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The Declaration of The Evarsae'ker


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This missive would be transcribed many times and sent to any and all groups or individuals of the Mali’ker people


As I sit here, sailing on the ships to our new land, I think about my past. Being on this ship reminds me of my time as a sailor in my youth, before I decided to settle down and find a home. First Vira’ker, then Asimu’lei, then Ker’Okarn, and then Aegrothond, and now, who knows. I think about our peoples’ past. I think about the many cities we have built. I think about the stories that have been written, by pen and sword alike. I think about the tales of our ancestors, laying the foundations for everything we take for granted.


And then, I think about our future. However, I am not sure what to think. I am afraid.


I am afraid that once again, the ‘ker will be forced to wander, not having the luxury of having a long term home. One that they can depend on to raise their children in, and give them a sense of belonging. Many places have done this in the past, but with things the way they are now, the future is uncertain at best.


Some time ago, I spoke to my friends in the Royal Sylvaen family, and we discussed this. We spoke about how the ‘ker deserve a home. One that will last through time. But, after the discussion, I thought not much more of it. It wasn’t until the Inferi war where I was gravely wounded, where I had some time to rest and think about what I could do to help my people.


I realized that what my people needed, was something that I could provide. After much thought, and with the blessing of my friends here in the Elvenesse council, I have decided to give birth to a new community of Mali’ker. A humble home, where we can express our culture, and be around our own kin. One where the needs of all ‘ker are met, and we can live in harmony.


This new home will be named the Evarsae’ker, and it will be open to all and any Mali’ker who wish to work together for a brighter tomorrow; and I promise you that I will do everything in my power to make this more then a piece of land, this will be a home. A home where we can grow old, and leave a legacy for the next generation to follow, one that we can all be proud of looking back on at the end of our days.


This, is my dream.


And as I sail towards these new lands, where our future is unclear, I know one thing. Though I know we are facing down challenging times...


I have hope.




Sevrel Valin’dar


Each missive would be signed by Sevrel, before they would be sent out to the 'ker that now wander in search of a home.


[OOC]: if this sounds like something you are interested in, please feel free to shoot me a message on discord, Cherry Blossom 🌸#9001 and ask any questions you might have. More will follow this post in the coming days, so do keep an eye out 😉 


Meme RP encouraged





Edited by CorweenieTheJedi
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A Mali'ker lofts the parchment from her desk. Glancing out to the thick jungles around her. Her gaze shifts down to the paper a moment more. Brows visibly twitching.


"The Deja vu is unreal." She comments, earning a soft grunt from another Ker.. Adorn with axe in hand. "And he forgot to mention Renelia." She added, rising up to look it over a moment more. 


"Gonna respond?" Asked the other Ker. The dark elf woman shakes her head. 


"No. At least, not yet. Let us watch our kin build their homes. Watch what times gives the Ker. Unity.." the Ker gives a sad smile to the paper as she sets it down. Leaving to get back to work on the lumber. 


"Seriously the Deja vu is intense."

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In the frozen North, Velsyni Indoren read over the letter with a quiet hum of thought. Adjusting the crown atop her head, the woman set the paper aside. "Interesting. Seems there are interesting ideas all around, these days. I suppose I should make my intentions known soon." With that, the 'ker scribbled down a quick reminder in her ledger, and returned to getting her shop up and running.

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A cold breeze rolls through Tor'Celian. 


Within the dense canopy was a clearing, a clearing in which 5 Mali'ker were seated together. They all shared the same pale eyes and platinum-like hair. A distinct and unique look for the Ashen Folk, no doubt.


The missive, just like it had for the other 'ker fell right into their hands. They each read it, scanning over every detail or hidden meaning between the lines of the letter. A call to unity for their kin, but what would it get them? "What culture is this Sevrel looking to bring to the Ashen Folk? The same spirit worship practiced by the 'ker of the Onyx Sanctum? If anything, this missive differs nothing from the one the self proclaimed Primarch sent out! What if this Sevrel worships the Orcish spirits just like the Jusmia does? The horror!"


Alyndel rose from the log he was seated on, and packed a clean pair of heretic toucher gloves. He set out in the direction of Elvenesse, wondering if his curiousity would pay off.

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