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Wronging the Rights of the Past [Snow Elven Removal]


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On 9/25/2020 at 6:41 PM, Noobli said:

You’re next, snow dwarves.

Mountain dwarves are gonna get the ax 😞

Guys calm down, the Brathmordakin are not real either in the lore we dwarves just belive they do irp... Its the same thing. 

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Ah yes, let your personal vendetta against players influence your decisions as staff. This isn’t new, the player count keeps dropping and this server will keep on disappointing.. How about everyone stops undermining each other? Oh wait, please don’t! I actually want to see this server decline into obscurity so please keep doing what you’re doing.

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37 minutes ago, drfate786 said:

Ah yes, let your personal vendetta against players influence your decisions as staff. This isn’t new, the player count keeps dropping and this server will keep on disappointing.. How about everyone stops undermining each other? Oh wait, please don’t! I actually want to see this server decline into obscurity so please keep doing what you’re doing.

drfate being drfate episode 8000

eugh when does this show end

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As probably one of the oldest snelves still playing I have to say its about time honestly. Put the nail in the coffin. I can see why a lot of people causing a massive fuss over this but the race was dying and should have been disbanded when buff left. 

Probably is bias considering it came from joel as everyone knows he is against the snelves but this was a long time coming. There was never anything defining them as something different which sucks because no one can deny that there was opportunity there for an actual thing to come of this

Think of this change as a good thing – We are now even more rare among the mass groups of elves. Build on that grow on that and develop from here!

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There is definite debate as to the effect of this decision – some believe that it’s merely a reclassification and things continue as normal but others view it as fundamentally damaging to the future of its community. I happen to fall in the latter. But whatever the effects, intended or otherwise, this decision is based on deeply flawed reasoning.


1 ’With their downfall of a nation’ – is this not the model that LOTC has adopted over the past few years? These communities are intended to rise and fall. Whether they are rising or falling at the time is just a matter of taking a small snapshot of a communities entire lifespan of the server. This should not be used as a stick to beat them with when the server is designed to have communities like these in constant flux.


2 ‘Hamfisted origins that never went through the LT vote’ – Why should a community of players now face punishment for the actions of corrupt admins over half a decade ago? There has been incalculable corruption throughout this server and there is no reason for one group to be singled out over it. Regarding the LT vote, many people can recall a time when an LT did not even exist, and it certainly shouldn’t matter that a community did not get the approval of a team whose members are long gone.


3 ‘Lack of distinct culture or value as a subrace’ – these are matters of opinion, not fact, and are easily disputed.


If this level of logic and reasoning is being employed by those with responsibility on this server, then I worry for countless other communities who are at risk from these people.

Edited by Hobbs_Burrows
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As someone who played snow elves since the time I've joined, this makes me incredibly sad... However, they can keep their culture and their look isn’t much different from a high elf, in my opinion not much will change, making this rather useless.


Can’t wait to see other races getting removed without consulting the community though.

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