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Operation Red Dawn.


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(Colorized, a soldier of Elvenesse standing against the demon Sultan M’ag’nus C’arne. Circa 1792.)


[!]A letter finds it’s way throughout the land of Arcas. For anyone who cared to read.

Operation Red Dawn.

The 11th of Malin’s Welcome, 1792.


From the office of the Prince of Elvenesse Feanor Sylvaeri. 


“Let it be known now, the demonic “Sultan” known as M’ag’nus C’arne was slain in combat by soldiers of Elvenesse. Led by the Sea Prince Feanor Sylvaeri himself, M’ag’nus was caught hiding within an abandoned forge near the borders of Elvenesse. To which he was swiftly dealt with and killed. The hammer which the demon carried was proven to NOT be that of the “Hammer of Urguan”, but instead a fake which chipped upon a final blow. Throughout the land, the combined forces should rejoice in the fact that a great evil has been slain this day. A mighty endeavor to rid the land of the otherworldly invaders. Take this moment to heart, for the men and women of our great descendant races have truly displayed valor, honor, and courage in these theaters of battle. 


Let it be known, that M’ag’nus C’arne is dead.” 


Duly signed

Aesilnoth Tundrak.


Signed in absentia,

His royal eminence the Sea Prince, Feanor Sylvaeri. Crown Prince for the Realm of Elvenesse.

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“Do demons have a speech impediment?” pondered Tiresian as he looked over the missive, as his gaze fell on the former Sultan’s name.

Edited by Tiresiam
wrong tense
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“I think I’ll just call him Magnus.” a bemused Ailred muttered in unknowing agreement with Tiresiam.

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“Elvenesse prevails,” Belestram states.

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An Ireheart chuckles, not surprised the elves were claiming all the glory for themselves but not crediting those who also helped!

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