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loneliness hurts


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being alone hurts af, the pain my heart feels is as physical as getting punched, i was kinda used to be lonely and felt it was normal and i could deal with it normally until I met some people in a very unual day of my life, I kinda felt this huge hole going away and a ******* happy energy in my body flowing like when i was used to feel when i was a kid, i tried my whole life to be happy alone but i can't fight my inner needs, socializing is a must and i have to leave my basement or i'm dying of depression, it's scientifically prooved it's impossible to be trully happy alone

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Being alone is debilitating. But being comfortable alone for periods of time isn’t a skill everyone has. Finding the balance of a social life is key. Just gotta put yourself out there sometimes and it’s scary and it can suck. But you’re right, being alone makes for a hard time finding happiness. Hope your day goes well from here.

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I googled around and I tried to find some resources online to help you out.


Here's some international Suicide/Mental Health hotlines:


R0gue | Fire Soldier | on Twitter: "International suicide hotlines  #MakeChesterProud #Fuckdepression #depression #SuicidePrevention #LPfamily  #Lifeline… https://t.co/KdYRfuDVjN"


7 Cups of Tea is a website where you're paired with a person trained in affirmative listening who will hear your issues and validate them.




imalive.org is similar and you can chat with a volunteer trained to provide you with crisis intervention help.




Here's a list of European suicide prevention/crisis intervention organizations.




There isn't much I can do since I don't know where you live or what mental health treatment is like in your country. But please know that people out there care for you and we want you to feel better and happier.

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What kind of wretched comments are these? This is a member of our community, and ultimately, a real person behind this, who's clearly hurting, what the hell is wrong with you Witherly anyway, uh.. LOTC's a problemed community, but we're still a community, and I suggest you join some subgroups and discords - it's no permenant fix, but some good talks can happen there. : )

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19 minutes ago, Hanrahan said:

What kind of wretched comments are these? This is a member of our community, and ultimately, a real person behind this, who's clearly hurting, what the hell is wrong with you Witherly anyway, uh.. LOTC's a problemed community, but we're still a community, and I suggest you join some subgroups and discords - it's no permenant fix, but some good talks can happen there. : )


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I don't really know who you are but I hope that you find the way to solve your problems and be happy in your life.


Here's a very wise quote from my friend Lyon that you may find useful: "I know that life is full of beauty and that It's worth of living, even if today is not".


Feel free to message me if you need someone to talk with. I like helping people :).

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theres too many levels to this

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chuck we dont know each other well but youre an absolute whirlwind of emotions rn


i hope ur ok.

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