive ornate palace where every pillared hall is carved with runes and symbols. Some serve function, many purely the artistic expression of their creator. Atop most walls are carved murals and writing in runic scriptures, telling perhaps the distant echoes of the deity who once dwelled there and his exploits. Although once bright with the glow of powered runes and the echoes of Innom’s experiments throughout the halls, the realm became largely quiet and empty, a shadow of its former self. 


Each Odyn has its own claim to large swaths of the sprawling palace, however lacks the ability to form it into its own desires. As the Odyni together have a common purpose of reforming the palace to its former glory, so gathered amongst themselves did they strike a deal. It stated that whoever on the mortal plane that joins their realm had demonstrated the nature of one of the Odyni, shall be given to the domain of that Odyn. (Oh-dine) 


The halls of each Odyn although having numerous similarities due to the common architect, over the centuries as more souls join them, each area would begin to develop its own unique style and traits. 


The first of the Odyni carries the personality trait of creativity, an appreciation for beauty. Within his halls are many workshops of different varieties, and many of the most ornate carvings in the palace.


The second of the Odyni carries the personality trait of anger, outrage, a hellbent desire based on the impossible yet incredibly drawing thirst for vengeance against the conspiring Aenguldaemons. His halls ring chaotic and disorderly, the once hallowed carvings scratched and stained by battle.


The third of the Odyni carries the personality traits of tranquility and grace. These halls are filled with vast gardens and quiet places, where one could feel at ease, and with several hearths throughout the expanse to rest by.


The fourth of the Odyni carries the personality trait of greed, Innom’s incredible drive to get what he wanted. Here lay giant piles of wealth, treasures, and relics on display.


The fifth of the Odyni carries the personality trait of generosity, the desire to share his power. As such, here are perhaps the most busy places within the Tal’Kilari, marketplaces, shops and other worldly possessions reside here for all to barter and see.


The sixth of the Odyni carries the personality traits of joy and passion. Within these halls lay depictions of celebrations and merriments, reflective of the denizens who never cease their joyous feasting. 


The seventh of the Odyni carries the personality trait of curiosity and wanderlust. Of the eight halls that exist, none are more vast in knowledge than that of the seventh. Its walls are filled with runed tomes of history, science, and forgotten lore, ever capturing the imagination of their readers who dwell there. 


The eighth of the Odyni carries the personality trait of just loyalty and determination. Here is where murals of both order and chaos intertwine, the beauty in a battle fought and personalities clashing.






The mythic might of the Ruhn has drawn in many cultures to recognize it, namely the dwarves who were the first to come in contact with it during the Ancient History of Aegis. All dwarves in this era were considered followers of  the Ruhn, venerating it for a time. After the Blood Age of the Ironborn dynasty devastated and destroyed the knowledge of many dialects of runic art, so too with them was lost the very origin of the Rhun itself. The dwarves blindly continued to be followers of the Ruhn due to the cultural foundation set by the early Runesmiths, placing an emphasis on the Odyni as the Brathmordakin. 


When the Scattered One cast down his mystical tools into the mortal realm, so long as the mortals continued the work he had started, did not let him die in vain, then one may harness the power of his research, the power of the Ruhn. This is the legacy the Runesmiths hold, the inheritors of Innom’s fruits and labor. However to all followers the Odyni offer a paradise of craftsmanship and artisanry, a chance to create one’s own heaven.


Present Day


Currently, the Ruhn is the last impactful legacy of Innom, a power that intertwined with the primordial forces of creation allowing Runesmiths to channel it for their craftsmanship, continuing the Scattered One’s work. The magic of Runesmithing has always been a powerful force, and although indirect Innom’s hand is undeniable in creating it. 


Purpose (OOC): 

Here we go.




There were many discussions in the group responsible for all this lore as to what Aenguldaemon we should aim for when describing the origins of Runesmithing, but as is hopefully apparent, much more than that. This lore is not written solely for the purpose of having a strong power source to Runesmithing quickly, if that was the only concern of this rewrite group then we would have gone a simpler route of connecting to an established Aenguldaemon or even push for it to become a Misc Magic. No, the reason why this lore is written the way it is is to ensure a more cohesive and better written theme throughout Runesmithing and by extension all dwarven lore, as our culture is undeniably tied to it strongly. 


If we were to choose, for example, Garumdir, it would not fit the theme of Runesmithing we had in mind nor the deity himself in any manner. Although Runesmithing is a craftsmanship magic and Garumdir a craftsman Daemon, the lore writer for Garumdir themself concluded that they do not feel that he would not foresee Garumdir powering any magic. Instead of a pure craftsman, tinkering deity, Runesmithing’s theme would better fit that of an artisan, a more mystical and artistic deity that matches closer. 


If we were to go the route of our predecessor and aim for Ogradhad, as some others have opted for as well, we would officially canonize a member of the dwarven Brathmordakin, but only one, and thus effectively none as the faith exists as a pantheon, not a singular. Not just that, but Ogradhad is a god of wisdom and knowledge, a trait that already exists among the pantheon in the exact same manner as Ogradhad. This is not to mention the dubious nature of tying Runesmithing, a magic based on practice and perfection in a crafting skill, to wisdom and knowledge, to library work. In order to make Ogradhad fit better to the magic, he would have to be made into something that isn’t even Ogradhad.


If we were to make Runesmithing a Misc Magic tied only to the power of creation itself directly, we would effectively be making it no longer Runesmithing. There would be little unique to it than any other misc magics that include some manner of enchanting in them, just a group of runes that are for some reason kept separate to their counterparts. Not only that, but the direction we foresee being best for Runesmithing for the entire server lore is to make it a broader deific order more along the lines of Druidism or Paladinism. These are deific magics that are generally well accepted and appreciated, and have grown to fit an incredibly compelling niche within the server. This is what myself and my fellow writers believe is possible for Runesmithing to become, if only we can start it again in the direction.

So now, less on what this lore is not. What is this Lore? 


We wanted to make the source of Runesmithing, if deific, to be unique from any other within the pantheon. For this reason, we went for the interesting idea of shattering the god. Although there may not be any basis in lore for this happening before, we believe it is a compelling and unique idea that is still lore friendly and doesn’t stretch the possibility. It leads well into the next goal of the lore. 


We wanted the deity to be more passive in its role, as to not disrupt the RP made cultures and ideas that may be built on it. For this reason, the Ruhn was conceived, an idea that allows the deity to be imparted and not completely disrupt Brathmodakin and dwarven culture by getting too involved, while also serving as a good connection between other lore on the server such as the Material Alphabet and its themes. This also helps maintain the mystical, sacred theme of Runesmithing.


We wanted to in some manner canonize the Brathmordakin faith, or at least aspects of it, so that a massive group of characters have a proper, lore-approved ending. This is how the Odyni were brought into the lore. They add far more flavor into the realm of Innom while also putting a strong foundation in one of the server’s oldest cultures.

Edit (9/17/20):
Lore Scholars provided an additional reason



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Excellent work, this is a really tidy way of linking things together without tampering too much with the faith and its history.


Curious as to why Innom was a Daemon and not Aengul?

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@Wretched Thanks ya so much, I actually am probably more proud of this part of the lore than I am Runesmithing main, likely due to its broader scope. The reason I picked Daemon was simple because in my research for this topic, Daemons were described as not necessarily bad but having a clear motive, and being ruthless in their dedication to it, which I thought was a pretty accurate description of Innom.

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I like the tie in with Aegis. The passive aspect of this lore is great, as I feel like that’s the best way to go about not disrupting the years of Brathmordakin RP.

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9/17/20: Added a screenshot to end of purpose section.

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