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Death of Tyranny


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   The demons marched through the islands South of Aegrothond. Beasts of titanic sizes and varying shapes. Hellhounds, apes, and automaton-like walkers loomed over the zar’ei scourgers as they hopped island to island. First the home of the Chi monks was raised in fire. Then they moved on to the Father Grove and began desecrating the nature there. Fires burned high into the sky as the forces approached Siramenor. On the back of an ape-like titan stood the general Tichar, wielding its Mace of Tyranny and directing the forces. Without anyone to protect it, the wood elven city was trampled on and uprooted, homes were broken down and fires raged ever onward. In the meantime, the walkers began receiving heavy cannon and siege fire. Even the demon foot soldiers began taking casualties so close to the edges of Aegrothond, where the descendants decided to bunker down.

   Demons continued their march into the farms North of Aegrothond despite their losses. The demonic legions’ destruction was not being slowed. Even though the descendants put up decent defenses and pits to prevent advances, the demons laid down entire trees between the gaps to make their way over. By now the descendants could see a cage holding a hostage on the back of Tichar’s titan. Soon the inferi made it to the front gates of Aegrothond and began beating on their gates. Tichar’s ape leapt to the walls, where descendants were counter-attacking with siege fire. The ape began receiving injury after injury, bleeding thick, oozing crimson from its chest.
   Then an olog, named Droktar, fell from the top of the city of Aegrothond right over Tichar, landing a blow on the general with his weapon. In his rage, Tichar cast the olog to the waters below where his fate was left unknown. The ape began swiping away at the descendants in the walls, taking many out or crushing them. Tichar rose into the air with the aid of his ebony wings. Then there was shouting.
   Falling yet again from the top of Aegrothond came a duo of unknown knights wielding magical blades. Unfortunately for them, this tactic had already been used against Tichar, and so he expected it. Tichar moved aside with a push of its wings, landing a counter strike with the Mace of Tyranny. The mace exploded in unholy fire, causing the duo of knights to spiral to the ground in heaps. The ape below received yet more attacks from the descendants (such as being doused in a barrel of boiling oil), causing it agony as it began charging through the archway which was too small for it. The hostage was released when his cage scraped against the ceiling, allowing him to slide down to freedom. Then the ape collapsed, falling over demon and descendant alike as it slid into the waters of the bay of Aegrothond.
   It was at this moment the demons began cannibalizing one another. Demon turning on demon, beast on beast. The descendants took this opportunity to cut down on the hordes, resulting in the frontal forces near the gates to disappear in no time. Tichar, however, did not flee. The beast hovered by the gates, its pupiless eyes alight with unnatural fury. The behemoth breathed inward as malefic green flames started building in its maw.




   Just as Tichar said this, the descendant host exited the gates of Aegrothond. The general stood alone against them with its demons already reduced to corpses and ash. There were dozens of descendants, at least fifty, wielding weapons of all types. Even the siege weapons on the walls were re-manned and pointing down at the zentherak general. Tichar exhaled a torrent of malflame over the entirety of them, resulting in an explosive column of hellfire that took out a large portion of descendants. Tichar was mad, flying and sweeping over all as it released its final attack. Before Tichar could regroup and flee, the descendants rose against him. Many of them escaped the line of his attack, simultaneously throwing weapons, holy spells, shooting arrows, blasting cannons... And in an instant Tichar was obliterated, arms torn from its body, wings shredded by arrows, legs disintegrated by spells, and chest imploded by cannons.
   Tichar screamed as it fell into the waters below and out of sight. The scream echoed through the city and the gates shook by the force of all the attacks. Many of Tichar’s victims stood by that gate as they watched him fall: ex-prisoners, those maimed by, or having lost loved ones to him. They observed the spectacle of his fall. Blood pooled in the water where Tichar fell, black gore spreading into the bay. The tyrant of terror was gone and did not return. Its forces scattered, the hellhounds fled into the distance, and the descendants won the day. A great victory, at whatever the cost.




   I just want to say thanks to everyone for having me as a lead for this eventline. I didn’t do as many events as I’d have liked, but I’m happy for whatever character developments I was able to give. To all those that suffered Tichar’s forces, became a prisoner in the soul-pits, or vowed vengeance against him, thank you for being so invested in this. This is all for you guys, after all. ❤️ Oh, and this isn’t the main post for the Aegrothond siege. That should be coming later. Thanks!

EDIT: Also no, there was no body left behind to loot. >->

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Viktoriya DeNurem – dubbed, ‘The Allslayer’, by the beast Tichar –  stared down at the waters beneath her, a mess of gore and ichor. She became an effigy of sorrow and rejoice as she peered downward to where the General once laid, now turned to a mere puddle of slop by the descendants’ mighty onslaught. The noise that followed tormented her – her suffering reduced to a mere whimper unheard by her brethren, as the situation struck her. Finally, the lamentation rose out from her mangled throat– a cacophony of joyous cries and confused, shrill shouts, as she finally fathomed the beast’s demise.


She’d watched him be torn apart in front of her, situated behind the front line composed of mighty Dwed – meeting his terrible gaze, once, just before he was torn from the sky and obliterated by the Holy knights’ multitude of blows. 


Memories rushed back into the labyrinth of her mind . . . Of her time within Tichar’s encampment. The deal it’d tried to strike with her – the foul trickery and misdeeds she’d committed to be sent back into the Arcas’ mainland. Being hoisted – shown the light, quite literally, after dozens of months confined to her cell. The feign of hope lighting within her damned, black soul once more – only to be snuffed as the General told her of its terms, should she be set free.


And yet, she fought on.


Now, Tichar was dead – gone – once and for all.


She was free.

For now.


RIP Tichad, I’ll miss my favorite soul-devouring daemon



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Not to be a lootgoblin but can we have his head!?


kidding kidding.. unless?..


(This is obviously a joke)


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1 hour ago, Gladuos said:




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Sir Alaric DeNurem stood within his and his wife’s, Viktoriya DeNurem, wooden abode in the far off North-East of the Orenian Empire, his broken mind having drifted the man off to a deep slumber – missing the descendant’s defense of the city of Aegrothond. Though, as the visions of  his unconscious mind swarming the halls of his mind, a glimpse of a light was shed amidst that fog – in the far off distance he felt a great burden being relieved, the once jailer of the love of his live had perished, at long last, the threat of her return to the grasps of the Inferi streamed down into the Void. 



few hours passed on, the Orenian knight slowly gaining his consciousness back, eyelids carefully opening to peer at the darkened spruce above where he laid, simply staring at the ceiling – a hand sliding upward to touch the newfound scars across his torso, furthering the route till his visage, the same wounds cast across his skin.




Biding his time;


Patience paid off;


Yet for how long?

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“Good riddance,” Thalrian uttered from whatever dark corner he occupied, unable to forget the years of conflict shared with this demon in particular.

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