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[OOC] Sea of Stars - Application Thread


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Name (colony):


Archetype (choose one):

National Colonization Mission (NCM) 


Mother Nation:



Sponsoring Space Agency (you may choose one):

 ISRO (India)


Colonial Leadership:



Mission classification:



Add. starting equipment:

2,000 Population 

40k Credits 

10 Materials 



Entering into the later 2070’s the Republic of India slowly started to see a shift in its population demanding political change and gain be limited at the expense of the people. Several months later, the Indian Communist Party rose up and began sweeping the nation by storm. A modernized revolution where power was siezed from within, as many saw this as their only way of survival. From the radical leader, Aarav Emir whose charm and passion for change and his love for India gave his people hope. 


India saw change through, as political corruption no longer held the country down in limbo and quality of life begin to improve. Though one thing was becoming increasingly relevant to the vast majority of India. Population was beginning to outweigh the resources being produced. Land was running at its limit and the need for expansion was relevant. But with the ICP taking power, tensions between India and China had subsided. As communism solidified power in Asia.


Now India looked towards the Stars.  



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    Application form

    (for detailed mechanics, please confer with the ruleset linked above)


    Discord: You have it


    Name (colony): Harvest


    Archetype (choose one): National Colonization Mission


    Mother Nation: United States of America


    Sponsoring Space Agency (you may choose one): NASA


    Colonial Leadership:



    Mission classification: 



    Add. starting equipment: 

    1 Point - 10M
4 Points - 8,000 Colonists (18,000 Total)


    Background: The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, a nation founded on exploration, expansion and faith. With earth’s material needs and massive populations it was only natural to expand to the stars for resources. While the United States Space Force focuses its efforts on Militaristic Expansion and Security, the Harvest Expedition was proposed and narrowly achieved funding as a long term investment to establish resource bases in the hopes of feeding back to the Homeland. Mainly a civilian venture by Nasa, security still follows the proper authority and chain of command of US Military Officials and the Commander and Chief.

A large labor force and materials needed to establish a self sufficient were put together and launched on Ascension Day. It’s destination was 61 Cygni.

God Bless America, and God’s Speed Harvest Expedition.


Edited by Sovereign_of_Solaris
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Name (colony):

Jordan Interstellar: A Subsidiary of Jordan Industries!


Archetype (choose one):

Private Company


Mother Nation:



Sponsoring Space Agency (you may choose one):

Jordan Industries


Colonial Leadership:



Mission classification:



Add. starting equipment:

60,000 C

20 M



CEO Chineke Jordan does not shy away from the fact that he comes from privilege. Using family money, and a not-inconsiderable tribal royal title, he invested heavily in the construction industry in his early twenties, profitting heavily from the Nigerian economic boom of the 2050s and 60s. Jordan Industries grew fat off the cash cow that was the construction of New Lagos, buying up the competition and investing heavily in the emerging technology of “plasticrete”, a lightweight and breathable construction material created from recycled plastic. Jordan didn’t invent it, but he’d be damned if he hadn’t marketed it to the moon and back, netting him ecological prizes and adherents the world over. A man of boundless charisma and terrifyingly vast ambition, Jordan’s company expanded into a panoply of other endeavours, from terrestrial and astro-resource extraction to transportation – the real moneymaker of the Jordan empire! Renowned for his construction of a high-speed maglev from New Lagos to Djibouti, CEO Jordan saw the true potential of his company in the democratisation of space travel! Jordan Orbital shuttles thousands of tonnes of cargo offworld every year, and Jordan Logistics ferries that cargo to the far reaches of the system! Fancy a cruise to Mars and back? Look no further than Jordan Astro-Tours! Looking to stay offworld? Purchase a pre-built, ready-to-deploy-from-orbit luxury colony pack from Jordan Habitats today!


Jordan Industries now reaches into the stars themselves, with the construction and financing of two Gandhi-capable colony ships at the CEO’s personal expense! Offering the brave and ambitious potential colonists shares in the new Jordan Interstellar, the CEO will put his personal philosophies to work as the founding principles of a new society in the stars – a hypercapitalist utopia, in which the resources of the stars and the sweat off your brow will build a world of wealth and prosperity for all: at market beating prices, and with the Jordan Quality you can trust!


“Now we offer up our finest product: the Future!”

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