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A letter of challenge is publicly posted throughout Haelun'or. 

To Daerine Elibar'acal,


I hear the whispers of your treachery. I am told that you are bound by marriage to a worshipper of Xan; that you praise this deity’s tenants and mix with the mindless swine who bow to gods. I would readily condemn any thilln who lose their sanity to such things. And yet, the own Matriarch of the Elibar’acal Talonnii? 


I know you have read my words, mali’ata, so heed them once more! The past defines your family, and you cannot hope to escape it. I challenge your status as Matriarch, I challenge your worthiness of my ancestors’ blood. I challenge your purity.


Meet me in debate, and let your words do what your actions have so clearly failed to demonstrate. May all mali’thilln witness and deem a champion of this contest.


I await your response,

Irulan Elibar’acal

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[!] A reply was quickly sent, in the handwriting of Laurir Daerine Elibar'acal.


To Mister Irulan Elibar'acal,

    I appreciate your concern for the wellbeing of the family, but I have never met you nor do I understand why you would wish to challenge my status while we are sailing away from our previous homeland. Nonetheless, I completely accept your invitation to a debate. With this, I would also like to say that I do not worship the Aengul Xan, nor does my husband. Yes, he is bound by to Xan, but we are separate beings. I do not agree with every choice he has made in his life, but I have known him long before he became a paladin. I wish for that to be made clear before a debate is struck.


  Give me a time and a date, cousin, and we may discuss this.


All the best,


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Keledan read the challenge from his vessel's helm, finding its contents intriguing.


"Let us be rid of what vestiges of the Light dare remain. Break your family's shackles, challenger."

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