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Review of the Highland Realm’s Advancements - Military


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Review of the Highland Realm’s

Advancements - Military

To the Dutiful Citizens of the Realm,

The Highland Realm, and by extension, the Kingdom of Norland has gone through a variety of Kings the past few decades. Some think such change can be stunning to a nation, paralysing even. However, this idea has shown itself to be further from the truth in our case. Despite our setbacks, we have ventured further on the goal of progress. Under Earl Edvard II, we saw the implementation of our Nordlaw. Through Duke Godric, Norland had seen the foundation of the Highland Realm through the Highland Act (1745). By way of King Caedric, the Highland Realm published its first copy of the Highlaw which still remains to govern the current protectorates and guides the citizens of the Realm to be honest and productive members of society. Now, under the passionate King Halvar, the Highland Realm is taking the greatest leaps in all sectors of national interest. This missive shall focus on matters concerning the nation’s military.

War Industry Mobilisation

The nation has ventured forth into the war industry. As our involvement in the Sutican conflict became cemented, we used the opportunity to utilise our mercantile prowess. Our valiant workers scoured the battlefields and repurposed their armour, and weapons - after giving them proper respects, of course. We hold an extra supply of these necessities that will be used to boost the abilities of our warriors if a threat comes to our home.

Establishing the Red Fleet

The Highland Realm’s military capacity has stretched from being strictly land into the sea. We have applied woodworking techniques towards creating great ships to assist in the transportation of goods, soldiers, and the likes. Our fleet, which we have deemed the Red Fleet, has a capacity of 13 ships. As of now we currently hold: one capital ship, one frigate, two caravels, eight longships, and one schooner. We expect that these ships will be put to great use.

Founding the Norlandic Marines

Alongside our Red Fleet, soldiers must be equipped with the proper experience to utilise these ships. We have created a new division within our military structure to account for this change. The Norlandic Marines are specially trained so that they are acclimated to all maritime warfare. We expect that these marines will take great importance venturing into our next conflict, whatever and wherever it may be.

Defence Fortifications


The city of Morsgrad has had greater improvements of its defences the past few years. These fortifications will assist in deflecting siege weapons and any opponents that seek our homes wishing to bring our steadfast men, women and children harm. Furthermore, we have also increased the defences of the realm as a whole, see below for more information.

Highland Gate and the Coastal Wall

As a result of our increase in fortifications, the King’s Council has felt that the need for a gate was essential to the defence of our realm. For far too long, bandits strode into our land attempting to shake down our citizens. However, with a gate in place, we can now properly defend the entrance to the North that we call home. Co-existing with this “Highland Gate”, we have also established a coastal wall that would protect from any form of naval invasion. These defences should prove to be most effective if any enemy fleet comes to disembark on our soil.

Penned by

Mister Muffins, Chancellor of the Kingdom of Norland,


Writ en Namen De

Halvar Edvardsson, King of Norland, Duke of Morsgrad, Bulwark of the Highland Realm,

Ulvid, Marshal of the Ashen Legion of Norland,

Alisa Camian, High Keeper of the Red Faith,


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