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Self-Teach/OOC Oversight Clarifications 



[16.4/OOC Oversight Edit]

-One may learn magic, for select magics (see: Self Teaching), which fall under the umbrella of "OOC Oversight". With this, a student and teacher must still roleplay connection to the magic, and the student is required to self-roleplay lessons to see progression in the magic. OOC Oversight requires permission from the teacher to perform, and aswell, must be marked on the student's Magic Application.

aswell as

[19.1/Self Teaching addition]

-For magics in which one can hold an accepted Teaching Application, but is not required to have a Magic Application (see: Self Teaching), the player who holds the Teaching Application may put themselves on their own app as a student by contacting the ST. Then, they may progress through their magic at an accelerated pace, each tier taking half as long as typical (rounding down if instances apply; such as from 7 days Tier 1 -> Tier 2, rather than "3.5", the player would instead simply do 3 days.). Self-roleplayed lessons are unrequired to progress.



16.4 Has already been in place, functioning as a lore rule, without being included in Lore Rules. It did not make sense for a semi-hard-to-find post to have rules applying over lore, so it's been included in the rules section and will be updated in tandem with Self Teaching. 


19.1 is an addition which was added by the Self Teaching team to remove some frustration from niche scenarios and better allow flexibility in MA/TA holding for select magics. 

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Raid Rules


Rational: Keep the spirit of the rules in line with our mission statement. The rules are now concise, and allow for more roleplay to be generated.

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  1. You may only move four blocks per emote.

  2. You may not mechanically run away from roleplay combat without it being possible, and having emoted prior and awaited for a reply from the opposing party. If this breaks out into a chase, you may then run a /countdown once all parties are ready (3 minute wait max). No movement may occur after these emotes until the countdown is completed. The runner may not fight back or be assisted, the opposing party reserves the right to down and revive them, then continue the roleplay as if they are bound.

  3. You may only make one major and one minor action per emote. A minor action is an action that does not directly affect the outcome of the combat, whilst a major action does. For instance, a minor action would be drawing your sword, a major action would be dodging/jumping out of the way or attacking. Another example, aiming a bow or taking an arrow from a quiver would be minor actions, whereas notching it, drawing it back, and releasing it are major actions.

  4. If you must go AFK for 10+ minutes during conflict roleplay, no additional parties may join until 10 minutes after the AFK player has returned.



Renamed from "Roleplay Combat/CRP" to "Balance-Default Combat"

1) You may only move four blocks per emote whenever performing an action relevant to combat. This includes swinging a melee weapon, blocking an incoming strike, aiming a ranged weapon or preparing to throw a projectile as well as casting certain magics.

     1A) This also applies to characters on the receiving end of an action, such as being tackled, shot or hit. 

2) You may only move eight blocks per emote when your character is solely focused on sprinting.

3) You may only move eight blocks per emote whenever performing an action relevant to combat whilst mounted.

     3A) This also applies to characters on the receiving end of an action, such as being tackled, shot or hit. 

4) You may only move twelve blocks per emote when your character is solely focused on riding a mount.

5) You may fall any distance in one emote.
     5A) You may drop up six blocks vertically and continue action unhindered. Dropping up to nine blocks will result in a stumble, reducing movement to half for one emote thereafter. Dropping up to twelve blocks will result in a broken leg, reducing movement to one quarter for the remainder of the combat and thereafter until healed. Dropping up to fifteen blocks will result in serious injury and a character becoming incapacitated or unconscious atop broken limbs. Dropping up to eighteen blocks will result in a character’s death. 
     5B) Characters can drop an additional three blocks if landing in water or a haystack that is three blocks deep or more. 

6) You may only say one sentence (approximately fifteen words) of speech in character per emote whilst combat is ongoing. 


7) You may not relay messages to characters outside of shout range in combat. This means the use of couriers, messenger birds and other forms of long distance communication are prohibited. 

8) When a character leaves a combat scenario they are unable to return until the ongoing combat has been concluded, as agreed by both sides, nor may they leave and rally others to join the combat roleplay they were not otherwise present for. Exceptions can be made to this if both sides agree. 

9) Combat is considered “Locked” 10 minutes after the beginning of combat, preventing others from joining unless both sides agree. 

10) Surgery and other medical procedures beyond first aid cannot be performed in combat. 

11) Combat roleplay does not adhere to mechanical standards and instead follows common sense logic. For example: your character can not pull a boat out of their pocket even if there is a boat in your minecraft inventory.
     11A) The sole exception to this rule is with regards to special items used in combat like weaponry, potions and magical objects that must be in your mechanical inventory where appropriate to be used in combat roleplay.


Rational: Updating combat rules to be more expansive based on moderation verdicts and observation/player request relating to full implementation of CRP Default onto the server. Will be observing and testing extensively to see if changes are required over next couple months.

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Raid ladders and TNT can be used at any time during or leading up to a raid of 5 or more people. 

  • The raiding party must include in the raid modreq that they will be using PvP equipment.

Players must emote in shout placing the equipment in a minimum of three emotes if PvP has not yet started.

  • Players who seek to break the equipment through RP means must emote 3 times uninterrupted to successfully disarm it.
  • Emotes are not required in PvP

Rational: N/A

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Category: Lore & Magic 
Section: Lore and Magic Usage
Rule Added: 7.1
Rule 7.1: Characters under sixteen may not learn any feat/magic or become a creature, unless explicitly specified in the relevant lore.


Rationale: This is something that's been enforced longer than I've been on the server and it isn't written anywhere. A character is not anywhere near physically/mentally developed to learn magic before this age. While this does not change how one can learn of or about a magic/feat/ca/etc., it simply means they may not apply for it, just as before. 

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Although the trial period for raid ladders & tnt is over, we're looking into potentially reimplementing them in the far future with some more community feedback on how they should work. They no longer exist on the server, so any rule pertaining to them should be void for the time being. 


(just a long overdue update, sorry!)

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Malirally bells can only be used after three preparation emotes.



This is how we treat it now via the plugin & our policy, but there's no reference to it in the rules.

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The rules page has been formatted for better organization, and some rules have been rewritten to make them more concise. Rules that no longer apply (for example, freebuild) have been removed.

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Monetary Upkeep

To keep your land, you need to pay a monetary upkeep. The cost of this upkeep depends on the type of tile you own. 

  • Your capital tile has no upkeep;
  • Additional core tiles cost 200 minas each, and;
  • Exterior tiles cost 75 minas each. 




Monetary Upkeep

To keep your land, you need to pay a monetary upkeep. The cost of this upkeep depends on the type of tile you own. 

  • Your capital tile has no upkeep;
  • Additional core tiles cost 150 minas each, and;
  • Exterior tiles cost 50 minas each. 



Originally too expensive.







If you want to expand your realm, you will need to pay for expansion.

  • 3,000 minas to purchase an exterior tile.
  • 2,000 minas to upgrade an exterior tile to a core tile.

To purchase a tile, it must border one of your core tiles, or at least two exterior tiles. Tiles bordering another realm’s capital may not be purchased without their consent.


Tiles cannot be redrawn or split.




Normal Expansion


If you want to expand your realm, you will need to pay for expansion.

  • 3,000 minas to purchase an exterior tile.
  • 2,000 minas to upgrade an exterior tile to a core tile.


To purchase a tile, it must border one of your core tiles, or at least two exterior tiles. Tiles bordering another realm’s capital may not be purchased without their consent.


Tiles cannot be redrawn or split.




Exclave Expansion


An exclave is a region that is completely disconnected from your capital tile. It must have at least one core tile, designated as its capital, and functions as a vassal with a separate roleplay leader. Expansion and upkeep costs are doubled.



Updating to adjust to our incoming war rules.

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War costs carry a 25 mina base cost per player.



War costs no longer carry a 25 mina base cost per player. It's been decreased to 0 minas. The prices are now only based on where your army travels. 


Rational: N/A, per polls & discussion






Armies start wherever in your territory



Attacking army must start from a core tile

Defender can start from anywhere

Allies of either attacker or defender must travel from a core tile


Rational: N/A, per polls & discussion

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