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Vihaiir'Metta - Whisperer of Birds - Tahorran


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The Tahorrans


Tahorran are proud warriors, who for centuries defended their ancestral 

riverlands from outside invaders. In order for an elf of the tribe to earn the rights and privileges of a warrior, they must earn the favour of the tribes’ patron, Nemglan. In the old ways the Tahorrans would catch a bird and bend their will to follow the Tahorran’s command, this going against the beliefs of the Mani of Freedom. And so the Princess of the birds of prey, told her children to fly up in the sky, away from the Mali’ame. Until one Tahorran prove to be worthy of her blessing

To prove them worthy of her blessing, the Princess will lower one of her children, knowing that they fly too high in the sky for anyone to reach, and place it on the path of the one who wishes to be blessed.  Once the bird of prey is on the Vihaiir’s path, the soon to be warrior will create a bond with Nemglan’s child and then train to become one with the bird as generations of Tahorran Warriors did before them.








The Vihaiir are those who seek for Nemglan’s blessing, those who will find a bird of prey on their path for the first time, creating a bond and training with the bird to become lifelong companions. The Vihaiir lack the knowledge to create said bond and to teach the bird to answer to certain commands, for these they will need a teacher.




The Vihaiir’Metta are those who have received Nemglan’s blessing, those who have acquired the knowledge to create a bond and to teach the skills to the birds. The Vihaiir’Metta have successfully managed to create a strong bond and train with the bird, receiving a lifelong companion. When the Vihaiir becomes a Vihaiir’Metta, they will receive some markings too, if they are Tahorrans they get the Warrior Markings, if they are not part of the Seed they will receive the Vihaiir’Metta Markings. The Tahorrans may choose to get both Tattoos.


Elder Vihaiir'Metta


The Elder Vihaiir’Metta are those who have received Nemglan’s blessing long ago. They have the task of teaching how to bond and train with a bird, following the path of the Mani of Freedom. They have bonded and trained with countless birds over their lives, following strictly the path of the Princess, showing respect to not only her children but all the animals in the realm. The Elder Vihaiir’Metta would have managed to craft a feathered cloak over the years, getting them from their own companion’s plumage and those that their students have managed to bond with.




The Bonds



The Savior


In this path, Nemglan will pull down one of her children to ground for a Vihaiir to find. The seeker of Nemglan’s blessing will have to get it out of danger and later, they will take the time to heal the child of Nemglan and with it, the Savior bond will be created. The bond will grow stronger until the bird’s wounds are healed. Then the final test arrives, will the bird stay with the Vihaiir?

The Kin


In this path, Nemglan will give a child to an already trained bird. The companion of the adult bird will give the egg or the fledglings to a seeker of Nemglan’s blessing.The seeker will take this child under their wing creating the Kin bond. The bond grows stronger until the bird reaches adulthood. Then the final test arrives, will the bird stay with the Vihaiir?


The Forced


In this path, the seeker will take a child from Nemglan, without her blessing. The bird will be trapped in a cage and forced to bend its will to the tamer. With no final test given, as it will remain in the cage until obeying what the tamer commands. This is called the Forced bond, and it goes against Nemglan’s blessing and the Tahorran's beliefs.




Testing the Bond

Timing: 1 year irp


As the bird reaches adulthood, or finds itself healed from all injuries, the bond will be tested. If you will have the Savior bond or the Kin bond, you will give the chance to your bird to decide if either they will stay with you or if they will fly to be free. If you have treated the bird with patience, kindness and respect, if you have let your bond grow stronger, then the bird will choose to stay with you. But if you have failed to do this, then the bird will decide to fly free.

-Red Lines-

  • The first time the Vihaiir bonds with the bird, they will need an Elder Vihaiir'Metta to teach them the techniques to do so.

  • This bond will have to be rebuilt if the bird dies, but next time the Whisperer will not need an Elder.

  • Once they don’t need the Elder to bond, the success of the bonding will be based on rolling. A bad roll means you will have to try again after half an rp year.


Testing the Training

Timing: 1 month irp per skill


The Bond being tested is not the final test to become a warrior between the Tahorrans or the Vihaiir’Metta. They have shown that the bird sees them as a companion, but now they will both have to become one with each other. They will have to train together to fight, to hunt and, as a final test to receive the Vihaiir’Metta’s markings, to dance.


-Red Lines-

  • The first time the Vihaiir trains the bird, they will need an Elder Vihaiir'Metta to teach them the techniques to do so.

  • These skills will have to be redone if the bird dies, but next time the Whisperer will not need an Elder.

  • Once they don’t need the Elder to train the bird, the success of the training will be based on rolling. A bad roll means you will have to try again after an rp month.

  • Only one skill per month can be taught.




Training your Bird


Step up


To train your companion to step up to your arm, you start by talking to it with a soft and calm tone, gently stepping closer and, depending on the size, extend your forearm or hand to the bird. If you manage to get your hand or forearm beside the bird, then you must press its belly while speaking the word that will be its command. Try this daily but don't do it that much in the day or it will get used to the treats more than the command.




To train your companion to react to its name, you must repeat the name you chose with a calm and soft tone, almost melodically and giving it treats. Soon whenever you speak its name, it will turn to you. Try this daily but don't do it that much in the day or it will get used to the treats more than the name.


Come back


To train your companion to fly back to you, you should call its name, extend a hand with a treat while saying the command word you chose with a soft calm tone, finally saying the step up command and extending your hand or forearm. Try this daily but don't do it that much in the day or it will get used to the treats more than the command.




To train your companion to fly, you must toss a treat to the air while speaking the command word you chose with a soft and calm tone, lifting your hand to give it a boost. Try this daily but don't do it that much in the day or it will get used to the treats more than the command.




To train your companion to attack, you will speak the command word you chose while striking an object. The bird will understand the hostility to the object and will attack too. Once it does you should reward it with a treat. Try this daily but don't do it that much in the day or it will get used to the treats more than the command.




To train your companion to target, you will point at an object while speaking the attack command, once it attacks what you pointed you will give it a treat. Try this daily but don't do it that much in the day or it will get used to the treats more than the command.




To train your companion to deliver something, you will tie the object to its leg and then whisper the Name of the receiver and the command of fly. For this you must make the bird remember the name of the receiver by letting it stare at the face while you repeat the name softly and calmly. Start by doing it with people around you and give it a treat when the bird successfully delivers, soon it will not need to be tied as it might grab it with its peak. Try this daily but don't do it that much in the day or it will get used to the treats more than the command.




Attack Command with more Details

Emote Count: 3 (1 appearance, 1 command, 1 execute)




When you manage to train the bird to attack, it will be able to fight with you in crp. The bird will attack an opponent until it is told otherwise and it will not interfere with the Whisperer of Birds’ attack.




The Whisperer of Birds will command their bird to attack someone over 3 emotes. The first emote is for the opponent to know that the bird is over them. The second emote will be for the Whisperer to command the bird to attack, unless the bird saw the hostility of the Whisperer on an opponent, in which case the bird will attack too. And the final emote is for the bird’s attack. Once the bird starts to attack it only requires 1 emote per attack, and will keep attacking unless told otherwise.

-Red Lines-

  • The Bird can be commanded to attack while the Whisperer is attacking and it can also see the hostility towards someone and attack by itself.

  • The Bird can attack independently and does one attack per emote.

  • After the command is given it is only needed the emote of the attack

  • The Bird can’t be bigger than a golden retriever.

  • The Bird needs to let others know of their presence.

  • The Bird can be taken down.

  • The Bird can be stopped by another’s companion.

  • The Bird can die, in which case the Whisperer will have to bond and train with another bird if willing to do so.

  • The Bird can be wounded, in which case it will need to be found and healed.



-Emote Guide-

  • Emote 1(Whisperer): An eagle shriek could be heard over them, and if the gaze is lifted, a brown eagle will be seen gliding as it draws circles over the sky. Its gaze down on the group but nothing is being done yet.

  • [Opponent’s Emote]

  • Emote 2(Whisperer): The Whisperer will command the bird to attack the opponent while moving forward himself to let his spear strike over the target’s chest.

  • Emote 3(Whisperer): The brown eagle will let out a shriek while pulling its wings to its torso and dive into the air, reaching a high velocity as it aims to the [Opponent]'s head. Opening its wings at the last minute to let its claw go forward, aiming to slash through [Opponent]'s face.

  • [Opponent’s Emote]




The Ilmuyier



Once they approve this final test they will receive the Tahorran Markings of the Warrior. These Markings are different for each warrior, for they will choose the design, but they must be on the face and have a stripe over the eye level. Both our Chieftains have different Tattoos.


Laetranis ap Tahorran has inked on his face the stripe over the eye level and four coyote fangs, two below each eye. While Anessén ap Tahorran has inked on his face the stripe over the eye level and four small eagle feathers, two below each eye.


They can also choose to get inked two feathers attached by a string over the shoulder blade, whether it's the left or right it will be decided by them too. This marking will be given to those outside the Seed that wish to be a Vihaiir'Metta. The feathers boast many tones of purple. The reference will be the one below.






Out of Character Info


  • You will receive an rp item that will have the description of your bird, a comment on what names will the bird answer to and from whom will the commands be received. It will also be signed by an Elder Vihaiir'Metta.

  • Reference for skin:









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