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[✗] [Invention Lore] - Halfling Firing Shovels!


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Invention Lore - Halfling Firing Shovels


Having faced her fair share of angry bigguns Iris had begun to tire of the limited range of her shovel.  Her small frame put her at quite a disadvantage as any bigguns with ill intent could reach her with their swords far before she could get off a good smack with her shovel.  Shovels are also unwieldy when thrown, preventing the wee-folk from using them as if they were spears.   However, Halfling traditions, to which Iris is extremely devoted, prohibited her from picking up any weapons that may increase her reach.  Instead of just allowing these tragic and preventable attacks on Halflings to continue Iris set out with her great-grandfather’s research to invent something that could even the playing field while also staying loyal to Halfling culture.




The firing shovel construction is fairly similar to the construction of regular shovels, requiring just a few more resources and steps.  The process goes as follows:

1. A log is whittled down into a suitable Halfling sized handle, however, this handle is to then be hollowed out to around half way down the handle.

2. A small hole with a radius of 1/4 in, must then be drilled about a quarter way down the staff.

3. Then the crafter must acquire pine sap, placing it on a slim but sturdy spring which must then carefully be placed inside the hollowed out handle.

4.  Next the crafter must then whittle down another stick, just wide enough to fit into the hollowed out part of the other handle to be used as the spade shaft.  Careful attention must be used here to ensure the measurements are correct, the handle must not be too wide that it will not fit into the hollowed out section, yet it also must not be too small to shake around when inserted.

5. Next, this shaft is then attached to a shovel spade before the crafter carves out another hole into this shaft, measured to line up with the previous hole that has been drilled into the main handle.  This small piece of wood that is removed is to be put aside to be used as a button later.

6. The next step again involves careful attention from the crafter as another much smaller spring is to be used.  More pine sap is to be used on both sides of this spring, attaching one side to the small piece of wood that was carved out in the last step.  Then, the other side of the spring is to be inserted into the hole it was carved out of, making sure to hold it long enough that the adhesive sticks which should allow the button to slide in and out but not come loose.

7. With this step complete the button is then to be pressed down, allowing the shovel shaft to slide into the main handle.


If done correctly the button should line up with the hole cut into the main handle, locking the spade into place and the spade should sit almost flush against the main handle.   As the shaft is pressed into the handle it will press down on the spring, readying it to fire.  When the button is pressed down it allows the spring to push the spade out at fairly fast speeds.



The Halfling Firing Shovel, while not meant to be lethal, is meant to allow the Halfling time to get away.  The spade has a range of only 21 feet (About 7 blocks), past this accuracy is severely affected.  
However, within the range, if the Halfling is successful in hitting their target, the force of the spade is enough to bruise an average sized biggun, causing them to stumble for the time of 1 emote and allowing the Halfling time to run to safety.


Red Lines

-The Halfling Firing Shovel is a non-lethal weapon, only being able to bruise in most situations.  However, if the user rolls a 20 and the other party consents it is possible it can break a bone or two if it hits at the right angle.

-The range has a hard cut off at 30 feet, the spring only being powerful enough to send the spade as far as it does due to the halfling sized nature of the weapon.


Purpose (OOC)

Halflings have a long history of farming and culture. The idea that a Halfling can use a weapon that can also be used in the farmlands is beneficial to their small frame as they cannot carry too much on them before being weighed down. The only current Halfling weapon widely used for a ranged attack and being accepted is that of a basic slingshot and a rock which can be ineffective and pointless, (don’t bring up David v Goliath). 
A Halfling’s sense of culture is important to them and it is typically frowned upon to use ‘biggun’ weapons as it feels more harmful to others when used in defence. Shovels are typically blunt and are a useful tool for escape rather than that of attack or a long battle which would make the firing shovels in line with their Proper traditions and their current method of melee attacks.



Credit to @Larry Shortoak for writing the purpose section and helping to proofread everything.


Edited by TakeMeT0TheFae
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Ballistic Shovel.

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I'm so glad you're back :]

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7 hours ago, Zarsies said:

I'm so glad you're back :]

Happy to see you're still around! 🙂

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Imagine we accepted these and not guns. Ohhhh I'd love it! v cute

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