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Wronging the Rights of the Past [Snow Elven Removal]


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Just now, NotEvilAtAll said:

There are two ways the Story Team can approach this:

1: “After careful consideration, we have decided to remove ____ for x y and z reasons.”

2: “LMAOOOOOO! ECKS DEE DEE DEE DEE! ____ IS GONE! WE REMOVED THEM! THEY’RE [insert pun here]. AHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA! [Insert meme image here].”

They like to pick the second option more than they ought to.

Though I will not comment on the Story Team’s way of showing their appreciation for the server, for I won’t speak for anyone else’s opinions- nevertheless, they do genuinely appreciate the server and its lore it and every decision is put through careful consideration. 

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As of this current development, my disappointment in staff is immeasurable. As the current head of the Mali’Fenn within the Fennic Conclave, myself and the two other leads have tried to reach out to do reform. To prevent the fall of the nation, and ultimately our chance of recovering it. Regardless, this is not a decision that should have been made without any conversation with our people. We have been working on a reform and to suddenly pull a plug without any conversation. It is not unknown that we were reforming and getting more members, as well as in the process of making this presence known on the forums that was due to launch tomorrow. While this is the staff’s choice ultimately, I would be thrilled to be able to have an actual conversation regarding this with whomever I may need. I understand what is being gone for, however the lack of communication regarding this prior to now is not at all ok.

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6 minutes ago, EnderMaiashiro said:

As of this current development, my disappointment in staff is immeasurable. As the current head of the Mali’Fenn within the Fennic Conclave, myself and the two other leads have tried to reach out to do reform. To prevent the fall of the nation, and ultimately our chance of recovering it. Regardless, this is not a decision that should have been made without any conversation with our people. We have been working on a reform and to suddenly pull a plug without any conversation. It is not unknown that we were reforming and getting more members, as well as in the process of making this presence known on the forums that was due to launch tomorrow. While this is the staff’s choice ultimately, I would be thrilled to be able to have an actual conversation regarding this with whomever I may need. I understand what is being gone for, however the lack of communication regarding this prior to now is not at all ok.

I encourage you share this message.

You can still do any and all of this. This is strictly saying they aren’t a subrace- taking away a (optionally) shorter lifespan. 

There is a project coming up from the ST right now reaching to the Nation Leader phase of public-access. When it opens to broader public, I am sure you can air any concern out regarding highelves racewise. Otherwise, ‘fenn are still a culture, still a peoplegroup. It has merely been fact for the last two years, while retaining usually #3 or 4 for “most recruited” of elven subraces, it has had the lowest retention of players of any existing playerbase. It should not, and no longer is, presented as a Subrace. It is a culture, strictly and simply as. 

As with something like Mali’chikr or something similar, you may still call yourselves, “Fenn”, with Fennic culture and customs; the subrace merely doesn’t exist anymore. This was a decision culiminated by both Administration and a near 100% agreement from ST. If you still are having issues with this, please reply or dm me @squak#8441. I should be in any lore or writing discords we may share aswell.

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1 hour ago, DixieDemolisher said:

Dope so when can we expect the human subraces to be dropped. Literally the same race, just a couple different flavors of European and then an ‘other’ category.


Man I didn’t even like Snelves but this ain’t it.

highlanders and heartlanders should not be different races when farfolk are comprised of LITERALLY everything that’s not white (including entirely different races). mechanically on character cards, there are highlanders, heartlanders and far folk.



that's what should be merged. not snow elves and high elves.

Edited by Carson
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-1 as someone that started out with teh snow elf community honestly this leaves a bad taste in even my mouth. slowly destroying races and subraces isnt a way to go even if they arent from your orginal lore. Cool they can keep their culture. but its not the same people spends hours and days and years to culitvate this to try to fix wht they might of wrong. this is like saying ah yes NOrland youve been here how many times on the ma and have done nothing your never alllowed to recreate this town again. its not fair in anyways and to not even communicate with the people surronding it. its absolutley becoming worse and worse. Let the kids and adults have thier snow elves they did nothing wrong to harm you gus. 

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Nothings stopping you guys from rping fennic culture. From all I see, snow elves are just high elves but shorter and supposedly buffer. You can still roleplay being a snow elf.

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6 minutes ago, Gamma said:

snow elves are just high elves but shorter and supposedly buffer. You can still roleplay being a snow elf.

Aren’t the human “subraces” still available? Even though they have has much difference as an apple compared to an apple? On personas there are Highlanders, Far Folk, and Heartlanders.


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ok but can i make space elves now?


edit: ok but unironically why decanonize instead of coming up with a legit reason rply isnt this why you're the story team


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1 hour ago, Archipelego said:

Human 'subraces' as you say arent subraces. They are cultures. So there is nothing to remove.


Snelves are now a culture. Which is on the same level as the human cultures. Nothing is gained or loss. I'm unsure of what your comparison was intended to prove.

This literally proved his point. You can select Highlander Heartlander or Far folk as separate races when selecting a character. Why wouldn’t you be able to do the same with snow elves if they’re on the same level.

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6 minutes ago, TDubs said:

Aren’t the human “subraces” still available? Even though they have has much difference as an apple compared to an apple? On personas there are Highlanders, Far Folk, and Heartlanders.

Sure they are, and as I said before. Nothings stopping you from still roleplaying as a snow elf. You can still call yourselves snow elves roleplay-wise, and enjoy your culture.

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2 minutes ago, Gamma said:

Sure they are, and as I said before. Nothings stopping you from still roleplaying as a snow elf. You can still call yourselves snow elves roleplay-wise, and enjoy your culture.

Friend, you’ve missed something here. Why have the human “subraces” not been removed? In terms of the persona card I mean.


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4 minutes ago, TDubs said:

Friend, you’ve missed something here. Why have the human “subraces” not been removed? In terms of the persona card I mean.


This exactly^. The precedent is set that different cultures are enough to differentiate so why are snow elves being removed when they fall under that precedent. Let it be clear I am not asking for consistency and the removal of the human races because we all know that would start a riot even bigger than this one. I am asking why snow elves, after recently picking up into activity and gaining a consistent player base again becoming to the exception to this rule. Why are the ST shelving races people play instead of shelving wonks?

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Can we keep the Kha now that the snelves are gone or...can we like keep both or...?

Edited by chaosgamer_
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This should come as no surprise. Staff have hated the Snow Elf race but in the many years none stepped forth to even give a reason, even now whilst we’re in the middle of rewriting out our lore the staff find it good management to remove the race of soo many players. Its any wonder soo many have left LoTC.

Edited by beng363
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