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❅ The Tuvmas Study ❅


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Studies done by Madame Bon Bon


The Tuvmas Exploration


“What is Tuvmas?”

   Tuvmas is the celebrated holiday of St. Tobias who is the patron saint of Merchants, Comets, Wealth, and Charity. St. Tobias of Sarkoz is well-known for his spiritual and moral awakening as he reached a grandeur of wealth in his later life. His primary action of giving a poor Haenseti his meal interval being one of the most memorable moments that resonate throughout the holiday. Celebrated in the month of Joma, this day of festivity is commonly prepared over the duration of time with a variety of blessed activities which we will dwell into further over the course of this article. It is rumored St. Tobias returns on the blessed night of Tuvmas Eve and grants the good Canonist children presents which are delivered by himself and his goblins.

  • Tuvmas is the canonist version of Krugmas which is celebrated in different parts of the realm!


“What is the Tuvmas Tree?”

    The Tuvmas tree is an old traditional with origins that cannot fully be pinpointed. It is said that the Tuvmas tree is  meant to resemble a blessed evergreen from Paradisus - the city which was built by Horen - for its leaves never change hue. Some rumor that the tree’s blessed abilities cause it to be able to withstand the cruelest of winters, remaining sturdy in the gruesome weather or climate. It is common that families decorate their parlours or living spaces with the trees to make it easier for St. Tobias to find their households and grace it with wealth - and for his goblins to rest gifts beneath for the children. At times the trees are usually decorated in tiers to resemble the seven skies: the most favored and precious ornaments and decorative pieces toward the top of the tree while the lesser are closer to the bottom. It is also tradition that the top of the tree is decorated with a small centerpiece resembling either that of a silver comet or a bronze St. Tobias. Here are some common decorations for Tuvmas trees: pinecones, candles, coins with St. Tobias on their faces, ribbons, beads, ornaments, and faux-flowers. 


  • There is tradition in the Oren Empire in which a silver comet or star is placed upon the palace tree by a young child selected by the reigning Empress or Emperor.

  • In Haense they tend to place a giant tree in their square for all to see and enjoy!

  • Anne the I was known for having the first Tuvmas tree with working flickering lights, thanks to an assortment of court engineers and mages.


“What is the Tuvmas stocking?”

      The Tuvmas stocking is a tradition which began with the peasantry class who were unable to afford or obtain an evergreen tree for their household - or even fit one in - beckoning forth this alternative. Rather than using the more expensive option. These stockings were usually filled with small amounts of coin, smaller toys, and candy. Over the years specific stockings made for Tuvmas would be hung by the chimney or the doors to be filled with goodies. Few lower-class families still use this option and the upper-class tend to use both stockings and evergreens to receive presents or to simply have as decor. 


  • It is expected for coal to be placed in your stocking by St. Tobias if you misbehaved through the year leading up to Tuvmas Eve! 

  • Famous stocking stuffers include; smaller toys, trinkets, and candies!


“What is the Tuvmas Candelabrum?”
        Another Tuvmas tradition involves the candelabrum in which seven candles are lit to represent the tiers of the seven skies. It is commonly done the year before Tuvmas Eve in which a candle is lit everyday to honor St. Tobias and the Saints. During these seven months it is primarily expected for families to host or participate in charities in which they honor the Saint they worship in the month of Joma: Tobias. This is also considered a month of cleansing which involves the church as the main priority. Majority of the time a variety of church charity events and masses shall be held to celebrate the Year of the Candelabrum.
Some households favor scented candles such as peppermint!

“What are some Tuvmas Tales?”
  As time goes on the surplus of tales have grown with age, encouraging twisting of their words, or development of them with time gone on. They are mostly spoken at fireplaces among the youth as to bring them holiday cheer and a night full of blessed dreams! They expand from romances to adventures depending on where you go or who you ask. Here are some of the lovely tales which are spoken on Tuvmas!

Some of the Tuvmas tales surround St. Tobias and his miracles! 
Some believe St. Tobias is carried through the snowy skies by his trusted deers that fly!


“What is the ‘Tuvmas’ Cuisine?”
Food which the imperial feast upon would be considered something worth traveling across all of the nations to just have a taste of. A family commonly gathers together at this time of  the year to share in a bountiful meal. The menu for each family usually varies depending on their cultural backgrounds, yet, the majority eat in larger quantities compared to other times of the year. Courses usually include a main bird such as a turkey or goose, a series of vegetables such as peas, carrots, or squash, and a surplus of other sides. They also decorate cakes and cookies of ginger and make sweet chocolate drinks!
Wines are very famous during this season as they are used to accompany many Tuvmas meals.
Cherry cordials are a famous treat eaten in Oren due to being made famous thanks to Empress Anne I
Haense is known for their very strong liquor drinks during this season!
In Oren households a Tuvmas cake is usually made which could take for hours! It is a favorable tradition among women and bakers as they spend up to hours intricate decorating a cake to be eaten on the night of Tuvmas Eve. 


“What arts are involved in Tuvmas?”
Productions, songs, poetry, and more! Alongside the traditional tales a variety of more art has begun to dawn throughout the centuries! These pieces most commonly revolve around the Joma holiday itself! These can include - yet not limited to: carols, ballets, operas, poems, playwrights, and more.
One famous ballet is called The White Knight which was composed by Emerentia Kovachev and choreographed by Louisa Ashes. 
The de la Baltas family are known for their Tuvmas poetry 
Yulya S. has mentioned Tuvmas in her writings.

Ending Notes
I thank you for taking the time to read this. And I thank @VIROS
 for helping me through it with my constant questions!


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"Toveah Goldman is a saint? This is very concerning," says corrupt Abresi Guard Recruit and frequent Goldman Co. vandal Jack Fletcher from the depths of the Void. 

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Yuliya notices that she's mentioned in the study and leaves a note about bookshops and libraries where one might find her Rosebud Trilogy featuring St. Tobias.




The third installment in the trilogy, titled ACCURSED, is still in its development phases


A rumor floats around town that they're working on a staging of GOLDEN SON in Haense too... starring some very interesting and controversial actors! 


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Edward Napier enjoys this academic breakdown of the history of this most wonderful of Imperial Holidays and traditions!

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