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An Anchored Longing


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Upon a cool afternoon within the city of Providence, a pallid youth sat by his bedroom window, knuckles pale as he gripped his quill and penned words upon a page. His gaze occasionally flicked to peer out over the snow-clogged streets of the city, beyond the walls and to the stretches of sea. With boyish fascination, Vinzant var Ruthern spent hours, lonesome in his room, jotting lines through words he felt clumsily fitted with others and scribbling characters a near dozen times to perfect their particular shape and indent upon the page. He had practised for some time, writing and rewriting, before completing his emotive work.

Patent shoes, I do not do–
I stalk these halls, bare-footed
True. Search my pockets for
stolen linen, needle, cheese
My toes are loud– they creak.

At my windowsill, clouds
smear the sky like spilt glue
and I wonder what toils, what shower
will crack from the vault–
blessed this pane, rain given unto me.

Open the shutters, Cry Havoc!
Wet my hands, my cheeks, my face
bloom me in this necropolis–
raise hydrangeas from my toes
I am sick of only water-logged eyes.

He watches me– his ruby pupil
propped in the eye of a sentry, a marble Aengul
his mumbling words, his gripping fist
he thunders with no vapour, no downpour
I dodge his arcing javelin, his thudding tome.

Patent leather, I do not do–
I miss my mother, her satin touch
her slipper shoe. Wrap me in swaddling
silk and cotton, return me to
her blooming womb.

In every wall is a cornerstone
bleak bricks built non-breaking–
‘Am still searching this institution
for tiny resolutions, a crack
for invasive and engulfing oceans.

Spill forth! Let me be
Ruther in this moment,
Let me hammer my own thunder
crumble this tower
bring me to the far ice-melt greens.

352 ES | 3 S.A.
written by Vinzant Nikolas var Ruthern




Edited by whiteferrarii
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Erik var Ruthern smiles as his son begins start writing poems. He'd hang a copy up next to his daughters art work for the whole family to see.

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