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[✗] [Reagent Lore] Night Poppy


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Night Poppy






Slowness x2

Lethargy x2

Peace x1



Night Poppies grow in large clusters, their stalks growing to be several feet tall, with a large green bulb at the top, which blooms into a large flower with a dark purple hue.



An uncommon poppy, generally found in open fields with tall grass, which allows it to stay hidden from wandering animals.



Harvesting the poppy is simple, seeing as it has no defense mechanisms. The flower of the plant can be harvested by simply cutting it off with a pair of alchemist shears or a knife. The flower can also easily be replanted in a garden, as long as it receives plenty of water and sunlight.


Raw Effect(s): 

The body of the plant is edible, with a bitter flavor similar to that of a dandelion, and little benefit. On the other hand, the flower it sprouts can be used in a tincture to help encourage sleep for an individual suffering from insomnia or pain. The flower can also be brewed directly into tea, providing a calming effect, and drowsiness if excessively consumed.


It should be used soon after blooming. Otherwise becoming ineffective if left exposed for an extended period of time. 



-Night Poppy can not be used to force sleep on another player, as the most it will cause is extreme drowsiness.

-Night Poppies should be used soon after blooming. As they will lose their effectiveness if left exposed to air for longer than 10 narrative hours.

- If properly cared for, Night Poppy regrows at a rate of 1 measure per 3 OOC days.

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This lore has been denied as per this recent thread. If you have any questions or believe this to be a mistake, please PM me on the forums or discord.

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