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[Bounty] Inferi Beast - The Handyman


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In a looming wall within the ruined palaces of Al'Faiz, therein lies the bounty boards by the Knights of Malchediel. To eradicate the demonic Inferi, bounty posters are being placed for brave adventurers to take.



Eradication of an Infernal Beast, personally dubbed ‘The Handyman’



The Northern Portion of the Aegrothond Forest



Mediocre, Party of 3-6 Recommended



Adfectio Ring, 2000 Mina



To the Bold Warrior,

In a recent encounter I have had the unfortunate pleasure of coming into contact with a horrific, multi-limbed monstrosity in the surrounding forests of Aegrothond. It gave me one hell of a beating, and it is most definitely still loose somewhere in the thicket of the citadel. If you are willing, able-bodied, and seeking a reward, come search for me in our current encampment placed in Al’faiz’s throne room. There I will sit you down at an organized time, and I can give you what I know of this beast, as well as my personal recommendation as to how to go about fighting it.


- Ser Lucanere, Compatriot of The Knights of Malchedial


OOC Notes:

((If you have a group willing to tackle this bounty, please make a post, and make sure to detail your discord info for ease of communication. If you are not in a group and wish to attend anyways, also leave your information and we can try to slot you in as well.))


((The times for a debriefing on the mission can be anytime on Tuesday 10/27, or Wednesday 10/28. The fight will take place on Wednesday of the same date, at a time that works best with those attending.))

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Kaelwyn moved through the war-camp. His form coming upon the bounty board as his burgundy eyes scanned over the various posters that sat pinned to it. He reached a hand out to grasp at one of the posters, tugging it down so he could examine it. He looked it over before sighing out, rolling it up and stuffing it into his robes.

He sauntered off out of the rubble that remained, his eyes looking skywards as he released a quick sharp whistle, a shadow moving over his face as a peregrine falcon flew down and landed upon a large pile of rubble staring at the elder druid with intrigue. The druid stepped forwards and moved to grasp a small piece of parchment from his bag, he placed it against a stone wall and began to scribe down a response.
"The Father Circle will assist, we will meet with you in the coming days." He then attached the note to the falcons foot before reaching into his pocket to withdraw a small piece of dried fish, tossing it to the bird, which snapped the fish into its maw before flying off. The druid then began to wander off, heading back to the Father Grove to gather his people.

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Viktoriya DeNurem peered at the board, adjusting the golden spectacles that sat atop her skeletal features. "Hmm . . . Mina? Count me in."


Crappy mobile forum reply, sorry!



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