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[EVENT] The Wandering Bazaar - Seeking Adventurers to travel to Land of Titans


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[!] Abdullah Ibn Osman Kharadeen would read the notice seeing that adventurers wanted by the man of the Wandering Bazaar, writing up a letter, and handing it to a falcon before sending it off to find Aaliyah of Brev



Within the Letter is would be written here. for only Aa;iyah or his companions to see...


"Dear Aaliyah of Brev, of the Wandering Bazaar
I, wish to accompany you on your traves, as I am not only well trained in Physical Combat, but am also Trained in the Medical Field, of which could help any of those injured in the travels, as even though I have not traveled in a while, I have kept up to date in my fighting.I also seek to go for the Qalasheen people, and if you wish it I will seek a few that wish to join come with us. If you wish to contact me for the travels, I will always be ready, and in Al-Hadirah, the camp of Qalasheen from Al-Faiz.

From yours truly, Abdullah Ibn Osman Kharadeen"


[!] And with that the Letter would end


Edited by RhythmrhymE
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[!] Aeonn reads the missive and writes a response for the job

Dear Aaliyah of Brev, 

If the job is still accepting of offers, I do so love a good exploration. Along with protecting the good souls of the world, so if I am able to, would like to accompany you on your way.

Signed, Aeonn of the Eight


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(( @Nectorist, @Spoons @Suicidium @DesiredBreakfast @Keefy @funnayyyyy @HeftyDonut @TwistedFries @TreeSmoothie @Sorcerio @altiar1011 @Roguechaotic @RhythmrhymE

For the events and event-related announcements please use this Discord. I was unable to keep up with the volume of traffic on the thread so I'll coordinate in this discord through announcements!


https://discord.gg/Ct64vhyaYk ))

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[!] The Nebula Druid called for a hasteful messenger raven to deliver his letter to the traveler. When opened it reads:


"Hello, Brother Aaliyah~

      I would love to be by your side when you travel to these far off lands. I am truly fascinated by the experiences of a different land. I don't seek any Mina since it has little value to me and the peoples I live among. I am hoping you accept my offer. May the realm bless you with hasteful feet in the chance I don't accompany you.

Please reach out to me if you are willing to have me,
Xodorin Arvellon, The Nebula Druid~"

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[!] A letter would arrive per dove, being dropped at the traveler's feet. If opened, it'd read;

"Greetings to you, brave traveler.

I would be honored to accompany you on your travels to an unknown land. I truly am an adventurous young spirit seeking for a greater purpose in life. I am looking forwards to your response, sir. I am rather skilled in medicine, cooking and if need be - fighting, as support, and I would appreciate it greatly if you allowed me to stand alongside you men and women.


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[!] A raven carrying a letter would drop it's delivery at the feet, or on the head, of the traveler, it would read:


"Greetings Brother Aaliyah,

I would be honored to join you and lend my help to you if you would allow it, I seek no payment, the view of new lands and the sounds of nature is all I need. I hope you will accept and allow me to experience this adventure along with you and all those you bring"

Signed, Seraphina Arvellon, The Phoenix Druid

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[!] A neatly written letter would arrive at the location of Brother Aaliyah, bearing the insignia of a platypus on the top.


I am keen to embark on a new adventure. If need be, I am an expert air mage with a firm ability using fire, too. My daughters Aidevo and Celestine would also be fine assets on this excursion.


I look forward to working with you soon.


-- Red

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A letter would arrive on The Wandering Bazaar, the handwriting is rather messy and seemingly rushed, or maybe the author has no solid surface to writes on.


Salam. You might not remember it but you gave me a beautiful carpet from your homeland for nothing, now one of my prized possessions. I shall join you on your expedition to return the favor. I eagerly wait for your reply.


Sincerely yours,

Ishmael of the Sands

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